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League one forever

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Everything posted by League one forever

  1. That’s most of this board then. . ‘There’s no problem with how we play’. Right, course there’s not. Nearly every post has the tone ‘we weren’t great, but i’ll take a win’ When did taking a win become the minimum? On the Grimsby thread, there’s hardly any discussion on quality of our three goals. The movement and passing was really good to watch. ‘The problem people have is a lack of quality’ I’m assuming people know the standard there are going to watch, and the players on display? I think Bunn has made a terrific start now. Way beyond what I expected with the squad he’s got. An yet he hardly gets a mention,- drowned out by concerns of our passing in a 3-0 away win. Its baffling.
  2. People keep referring to us being hard to watch, or the football not being great. . . And yet we’re sixth. Firstly. We play in league two. What do people expect the general standard to be? Honestly? Secondley. In all our years of league one how many times did you genuinely come away from a game and think, wow that was a great game to watch? It’s a handful a season; if that. Thirdly, When in the past we did play well we nearly always lost 1-0. I don’t think Bunn is getting enough credit for our start, particularly with how thin the squad is. The football might not always be free flowing but when has it ever been over recent years? Most importantly we’re picking up results- what side does that ‘playing badly’ Time to give credit where’s its due.
  3. I don’t know. I’m still trying to work out your algebra.
  4. But. . But. . The football’s poor, we haven’t played anybody. . . Whos gives a toss!?? E I e I e I o! YES!
  5. Never gets this type of thing. Its who takes their chances on the day. Anybody can beat anybody. (The better sides obviously do it more often. )
  6. I agree. I feel exactly the same. It was a perfect storm. Rookie manager, very over excited new owner. Huge squad, awful recruitment. Power struggle for the club, people taking sides. Divisions and little cliques. End result- relegation. But you hit the point in the first paragraph. Things do show sign of improvement. The main one being- no mass influx of #frenchlads. So he backed his word up this season- ie learnt from his mistake. Managers come and go. Players come and go. Owners who are willing to take on struggling lower league sides- less so. IMO. We need to acknowledge that last season was a mare for a whole host of reasons; and try and move on now.
  7. If your gonna make stuff up, at least follow through with it. You can’t even debate your own points. . . . You must be intellectually incapable. Never mind.
  8. Where has this ‘good lads but they took us down’ come from? Your another one who likes to just makes things up. You’ve no idea if their ‘good lads’ they just happen to have not pissed the owner off, or be in breach of contract. So he’s willing to keep them on their contract. That’s it. Also, did you want all the squad replaced? Bad lad, good lad, frenchlad. . You got us relegated so fuck off? Or do you just want a team full of pricks? I bet your missing the Lee Hughes, Ched Evans days.
  9. You ask for consistency and balance, but don’t offer the same. That reply is so one eyed. Was the owner to blame in part? Yes. The only reason? No chance. The fixture list has been kind, but so what? It only means something if you expect us to romp the league this season. I don’t. If we finish mid table this year- which we will. Then we can a have go next year. (I’ll give AL a season to get costs under control, if the squad is this thin again next season- I’ll have more serious concerns) Wellens played the best football from September to December- fuck me that’s generous. We played really well for the first six games. Then faded badly. Really badly. Wellens was also absolutey desperate to take the job under AL. He’d already seen shez go, so he came in with his eyes wide open. He had a squad full of quality, but couldn’t get the best out of them. He brought 8 players of his own in Jan. Some (Benyu) hardly featured. The #frenchlads never played. Doesn’t look like enormous pressure to play certain people to me. Just a poor manager after a honeymoon period. Your doing exactly what you claim others do. Exonerating the 3 bad apples of anything and blaming AL for everything. The truth is somewhere in between. When do we give AL a break? Never?
  10. Yeah cos that’s what I said. . ? You keep suggesting the 3 ex players are getting all the blame. In the interest of consistency - Who here then, who shouldn’t be? Who’s getting away without being criticised? You think Bunn hasn’t got a clue-where should we be with the squad he’s got? To say Bunn doesn’t know much about league two he’s doing ok. . Maybe he’s a bit more clever with what he says than you think. Wellens sounded a football thesaurus in interviews, but the football was shite. When did Gardner say that? Last season? If so, then I agree not something you come out with publicly. But you seem to imply that Gardner isn’t hurting as much as you- what player will ever hurt as much as a fan? Being pissed off is fine, I think we all are with certain things. But defending people you don’t know, to beat the club up is just utterly bizarre.
  11. Oh ffs. Right. Here goes. I’ve tried to laugh, i’ve tried to shrug. But your both talking absolute bollocks. Your defending things you know fuck all about out. I think it’s pathetic that you defend people you don’t know, over the club you claim to support. Who’s more important, Bryne and Gerrard- or the club?????????????? Maybe the club have shafted Bryne- I don’t care. Maybe they have shafted Gerrard- I don’t care. You both know they carry baggage like no else in current squad. That’s not guesswork. That’s a fact- an yet you choose to ignore it for some perverse reason. I dont give a toss what they did, who they are, or what the their shoe is, they’re gone. Your campaign to undermine every decision the club makes is a joke. I think this squad is poor, there’s a few I wish we could replace. But AL wants to cut his cloth after his mistakes and do you know what, we’re doing ok. Why? Because the nobheads have left the building. An for the first time in long time I feel quite good following latics. Why? Because it’s starting to feel like a community club again, the bad press has stopped and there’s a togetherness. What do you want eyres? You want to fixate on players who aren’t here, and belittle the club. You seem intent on spending your days needlessly winding people up about issues you know fuck all about, for what? Amusement? Your a sad act.
  12. Eyresey. You defend Gerrard You defend Bryne. I never see you take such moral stances with other players. Your constant winding up is beginning to grate. I know your not daft. You know exactly what your posting, and sometimes your funny with it. But your getting very obvious and boring with this. Maybe get out a little bit more, spend some time with family and friends. It will do you the world of good.
  13. Spot on. It makes no sense. ‘We’re struggling to maintain your wage Jack, so instead can we make up a load of stuff, and compromise on a pay off, say a year’s salary- would 250k be ok Jack?
  14. If your view is unlikely to change, then why post? Why do you still want to discuss a player who is no longer here? I hope your not stirring the pot eyersy. . .
  15. He isn’t playing well, but he’s all we’ve got. Who would have come in for him? Also. Why on earth Baxter can’t do 90 mins or even consistently do an hour and then come off is baffling.
  16. Always gonna be a tough game today. Get iversen and nepo back, we’ll be reet.
  17. Surprise surprise. What have we had so far, half a game?
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