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Everything posted by Midsblue

  1. Whooooah too much positivity tonight for my liking. I'll only be happy when we're firmly in top 6, it's Feb 1st and we have signed Doyle and Byrne permanently.
  2. For those who are IT illiterate, how can I get a VPN? How much does it cost? Is it legal to use if I then pay the ifollow to watch streams?
  3. Perhaps the fans should suggest it to Richie via his Twitter account?
  4. Good point. Nixon claims he was due here today as a triallist for the Everton match but didn't turn up. Why a triallist if he's here on loan. Strange thing about Nixon. Seems to have a very keen interest in Oldham, regularly posting about us and follows Ibby. If he wasn't a reporter for The Sun and authenticated on Twitter I wouldn't be surprised if he was a regular poster on here!
  5. I'm sure he could still do a job for us. Similar usage aswe did with Shez when we signed him from Donny Rovers and his dodgy knees
  6. Is that from the Sun, which Alan Nixon on Twitter is from the same paper?! If he has signed on loan then I'm uncertain why he can't be named or fielded in the team. Appreciate he may be here due to Abdullah but if he has signed then unsure why the takeover will delay him playing - he's signed and legible or he hasn't signed?!
  7. Was about to Google that....it's been a long day bravo sir!
  8. Let's not let our imagination run wild here folks. We are a bang average L1 / L2 club here not a PSG or Man City where the transfer of players will generate millions in the chain via agent fees, resale amounts or shirt sales thus justifying the activity. The aim of signing Placide to resell and skim is ludicrous. It'll end up costing the stakeholders rather than profiting. Lets just see this as it actually is; Corney is working with Abdallah Lemsagam to strengthen the team whilst remains in FFP guideline via investment. If investment delivers new signings or sells the club then great. If we sign a Placide in return for us securing Byrne from Wigan then happy days in my eyes.
  9. Hypothetically..... 1. You buy a club for £9m 2. You sign a load of your players and field them in the team despite them being rubbish 3. Said players look and play rubbish thus devaluing their resale value further and club suffers as a result 4. No profits on player resales and no additional income arising from league or cup success 5. Your original investment of £9m is much less as a result of points 2 to 4 For such a commercial-astute and football agent "aficionado", the above isn't really logical or makes no sound business sense whatsoever. Even if he's simply an investor with Corney/Blitz holding the reins then (and I pause here as I expect flack from snipers) give Corney some respect that he would spot this a mile off especially if Shez criticises the calibre of said influx of players. Corney has swam with the sharks for long enough to warrant a six-figure annual injection (guesstimate) not being worthwhile as it would jeopardise the overall success....and their own financial investment. Skimming a few grand from player resales, which wouldn't even materialise if players proved to be rubbish on the pitch, isn't financially worthwhile. We're talking a moderate goalkeeper here not the buying and reselling of Buffon. Shez's pride might be dented if he's having players forced upon him but if those players enhance the team and we succeed from a position without those players then he'd be happy as it makes him look better. That said, I haven't read or heard anything that may suggest this. He's commented that Placide is a number 2 and still aiming for a number 1. If Placide proves to be better than Wilson than what's the issue?! Lets take the positives from this until we experience any negatives first hand.
  10. I anticipate an influx in African / French players. If we can bring in the next Makelele, Viera or Koure to police the midfield then happy days. A Yeboah or Lua Lua up front even better
  11. You can sign freebies but the EFL can cease any signing if your salary cap is breached and we're at risk of going bust. It's the salary as a factor as it's directly linked between income and expenditure to maintain running of the club. That said, there are ways around anyway. On book and off book transactions. Illegal but it definitely happens. How can some of our fellow clubs at our level operate when clearly the expected weekly salary far exceeds their income levels?!
  12. We're in essence a feeder club anyway - every club is apart from those at the very top and even then they develop players who are then snatched or sold. I don't mean a Manchester United B club, which can never legally happen under EFL rules anyway, but a club renown for developing players and then selling on. A Peterborough or even a Southampton. First step on ladder for us I reckon
  13. Exactly. I'd be happy to be a feeder club. We get success but only temp players. If it delivers promotion then I don't mind a new eleven every August
  14. Depend the terms and who's paying him and how. Also him and Belgian could be why the letters have materialised.
  15. Two reasons why someone would buy us - either to secure land/stadium and make a return or have an outlet to showcase players to sell. Scenario 2; Agent buys Oldham, fields their players in the EU window who then excel and then sold onto Championship, Premier League or EU clubs. I'm not fussed if it means success, attractive football but we then continually lose those players. Shez may not like it if he's being undermined on recruitment.
  16. Unless we pay them £0. It's not contractual position but us spending greater than our cap. The Belgian pushed us further above hence why we've had the letter rapping our knuckles
  17. I thought that sounded mutual. Well no doubt know more in coming days or weeks. If he's Xavi's agent and knows players of the calibre then investment and contacts would be greatly received. Look at Wolves and the Portuguese agent connections. Unlocked signings that would never typically happen for Wolves but has happened and boosted the club massively.
  18. That's my first thought. Football agent - so not billions but millions - or representative for someone much more affluent.
  19. FFS this is a honest interview reaffirming what most of us know but some on here still dispute that or churn conspiracy theory. Fact is our gates are low and commercial activity is limited to local interest. Therefore our income, to which we can generate a % for player purchases, is equally limited. Corney has increased that % so the EFL is warning us we can't spend above that % cap so either we reduce our spending or increase our income. We're not an attractive club to boost gates or increase commercial income other than local so outside investment is needed, which SC has continually been chasing. Also he's backed managers who has signed ineffective players that we currently cannot shift so therefore can't release back funds to add or replace. The guy wants to sell the club and I believe him that he's making sure whoever buys or invests can take the club forward as opposed to getting the best price. I'm as frustrated as everyone - Corney more than most - that we haven't succeeded on the pitch. This interview gives the faintest glimmer that the investment needed is closer than before. Dubai investment / takeover?
  20. Was signing Clarke & Gerrard on long-term a gamble too far and they're both unable to play together this season being a few months older and both slow anyway? Experience is crucial so perhaps bring in a more mobile defender in a back three or alternate the two of them in a back four?! Lets see what this week brings in respect of recruitment....
  21. I know you can't contain him but do you think that interview follows a quiet word from the board after the last interview?
  22. We have to ignore today's game as Wigan will be at the top come May and their budget dwarves ours significantly. However, questions need to be asked regarding Corney's comments around two or three surprises incoming AFTER we had signed the current squad apart from Wilson on loan. Also, what is the board's position regarding Shez's request that 5-6 new players needed. We've got 11 days in this window and I do expect comings and goings but it's obvious that some seriously injection is needed in the middle of the park, between the sticks, one at the back and another up front. If we have to be choosy then I think our midfield needs overhauling - two creative at least - so we stick with our strikers as is. Baxter would be cheap and despite his issues would improve the middle immediately. However I think we need a central defender though. Corney can't magic the funds obviously but the first three games is showing that it'll be one long and painful season fighting safety without strengthening. Does he want that or progress in the league to maintain and build on attendances?!
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