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League one forever

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Everything posted by League one forever

  1. I bet you would have him sleeping in your spare room. . . For as long as he needs it.
  2. Top post. You hit the nail on the head. He set the bar at the start. We all thought, oh hello. . This looks very promising. An the truth is we’ve not come close to repeating it.
  3. I was on my soap box there. Apologies. I totally agree about Ronnie Moore. I’ve said it a few times on the thread. He is the only standout, where looking back he shouldn’t of been sacked. The fans got him sacked, not the results. He was a lower league sam allardyce. Thing is, I just can’t for the life of me understand why as fans we should be bothered about how long a manager has been at the club. If he’s doing well, he stays. If we’re struggling, he comes under scrunity. Surely, that is only fair and rational? Why should the carousel stop, if they aren’t good enough? Otherwise we’re always hoping somebody might turn good while for 18 months we watch pretty average football. Shouldn’t we should be looking at better recruitment? How many applications do we get when the job comes up??? We always go cheap. Steve Evans was close, would of been a fantastic appointment, but it fell through. If AL has got a bit to throw at it, he’s the type I would want, or as somebody else said Graham Alexander. It’s no guarantee, but some pedigree would be nice. If he keeps us up and got sacked, I think he would feel hard done by. An to be fair, I can understand why. But I’m not arsed about sentiment, I just want better for us than settling for 17th.
  4. Not sure why. You asked me a hypothetical question, and I gave a hypothetical answer. You’ve got no idea how he’ll do next year. Nobody has. Your guessing. In addition I haven’t said once he should be sacked. You’ve just read what suits your arguement. I started the thread as a discussion about his tenture and how he’s doing. All of which we can assess as it’s actually happened. I, as you know think he could and should be doing better. We’re back in the realms of if’s buts and maybe - having a discussion about how he may or may not do in the future. Let’s talk about the now.
  5. He left by mutual consent, he even did a video saying goodbye. Very different to being sacked.
  6. But we don’t sack people prematurely. We never have. We sack them because there not very good at their job. An in a lot of cases were very poorly recruited in the first place. Ive asked a few times, but nobody can answer me. Who have we sacked (apart from Ronnie Moore) who didn’t deserve it?
  7. What are the ‘right circumstances’?? What if them circumstances change? ( like they inevitably do.) Like injuries, suspensions, not getting the player you want? Players getting the hump with you. The list is endless. I agree the football was terrific when he took over, it’s not an exaggeration to say it was the best I’ve watched in years. But, after the first four games, we lost our tempo. We stopped moving the ball quickly. We looked laboured of all a sudden. Our passing was poor- Something the manager prides himself on. We can only judge what we see on the pitch. An we aren’t playing well, and haven’t been for a good while. In answer to your last question, no I wouldn’t sack him if that happened next year. As that would be a decent job.
  8. Potential style of play? What that does mean- We might be good one day? Football is here and now. Not in six months. We all know that. I agree he has an affinity, but it only matters to us as fans. It doesn’t affect his decision making. Who has HE brought in, that you’ve thought is a good player? It seems im in a minority - a very small one. Who thinks he’s had enough time for us to judge him. Fair enough. Time will tell.
  9. Why is it daft? It gives you a measure of what’s avheiveable under similar circumstances. We’ve got plenty of players other sides would take. Id be happy with 16th. We would very likely be safe, and looking forward to next year.
  10. League position. Players at his disposal. Previous good managers records. Enough time in the job to make a judgement. Learning or not from inevatble mistakes.
  11. I’ve said on a few posts, LJ and shez have been our most decent managers. You could tell from the off, LJ had nouse. He made plenty of mistakes, but he learnt quickly, and didn’t repeat them. He showed we were on an upward curve. Hence why Corney gave him an unprecedented lengthy contact about 9 months after he joined. He knew he’d leave for a better job, and wanted his compo. Dickov, what are you saying? He was given time- which he was and proved what? He was shit? The football towards the end was abject. He repeated exactly what he did with us at Donny. Hasn’t worked since. I’ve also said, I’d love to see us 15th and safe, and really hoping wellens could have a good go next year. But we’re not. He’s under performing.
  12. The top of the post makes no sense. Wellens has had far more backing than shez got. Shez turned it around with far less games, time, and backing. In the last 15 years, (apart from Ronnie Moore, who should never of been sacked) name me one manager who you think we treated unfairly, or didn’t deserve the sack?? Just one? Its a total myth, that we somehow sack good managers. The blame for the merry go round is nothing to do with all these managers being really unlucky. It’s because they were shit at the job, and shouldn’t of been appionted. It was our former chairman’s policy to go for rookie or cheap or usually both. The highlight being us appointing an under 9’s coach.
  13. ? unreal. Absolutely unreal. He performed so well when he took over. . . Yep. And what? Shall we all toss ourselves off at form from 25 games ago? ‘his own great performance’ for many games. . 4? Why are you infatuated with defending the bang average? Is it blind optimism? (Which isn’t a bad thing) Or are you just accepting of mediocre? Talking of shez. In case you forgot, he had far less time, far fewer games, far less backing, and had us safe by now. If we compare the job shez did TWICE with what wellens has had, it really highlights we’re RW is at. But then, I think you know that really. Because you come across as intelligent. Your very quick to say or imply we have a load of negative fans, but it cuts both ways. I think your deluded to our current plight. It’s always somebody or something else’s fault, we’ve no money, etc etc etc. Could it just be, the manager is underperforming? I await the 67 reasons why wellens is a miracle worker, who walks on water.
  14. But that’s where we are. Lets be honest. Our only hope is a manager sticks around long enough to get us up- and even then he probably go. But I don’t mind that. We’re a small club. An if it takes 10 managers to find the next gem, isn’t that the point?? Obviously you pray it doesn’t take that many. But I find it so depressing when fans try to find positives where there aren’t. Id love to see us safe in 15th, and dreaming what wellens could do, but we aren’t. Call it as it is. He took over, had a bounce, and since then we’ve struggled. Its never about the manager. It’s about the club, and the honesty to say; are we moving in the right direction. And we’re not.
  15. I can’t wait for a manager who takes us on, and does well with us. It will happen. One day. I just wonder, where will all our fans be who say our training facilities are poor, we’ve got no money, he can’t buy championship players, he’s been given the impossible job! Will be it against all the odds when somebody does well? Or might it be, that we find someone who can make average players play above themselves, be tactically astute and get the very best out of limited resources? I know it’s wacky, but just a thought.
  16. What are you on about, Honestly? What is it with some fans and their utter obsession with stability? Some people are saying we should stick with wellens if we go down? Hello. . . ITS A RESULTS DRIVEN BUSINEES. Name me one manager in the last five / ten years that we’ve sacked who didn’t deserve it??? You only get stability when results are semi decent or good, you don’t get it when results are below average. You and others make it sound like we’re leeds, where a manager finishes 11th and shows promise and we still sack him. We don’t. We sack them because there not very good. Simple. Your living in a fantasy land if you think we should stick by managers because they MIGHT turn out good. The only manager who showed real promise was LJ; and we didn’t sack him, why? Because he’s good at his job.
  17. What are we clinging to here? His first four games. . .
  18. As disappointing as things are, we’re not getting rolled over. We are unbeaten in 5. We hung on for what could be a precious point. That tells me, the players are putting it in. They aren’t responsible for team selection, tactics, subs.
  19. Yep. I don’t think the blame for our predicament is down to the players.
  20. Good point, I think there’s some in truth in that. However, Johnson recognised it a lot sooner, and adapted a lot quicker.
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