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Everything posted by boundaryblue80

  1. So for all those saying “I’m not saying this is right but...” we can all agree this is totally wrong by the club then.
  2. It would've been but Bury being cancelled pushes it on a game. It's possible we will be cancelling the Southend game too due to another International weekend.
  3. Ok. If you want to be pendantic about it lets look at it another way... Its only NOT a crisis because the players haven’t done what you yourself would do had you not been paid. Coz if they did it would be forfeited Fixtures, points deductions, fines from the FA and more. Maybe then you’d consider it a crisis.
  4. Interesting to see these two posts. Similar to a post I wrote 11 months ago on here about TTA (the Three Assetstrippers)...not only does my post still stand but we can add more embargo’s, court appearances and a visit to Necarcu for a 2nd loan to the list. And the ever decreasing circle has got to a size that seems close to collapse.... boundaryblue80 263 OWTB Member 4,153 posts Posted November 22, 2016 (edited) · Dec 2015 - Club struggles to pay players Dec 2015 - Club borrows £241k from Necarcu Ltd Mar 2016 - Club arranges get rich quick scheme with ST offer (presumably to pay Necarcu Ltd back) Mar 2016 - Club sees Latics win 3 games which reduces ST's by £150 each (the gamble backfired) May 2016 - Club reduces wage bill to complete minimum for 2 months of close season by reducing playing staff to 5 players June 2016 - Club faces winding up order but settles this to avoid any further action July 2016 - Nov 2106 - Club appoints rookie manager & cobbles together a side. Club sees barely any more ST's bought due to March offer while pay on the day is so poor the club reduce the prices to £15. Nov 2016 - Transfer Embargo on club ----------------------------------------------------- It's not hard to join the dots above. I don't think it's hard to see what happens next. The club isn't being sold lock & stock. Not until houses are built all behind the Chaddy, over Little Wembley and wherever else they can fit them. The monies will finish off the OEC. Then they will be able to command the extortionate (if the £24m figure is true...which I've heard from a few people I would expect to know or have a good idea of) amount for the club, land and stand. So in the meantime, this austerity continues to the breaking point. It feels closer and closer with each chapter from Corneys book. The short term plan now (if you can call this a plan) is that we either have to beat Lincoln and pull a top side in the Cup (get lucky again basically.) Or we have to go borrowing from Necarcu Ltd or whoever else again. The problem with borrowing is that the ever decreasing circle has shrank to almost nothing. We have no players as saleable assets, we have no sell-on clauses left coz we've cashed them in, we have barely any pay on the day attendees. We might be able to do another Season Ticket get-rich quick scheme in the new year......but you see where this goes..... We have a gambler...a proper chancer in charge of us. And he's won a couple of Liverpool ties to stave the wolf from the door, dodging bullets along the way. To the point there's virtually nothing left. The only way Corney could save himself any more angst from Latics fans is he turns the tables and points the gun squarely at Blitz, Gazal and the whole Brassbank set up. It is these people who have the keys to the land. They will say OAFC is nothing to do with them and OEC is everything to the project before they can sell it for the amount they are looking for. Where will OAFC be by then??? Let me put it another way...Simon won't be having a very good Xmas and I've no doubt he will be doing his nut over our situation should we lose to Lincoln. Meanwhile, his two mates sit counting their cash over their Xmas dinner without a worry in the World. There's no way us fans can pressure Blitz and Gazal so Corney cops it. Rightly so. If he genuinely gives a about OAFC it's up to him to get his mates to cut their losses and sell us and let a new potential owner build on the rest of BP while actually giving a about us too. Otherwise...he continues to receive the he does while we nosedive further and further.
  5. Simons so interested in getting the revenue streams into the club that he sidestepped the Trust over the scoreboard and set up another company (LED Media) around the same time the perimeter boards were installed. Wonder where the money from those boards went
  6. Don't worry folks. No negativity is allowed here! And Mark Moisley has constantly told us we've got a great nucleus to go forward from! Thanks Simon
  7. What do the letters and numbers directly under the nationality mean?
  8. Saved me a job there. Hopefully, they’ll have bought their tickets already. Not happy at a Saturday without a game tho. Not going to see us again till October 14th now. Grrrr.
  9. What a waste of money. Just glad they didn't extend the ban.
  10. He sounds like a right nut job. I particularly note this line. What a terrible place the lower level of football would be to work, eh Billy? Don't worry...anybody in their right mind wouldn't enforce such a hardship on you!
  11. I do love this bollocks that Shez was being stubborn. Started the season with a 4-4-2. Wasn’t working so tried moving players about. Then changed it to 3-5-2. Moved players about to try and get things working. Dropped the liability Banks which helped improve the side. Dropped Ben Wilson (which I didn’t think he should) for the even worse Ruddy. All during 11 games (normally any fair minded fan would say give it 10 games for a side to gel.) Had about 8 players arrive on deadline day. Which resulted in more changing of the side (needing more time to gel). Yeah. He was dead stubborn that Shez ??? People are re-writing history...when people talk about it in months/years to come it will be fact that we started with a 3-5-2 and Shez wouldn’t drop anyone. Just isn’t how it was.
  12. Somebody is trying to buy the North Stand? I’ve not seen that put on record. Seen that AL wants to buy the club...to me, that says OAFC. Brassbank own the North Stand. Not aware that was being bought.
  13. Any ideas on how our creditors go up £2.7m in 12mths? It can’t be on players. Or infrastructure. Unless more bills for the North Stand are landing on OAFCs doormat and not Brassbanks or the OECs?
  14. Which it wasn't. Clearly pushes his arms forward Bored with this now
  15. Haha...yes. And he enjoyed mentioning Dunns record in comparison to Shez's this season. I reminded him that Shez's previous 2 escape artist jobs and the fact he actually does have a clue about management negated any comparable record with Dunn And unlike Dunn, Wellens does sound like he actually knows what he's talking about
  16. I don't condone diving just as much as I don't condone pushing a player in the back
  17. Yes thanks. Seems to be a lot of folk on here who just can't accept that what Maddison did is legal, part of the game and Wilson shoved him. I'll grant there's a slight debate on if it's in or out the box. The ball is certainly in the box. He arguably isn't. There will be no appeal though. Rightly so.
  18. Not put his hands on the lads back, perhaps? So the lad made sure Wilson put his arms out and shoved him? Ok
  19. I have had a closer look. 3 times on replay. From a better angle than I saw it from in the North Stand. To which I thought at the time, definite pen and red card.
  20. Wow...can't believe some people are trying to say it's not a penalty. No wonder we have fans who think we have a shit ref every week. I must imagine Wilson putting his hands on their lads back then You give the man a shove....you've got absolutely ZERO defence when the red card comes out. Any attempt to get the red card rescinded will cost us £1000 (the standard amount to appeal) and get an increase in ban for a frivolous appeal. No thanks!
  21. Why can't people just be open minded? One game for Christs sake! A mate of mine (club sponsor) is good friends with Richie and says he's deadly serious about management & would love a crack at it. I don't for a second think the win was just down to Wellens (even he doesn't in his interview after) and it's correct that these additional players have helped us turn the corner. It would've come under Shez (IMO) and the little bits of luck went our way last night (they hit post, we go and score - opposite happened vs Shrews, pen for them turned down). As I say, it is 1 game and I'm happy to see how it goes given that I wasn't happy Shez got the boot. A lot of folk would do well to listen Wellens interview after the game and tell me he doesn't know about how to set a team up. Very knowledgeable in his assessment of the team. His tactics were spot on...he talks through them in the interview. Let's just ride the wave of a win and see where it takes us. I'm not expecting a lot from the south coast so let's see if we can pick up some more lovely unexpected points.
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