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Everything posted by BlueMink

  1. You thought the lights were bright from the back of the Lookers? You should have been low down in the paddock!
  2. Blue Army. Are we now becoming The Salvation Army?
  3. I was talking more on the future, rather than what could have been done about the Evans debacle. We have to move on from that, and ensure the fans views - on everything Oldham Athletic - are expressed. At the moment it seems to be an empty sandwich - the fans on one level, the board on another with nothing in between. Putting Trust members out and about on match days, listening to fans feelings about general issues then feeding back, could be the sandwich filling that is missing. (I'll try anything to stabilise and improve the future of "my" club).
  4. We had Clem sitting with us for part of the game on Saturday, just listening in to the banter. It might be an idea for the Trust members to sit amongst the home fans around the ground, and just listen in to the feelings of the fans each week. That way they would get a wide spread of views that could be fed back to the board via the board member. I think that might be a better way than actually asking peoples opinions, because sometimes when people are put on the spot they tend to over elaborate. Just an idea.
  5. Stop shopping at Sainsbury's?
  6. They said Matt Smith was a "player for the future" when he went out on loan. What they didn't say was just which team he was going to be the future for.
  7. Whatever the decision, I won't be cancelling my PlayerShare donation.
  8. Coincidence that our bad run started about a month ago when talks with Evans began?
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