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Everything posted by SavageTheBeast

  1. Made a comment saying that he didn't have 6 pence to spend here
  2. In the new stand would it be electronic which tend to be smaller then normal
  3. Thought you was going to put in we will fight them on the beaches somewhere in that. All true though
  4. He also mentions Millar as well have the official website missed something here
  5. Not many managers have the Uefa pro A licence so please stop looking for the negatives. He's the most qualified manager we have in ages. As Opinions for you says :censored: off
  6. Lowe just had his contract cancelled wouldn't mind him would bring experience for the team. If our wingers do their work with Baxter then he would bang goals in for us
  7. He's one just been released today Gary Roberts but heard he's going chesterfield
  8. He signed an extension from mid march to the end of the season
  9. Take the Swindon game out of it we matched every side we played. Look at the team we have and were are they now barring Furman
  10. If we did not have an owner who sold at first price he would be worth a million burner do do that's why Baxter's valuation is so low
  11. You mad fam. We need a translator to understand him plus Montano
  12. He wants to create a football rugby and racing tv channel for the Bbc
  13. He's from Kuwait not Palestine. As a follower of rugby league he's made a fool out of Salford wanting this and that made enemies within the RFL
  14. I'm with you dean here, only played a handful of games got no service. I think would have been a good partnership with Baxter
  15. Hopefully we can take around 500 like we do to Mossley every year
  16. All depends on the prices for the crowd. Could see them bringing 1500+ with good ticket prices
  17. We did tie him down to a long contract 2 years was a gamble so why are people going on about longer. Not many people at our level get more then two. I can only think of Morais at Stevenage (3 years) and baxter 2 and a half. So stop trying to slag the club off for this
  18. I think people are asking a lot if we think we are going to sign 6 additional players.
  19. I hear we are signing the Korean international right winger fuk-in-no-one
  20. How long we waiting for the hash tag matching on together
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