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Everything posted by Midsblue

  1. Whats the relevance of that comment? You said 3000 'gates' - that includes home and away support?! On topic of home support - will it be that affected? Will it heck. Those who bought STs last season and seasons previously are the diehard core. Apart from a very small number of 'dummy spitters', they'll still resubscribe. Anyone got data data on the ST sales for last 10 seasons plus demographic of ages 0-30, 30-55 and 55+? I would argue that not only do we have a hardcore fanbase but one where the younger demographic is static or growing. Relegation will not affect gate or ST sales
  2. Out of the 23 home games, I reckon we'll get at least one third of those above 3,000.
  3. Am I the only one who wasn't too bothered when the inevitable happened yesterday? Admittedly I was disappointed at the final whistle but after some reflecting I cannot wait for August and we start again. 21 years in the same league, same opposition and continual struggle had become boring. Different league, different opposition and hopefully the opportunity that most of our players this season will engineer their own leaving allowing us chance to rebuild. We're not guaranteed success but arguable they'll be a drop in standard of the opposition so I'd rather have a few seasons in the top half of a table rather than bottom. Apart from an unfounded comment in a paper, I very much doubt Corney will come back. Why suffer the grief without the finances to succeed. Let's see what Lemsagam brings this summer before writing us off eh? It's been confirmed by a number of sources we did make serious large offers for decent players in January so we have some money and I seriously doubt Lemsagam will cut investment simply because we were relegated and our gate may drop slightly. If our budget relied solely on gate income then our budget in previous seasons would have been far less than we experienced.
  4. He has a point. I fear for next season as most of the foreign legion hasn't been good enough. Starting with a manager who's knowledgable at L2 level and knows the player market in non-league.
  5. What does Pringle bring to the team? Why is Doyle drifting left? Why is Byrne playing too deep? many questions.....
  6. Even more unbelievable was AL paying £3 million for the club ...just the club ....no property ...operational debts ....languishing in the relegation positions of the third tier ...very few saleable players
  7. Lemsagam passed the fit and proper test didn't he? The EFL took an age with the buyout so surely the guy demonstrated he had funds to buy the club and continue running it? Also on topic of Fane - do we exactly know what was discussed between him and Lemsagam leading to suspension? The team haven't performed so if the owner wishes to tell a few home truths then that's his prerogative. Interesting the article suggests Wellens not aware of the suspension - who confirmed this? Wellens himself? An unknown source who's spoken to Wellens? Seems like a disgruntled employee who's got an axe to grind - one who's job is on the line or due to be terminated.... or an ex-employee who's leaving their post soon and a few quid for some 'inside knowledge' I'm not worrying until August and then only on basis of what happens in the summer on the recruitment front.
  8. If I don't have a subscription but watching from abroad this coming Saturday then can I just buy a match pass presumably in local currency - € or $?! Will it allow me even if I'm paying on a credit card registered in the UK? Do I just put the address of where I'm staying or does it's have to be my card address. Sorry for the Qs but even though I'm away I don't want to miss this game
  9. It'll all be dependent upon AL's wealth. If it's a promising youngster who's value will only appreciate then can we afford to reject anything below £1m? I guess we'll never truely know AL's wealth but we'll get an indication if we continue to sell for undisclosed fees or allow youth players to develop for 1-2 seasons whilst improving our team and our chances of progression.
  10. Adams, Milligan, Henry, Holden - probably the best I watched Josh Low, Paul Murray, John Eyre, David Eyres - one I remember fondly in early 00s. When we scored 6 against Mansfield with Wijnhard scoring 4.
  11. Based on home attendances we'd be 12th in League 2 at average 4406. Be interesting to see home support/ST sales of League 2 v Oldham. I'd say 2500-3000 so with 10-15% away, that'll be c3000 home gates?
  12. What's the current ST number sold? If we lose Saturday and relegation looks more like then I suspect the early bird will be extended further. c2500 ST holders is, I would say, our hardcore fan base. Fans who will buy tickets regardless of which division we're in. Those fans want to watch our team as opposed to the opposition. Also looking at League 2, a lot of the teams down there are teams we've played at League 1 over the years anyway; Swindon, Port Vale, Coventry/Notts County (one or both will stay down), Mansfield, Colchester. Even a couple of coast trips to Morecambe and Grimsby. Of course I want to stay up but will relegation impact us too much? After four or five (arguably) lean seasons on the playing budget, will cutting our cloth accordingly affect us next season? There's still uncertainty over AL's wealth but suggestion is that he has more than Corney plus he's focussed on the playing side rather than stadium etc. We'll obviously lose the likes of Doyle, Bryan but whoever comes in to replace Wellens will wheel and deal - I'd start by securing someone like the Cowley brothers who have experience and a great track record to scour non-league, sign some decent potential and play as a team rather than the odd diamond in the rough.
  13. Granted our defence has been affected by injury with Gerrard and Bryan out but both midfield and attack is arguably better than last season and the season before when we stayed up comfortably. Motivation is crucial. I don't mean players have stopped caring but I'm talking instilling positivity, attitude and leadership. Shez obviously has this ability after saving us twice and Fleetwood this season. Last night was a must win game to alleviate some of the pressure from the team. Hopefully they thrive on pressure because it's now been ramped up significantly. An effective manager should be able to instil in those players that every game now is a cup final - cliches I know but it's firing them up mentally. Difference of opinion I guess
  14. Filling the stadium shouldn't make any difference. Last night was a must win game - if the manager couldn't motivate the players then serious questions now need asking into next season (although I'm certain that decision was made ages ago hence the downturn). Owners have stumped up good money to secure Byrne, Doyle, Pringle and the rest... they have the ability so it's either tactics, training, motivation - all 100% down to the manager. If the players and manager cannot secure at least 4 points from the last two games then they deserve relegation. The fans don't though so hopefully Mr Lemsagam has a contingency in place next season for us to bounce back. I'm remaining positive but if it does happen then it might be the kickstart that's needed; different league, different teams, new owner and whilst we have no divine right to be better, hopefully a budget and playing staff greater than most in the league to enable us to challenge at the top of the table rather than bottom. Fresh impetus that could carry us on into future seasons.
  15. We'll gazump them in the summer by signing Scholes as head coach with an experience assistant. If he's got the cash then I reckon Lemsagam will go ambitious into his first season as owner.
  16. No inside knowledge but I get feeling RW isn't Lemsagam's preferred option as manager and should we go down or limp to safety then his decision to swing the axe will be justified.
  17. It's worrying that we need wins to escape a relegation battle, have the most promising midfield in seasons and a quality striker in Doyle yet Wellens can't get a performance out of them. Even if we stay up this season, I have doubts he'll be in charge come August and Lemsagam will bring in a name like Scholes with Phelan or similar as Assistant.
  18. I may have missed this but has there been any confirmation of AL's plan beyond this season regarding investment on the playing side? He owns the club but none of the stands so he's not developing the ground unless of course he buys this from Blitz. Therefore presumably his focus is solely on the field and remaining a sitting tenant at BP. Regarding playing budget, presumably it'll be greater than under SC but to what level? In January we allegedly tabled a six-figure offer for Devante Cole. I seriously doubt this and if so, it could have been £100,000 but with Wigan apparently signing him for £500,000+ then it's fair to say alternative offers would have been north of £250,000? There was talk of other offers made too. Also has anyone discovered if he's a sole investor or fronting a larger consortium or wealthy backer? I personally think with backing, a pre-season under his belt and a decent, experienced assistant, Wellens will do well for us next season. AL may have other ideas but will we grow or simply be a testing ground for overseas triallists?
  19. If the ground and north stand is still owned by Blitz and I had the money then I'd relocate the club. Smaller stadium, new pitch and all off-field income coming directly back to the club. If AL ploughed millions into the side and we achieved promotion then the stands would benefit directly - why should they if not owned by the club?!
  20. Let's face it, if he's linked to AL then I strongly suspect that we'd be keeping him beyond this season. He's rated by Wolves but if they get back to the Prem then he'll be loaned out again next season or released. At our level I personally think he's a very strong addition to compliment our striking options. For AL, he'd be a saleable asset once he's had more game time and scored a number of goals.
  21. Nazon has now scored 10 goals in 1250 minutes this season (198 for us and 1052 for Coventry). Early days for us I know but those two goals on Saturday means his season average increased from 31 to 33 goals. That's assuming he maintains that streak but he looks the real deal - my Cov supporting friends we're kicking themselves that they couldn't keep him. He's also very well regarded at Wolves. Hopefully they will allow us to sign him on loan again next season because him and Doyle (assuming we secure him) would be brilliant together up front. Failing the capture Doyle; him and Davies would be a great start.
  22. Depending on which division we're in, this summer should be the catalyst to boost crowds. AL needs to secure a showcase name or two to demonstrate his intent. Get them early, generate excitement and parade them in line with ST price release. If possible, provide a financial incentive to boost the crowds - - Discounted kid ST if a parent/adult ST bought at same time - STs at £x for the season but for every 10 points the club secures (or goals scored) then each fan signed to the scheme agrees to paying the club £y by DD contractually up to a certain limit. Achieving 50 points, the fan has paid back to the standard discounted price of the ST. 60-70 points, they've paid the standard full price. 80+ points they've paid slightly more that full price but for that points return I'm sure all fans would happily pay a little extra as it's reflecting product on the pitch.
  23. Has Wellens come out and say that he didn't sign Benteke? Sorry if if I missed this if he has.
  24. I see Nixon is suggesting AL is already looking at firing Wellens. I'm hoping the team string a few wins together now and get us safe so that Wellens has this summer and a but if budget to revolutionise the team ahead of next season.
  25. He had 11 starts from 24 appearances and played 1052 minutes scoring 8 goals. That's 2 goals every 3 games or 31/32 goals a season. Quite prolific versus playing time wouldn't you say?! Add to that he had a number of assists and his attacking play caused the opposition nightmares. Coventry were desperate to keep him. Wolves, despite their finances, signed him to two years this season. Only weakness is he appears to tire 60-70 minutes in a game because he's explosive and gives his all. Hence why Coventry played him sporadically.
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