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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. So 'US MORONS' should clap him for 90 minutes on Saturday and jump up and down if he scores - I DONT FINK SO - he will get what he deserves - you may be able to control your emotions but when I go to BP everything is out in the open so don't be expecting ME to keep a lid on it - I cheered for him when he was a Latic amidst all the booing but now he is an ex-Latic and in rather bad circumstances he will geddit!
  2. Dunno why we didnt give him more of a shout - legend without even kickin a ball in anger for our 1st team!
  3. Diegooo whoooa whoa - ho, Diego whoooa whoa - ho! Class act, would love him back at BP!
  4. Not heard out by these are they any good? Are you goin t'Jackson's Pit t'neet? I am bit ruff but will show me ugly mush! Worth £2 gfor 3CR alone!!!
  5. Sorry but that is utter nonsense - Eardley is a good tackler, sometimes suspect position-wise but he is only young and learning, he has pace to burn and gets forward a lot and fizzes in high quality crosses - wont miss him - my buttocks! He is a great young player and if Shezza has made him captain, he must have an air of influence on the lads - granted, he made some dodgy passes but I think he is defo one of our better players!
  6. Could've done with keeping that Ronaldinho chap - remember wotchin him playing for t'reserves against Cowdenbeath in a friendly, didnt show too muchg in that game only the 15 goals and 12 assists but can quite understand why why didnt bother - nae mind - think Taylor is better any road!
  7. Definetly - Diego whooooa whooa, Diego whooooa whooa! what about Peter Lichfield and Russell Bromage - both came at the same time - class acts - NOT!!!!
  8. Agree entirely - ohhhh Gary Garyyyy, Gary Gary Gary Gary Hoolickin! What about Aldo - we had him on trial didn't we!!
  9. Erikkson+boring football= win nowt! MacLaren+boring football=win nowt! Capello+boring football=bring back the hopes and dreams of a nation sooo starved of success for such a long time!!! Thad'll do f'me!!!
  10. this guy is a winner and doesn't believe in player power - he gets things done his way and his way is succesful - would love Pearcey involved alongside him learning from him - we really could do with a couple of Englanders working around hin learning how a genius works!
  11. We cant afford not to seek a sponsor!!! The best really has to be BP...for obvious reasons....so as long as it isnt something taki like Alidi or something I would happy... I will still call it Boundar Park...im sure we all will....but NEVER turn down hard cash! Sheer snobbery!!!
  12. Apparently me and me mates used to shout 'NEE-ULL, NEE-ULL' so much that people still talk about it now - we loved him, he really seemed to put the effort in every game and put full-backs on the retreat - sheer quality!
  13. Wasnt there due to family commitments but am sooo chuffed we finally got our proposal accepted. I agree with everyone re Diego steering us in the right direction, sent a few mails to these councillors and got quite encouraging responses from them. I wouldnt have had a clue who to write to otherwise so ta mucker! TTA ARE OAFC no matter what happens in the future they are as important to our history as any of the legends that have represented our beloved club before. A tribute should defo be made to these saints of Owdum definitely!
  14. Taint that bleedin bad - not where I sit anyway - too cynical too young Rocky!
  15. I'm certainly not gonna boo him during a game - it is simply counter productive to do so, but perhaps the club should come out and say he's still struggling with an injury if that's the case - perhaps that will keep a few of those who DO choose to voice their opinions at the match, off his back. I should just add to all of this that I really do hope he comes good - when we signed him I thought it was an excellent signing - good experience and potentially a good coach for Pogs - now I'm just not convinced anymore. Even if it came out he had 2 broken legs, once the boo boys have a particular player in their sightts, they go on regardless. A complete waste of negative energy but I think some people are born to moan and aren't happy if not doing so - like me now for example - D'OH!
  16. Let us all not forget, whilst the dee-fence is copping quite a bit of stick, what about our bleedin attackers - chances are going begging, we aint killing teams off. We are playing well and the last 2 games have left a bitter-sweet taste, great performances, not so good results. I don't attend away games so expect at least 4 points in the next couple of weeks!!
  17. Ref and liners were completely cakk - another pathetic set of officials spoinling our games - we should sue them - we pay good money to see a decent game of footy and they turn up EVERY frikkin week and balls it up for us - AAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!
  18. Didnt think was too bad on Satdi, thought we created quite a lot of noiz - mebbe I am just hearing things. Think the refs we are getting are sooo bad, everyone gets so wound up we are all on our toes trying to be the extra man to go against their 12th man - I am struggling to speak today - can't wait for the next home game - 3 points I hope at last!
  19. Don't think Crossley is that bad and certainly don't think he has earnt the criticism he is getting, that is just my opinion and I appreciate everyone has the right to voice theirs. But booing him during the match - wtf do people think THAT is going to achieve? Would you rather see him say sorry to the fans, walk off the pitch and be replaced by a complete rookie. I was well annoyed with the boo-boys, the same people that applauded his saves int he 2nd half. Again I realise not everyone thinks the same thank god but just think about it before you start booing the people representing your beloved club.
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