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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. Thought Roger Palmer was like Lord Lucan - obviously not! True legend but should have turned up at our survival game and stuff etc - eeeh he is a rascal isnt he!!!
  2. Some good ideas. Atmos went downhill when all seating stadia came into force. Sections of singers used to be able to stand next to each other at will. Also sitting down you cant generate as much noiz as standing up. I think really it is down to individuals passion and spirit. I think some people have seen a decline over the last 10 years that the spirit has been drained from them so their will to get up and sing has gone. I am utterly baffled by there only being half of the Chaddy singing and the other half not - very confusing. As I have said before, if you are sat amongst a group of people who clearly dont want to sing and you feel you cannot express yourself amongst them, come and sit at the bottom right hand side of the Chaddy. There are a section of us who will have a sing song regardless of whether anyone else is joining. As far as the drum is concerned, it DOES get people going but just needs to be a little more choicy of which songs it is trying to get going. Without it I feel we would be part of a Specials song (no not Much Too Young) - Ghost Town!
  3. On a more positive note thought the atmos was good in the second half - some real noiz created in the paddocks and the CE- can hardly talk today - enjoyed it last nite barring the result!
  4. Please let on next time, i am the spiky one swaying next to the dance floor.
  5. cheers leezyverpunk and thanks for coming down again mate. next one is on thurs 27th december. i will post details of the bands etc soon on here. Qualiteee - xmas punk mash up - purfick!
  6. The Fractions - fast energetic ska-punk - young lads - very talented - excellent. Flat Back Four - real quality - hard to describe - a mixture of US Punk/Hardcore and Oi - funny, fast and in yer face - surprise how good they were! Flat Caps & Boddingtons - Irish Folk/Punk - not my cup of tea but they were alright. All in all a brill gig - good mixture, shame about the turnout - got to try and build this up so we can get regular punk nights back in Owdum and may lead to bigger bands but the 2 gigs I have been to have been highly enjoyable. Keep it going Diggle, I'd be gutted if it falls flat on it's ass!
  7. Don't really get booing Terry and Robinson, neither of them played in that farce of a game vs Croatia.
  8. Who's Neal Armstrong - gawd you lot are weird!
  9. Dokken is a heavy metal Nordic group - may add some STEEL into our midfield, may become our ROCK, in a bad week just goes to show every cloud has a SILVER lining, maybe he will become a MERCURIal winger, and Shezza may have just hit GOLD - rhubarb rhubarb!!!
  10. I like the word 'free' - like in the late 80's I was scratchin around for my free nelson mandela but could i get hold of one - NO!!!
  11. Mourinho aint scared of the English media so wouldn't bow to public pressure and wouldn't pass panic onto the players.
  12. COME ON PEOPLE - be there or be a rhombus!
  13. Havent got bloomin youtube - DARN! Will get to see em live on firsday though anyroad!
  14. quote name='sheridans_world' date='Nov 20 2007, 13:14 PM' post='70095'] Cool the Fractions, i know all of them, went to my school. Edit: Saying that, its nothing like the original line-up four years ago. One has gone to new Zealand, one has left the band. I know two or three of them now i think... [/quot] Are they not young uns then or is that a rash assumption!
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