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Everything posted by redlion

  1. Well i'm amazed. I've got to page three and this thread hasn't turned negative yet. Well done ! Still, I suppose there's still time for the doom merchants to turn it around. Well, gotta rush off ta't'foot of our sturrs.
  2. One person wants to keep Vera and one person wants to keep Benteke. Could that be AL perchance ?
  3. Now now lads steady on, don't forget this is a season of consolidation. Though I suppose it would be ok to lose in the play offs.
  4. As a famous John would have said, nay yelled "You can't be serious !!!!!"
  5. I heard that the reason he's gone to Dundalk is because the Ginnless is better over there.
  6. Are you sure it's always bloody fantastic ? What about mis-shaped hairy tits out from a trans sexual ? Not so fantastic eh ?
  7. But is your statement about their beliefs true ? Brian Cox might believe that the Earth is a slightly flattened sphere i.e. oval. Therefore not a sphere.
  8. No. You mis-quote me and twist what I said. I made a statement and I meant what I said. You do not know me from Adam. Are you just assuming I'm a liar or being sarcastic ? If so why ?
  9. Don't want to take anything away from Nepo for the third goal but what terrible goal keeping !
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