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Everything posted by Rocky_Latic

  1. You should send your lot on and then tell the 'gypo' who spins them round that they keep calling him a 'pikey c***'. Best Waltzer they will ever go on. Especially if you force them to eat just before they go on. Only 'real rollercoaster' i've had to change my trousers for was a crappy thing in Ayia Napa. It was in two parts which looked like rocket ships, they just spun round in a circle and it went on for about 10 minute's as there was no queue and they saw no point in letting us off. You were either 70 feet in the air looking down or 10 feet off the ground facing up. Wasnt very nice when they kept us up at the top for ages. Worst of all was there was no seat belts. All there was, was a rickity old door bolted in. Did I feel secure? Did I Balls. Been on something similar at Rochdale Town Hall fair years ago which wasnt that much safer. I think I lost about £12 in change on that.
  2. 'Blue Army' 6 a side team will more than likely have you a game in a few weeks if you want. There's 9 of us, but i'm sure we'd be able to pull an extra two for the day. Can't do this Sunday myself with it being Father's day.
  3. Good Guess Wilson. Although it's not hard seeing as every shop in Rochdale is one of the following, Pound Shop, Card Shop, or a Phone shop.
  4. Are we having another one, seeing as i've got the knack of it now. Think someone need's to set it up again. VICTORY IS MINE
  5. Bungee's arent good. Especially when you see that all that is holding you is a peice of velcro fastened around your legs and there's a Sheffield bloke running the entire thing too busy eyeing up the talent on the beach and smoking to even concentrate on his job. "excuse me mate, it doesnt feel very secure. Infact, it feels pretty loose." - "it'll be reet you soft lancy" . The scariest bit is going up in that Fireman's hoist type lift which seems to take an absolute age to get to it's destination - especially when Yorkshire boy tries to reassure you that you're not about to fall to a very painful death. Luckily for me, I wasnt pushed off like my mate because he was too scared to stand on the edge Think I just wanted to get away from the Yorkshireman more than anything. Can't have been wise to have got lashed before you did it Richie
  6. What about one of these Wardle. With the customary dodgy cypriot counting down from ten. Then he gets to 4 and before you know it. Your a few hundred feet in the air spinning round shouting all sorts of obscenities I'm a weird one with heights. Not sure what it is. Rollercoaters i'll do with anyone fear. Bungee, Sling Shot, Abseil, Rock Climbing, Climbing ladders up to bedroom windows and the like i'll take a bit of time getting used to the idea until I get to the "I may as well get it over with" stage, and then i'll go straight into it. Looking over Hotel Bannisters and down from tall buildings. You'll see me holding on like a little girl for dear life. The thought of looking down just make's me sick. Probably due to the fact you've got absolutely nothing supporting you and like Lees I have the vision of me doing something daft and just jumping over one day.
  7. Well how'd you like that. First go today with the aim of just getting above hometownclub and settling there and then I go and spank 252-0 Shame I missed being top by 1 run, as I scuffed the last shot for a lousy 2. Everything I hit seemed to go for 6's. Was at 138-0 after 5 overs. BOO-YAH!
  8. No. For that, they would have actually of had to go to a club with a transfer kitty. Two decent squad players gone in one day, with no likely replacements lined up it would seem. Hmmm. It may only be June, but by eck. I wish we'd get someone in to put me a bit more at ease.
  9. Oh dear. Gutted? You betcha. Rocky was quality and anyone at Swansea this season will tell you the same. The amount of numpties on his back from the word go was a disgrace. Swansea away when he finally had a following who would back him, we FINALLY saw what he was capable of. If only it could of been like that every week, instead of people still getting on his back. Blackpool away in the playoffs he was the single cause why we were on top for the first half an hour or so, until they hit us on the break. Good Luck Rocky.
  10. Personally. I cant stand heights. There's something about leaning over and looking down from high places that make's me queezy and shake like a beaten dog. That said. I've done Rock Climbing, Abseiling and a Trivilium Traverse the past three months. Not to mention climbed up ladders to my mates brothers bedroom window when he stupidly locked us out of his house on Sunday. Be it, it took me about 2 hours each to book up the courage to do all of the above Another one is bee's. It goes back to when I was in Primary School and a Bee flew in my ear and stung me as I played football one dinner time. I still remember crying like a little girl as one of the dinner ladies shouted to someone to 'fetch the vinegar' Think I need to purchase a pet Hornet to come and kick arse, seeing as neither wasps or hornets bother me. Just the big buzzy fat buggers! I also had a fear of Clowns for a few years. It was caused by watching Stephen King's I.T as a kid. Pennywise the Clown made me think all clowns were like him and so as a little kid I was absolutely petrified he was going to do to me, what he did to the kid's in the film. Soon grew out of that, though that clown at Blackpool Pleasure Beach does go through me still to this day. Soft Lad!
  11. I hate these few months until the Season starts. Not because of the lack of football (as one day a week is hardly much to miss), but for all these stupid rumours that float about. I wonder what the percentage would be if you took every teams transfer rumours and combined them together and worked out the percentage of how many of them actually turned out to be truthful. I'd guess, less than 5%
  12. Alright Dude. How much do I owe you for the 20/20 ticket? I'll give my regards to *Gary* from you . I mean, errr Paul. Luke.
  13. City, United, Wigan and Bolton. Are you just going purely to yell obscenities for the entire duration? That said. Ritchie, Irwin, John McGinlay, Steve Redmond and even Stuart Barlow are on show.
  14. Any Good? I saw Foy drive past me on Rochdale Road, Royton about five to one so guess he was heading down there. I was going to pop along despite a weekend fuelled with booze. That said, I spent most of this morning trying to climb a ladder to the top window of my mates terraced house - as some dumb arse. No names mentioned (myself), decided to put the catch on the front door when we got in last night. We went out the back door this morning to go for some scran and then once we'd shut the door realised what we'd done and the fact we dont have a key to get in the back door. Awful experience with a hangover. After that and somehow managing to survive. I wasnt really in the mood for football. Especially with a hangover on par with last week.
  15. anyone sense the serious competitive rivalry emerging. Comments such as, "220 in your cup final." - "i'm getting beat by a woman" and such like. All Good fun. Especially seeing as i've just rammed Skolarscolly's words down his throat. 220 in my what final?? Looking down on you my friend, by one measley run. GERRIN!
  16. Foy is a Latics fan. You'll probably see a proper Liverpool fan if he decides to show his face. DannyLatics on here. Tells you to ring his phone just so he can hear 'Ring of Fire', or when people do actually ring him - he wont answer and spends the duration singing along and waving a scarf if he's got one too hand.
  17. That's why he couldnt be found then. Have you ever been in there. It's very easy to get lost. He's probably been in their a week unaware about all the rumours.
  18. how about a poll to find out? I dont think it'll be big numbers that dont renew season tickets. Well, not purely because of Lee Hughes anyway.
  19. I managed to sneak into 4th for the last round last night with 220, which I have repeated for this round as well. I got pretty good last night when I finally realised how to smash the spinners as well as the fast bowlers Player 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pnts 1 dunkerz80 20 24 30 31 105 2 NervousTic 18 25 29 32 104 3 skolarscolly 19 23 28 30 100 4 Hometowncb 15 22 25 28 90 5 oafcrummy 16 21 24 26 87 6 rockylatic 12 19 26 29 86 7 _jorvik_ 17 17 22 20 76 8 ste1987 14 15 17 23 69 9 sausagroll 0 18 23 27 68 10 davegtt 11 14 16 21 62 11 kirinclass 13 20 21 0 54 11 oafc2004 6 11 19 18 54 13 Maddogoafc 0 8 20 25 53 14 bazzaoafc 9 16 0 17 42 15 sheridansc 10 13 15 0 38 16 meatandtwoveg 0 0 18 19 37 17 oafcnesbit 0 12 0 22 34 18 tonycarss4 0 0 27 0 27 19 wilsonjuni 0 9 0 16 25 20 footy68 5 7 12 0 24 20 bigfinlati 0 0 0 24 24 22 Ackeyowtb 8 10 0 0 18 23 beardyOWTB 0 0 14 0 14 24 blue_guru 0 0 13 0 13 25 oa_exile 3 6 0 0 9 26 T_N 7 0 0 0 7 27 leeslover 4 0 0 0 4
  20. Nope. Not a thread about my brother missing the train at Blackpool But tonight's the night. It's back. Tomorrow, the tabloids along with the Lee Hughes story will be filled with articles about how one of them once shagged a dog as a joke, how one used to be a prostitute, how one is really a man and how another is living in the u.k illegally. So come on. Own up, which of you lot will be tuned in and spending the next few months cancelling any Friday night plans to watch each eviction. Sad Acts
  21. People will renew, as even though he's done what he's done. Even the moaners agree on one thing, no one player is bigger than the club. The decrease if any, wouldnt be a significant number. If anything, should take mean a few less moaners and 'cardboard cutout fans'. Happy days if that's the case.
  22. All we need now is a witty chant about not needing to worry about dropping the soap anymore. Or is Bish Bash Bosh(ell) returning as well. Oooooo Yeah!
  23. "To know what success is, you have to fail." A quote from Jon Guant just now. Hmmm...........Couldnt that be said for Lee Hughes.
  24. It is certainly silly having a Coventry fan host this Lee Hughes debate. You couldnt get more bias than Coventry fans on this subject. As he's said numerous times this morning. It affected the whole town of Coventry, not just fans of Coventry City. Unbelievably bias, which is why he's not taking anyone's opinion that differs from his. He's read the "Oldham should hang their heads in shame" text out about a dozen times since I turned on Talksport this morning. On the last one, he ended it with. "I think. I think I agree."
  25. What I dont like about the host is any Oldham fan who comes on and tries to compare it with Pennant, Bowyer, Woodgate in the like - is told by the host that it's not the same, blah, blah, blah. But when the host is stuck for an arguement he asks Latics fans whether they would want a Paedophile, etc playing for their club. Blah, Blah Blah. One rule for one, one rule for another because it's his show. The poll on talksport has swung in favour of Lee Hughes now. 62% think he should be allowed to play. Big change since Latics fans started being given their voice on there. It's pretty obvious the bloke doesnt have a comeback when Latics fans mention Oldham is a football club and business purely. I'll agree the guy is a moron. He's just like Terry Christian and the rest, which is precisely why I stopped listening too it.
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