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True Tic

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Everything posted by True Tic

  1. Every time we are in possession it’s hurried and nervous . A bit more fight today but then give the ball away as soon as we get it .
  2. He won’t want to lose face and I’m sure he’s set up the way he has to try and squeeze results and points out of a poor bunch of players. It hadn’t worked though so it’s time to try others things surely
  3. I think the main problem with Vaughan is he very small and slight. I believe there are too many big lads in football which make him look even smaller. I think his skill level is a cut above anyone else in this squad (not difficult I know) the problem mainly lies in his physicality or lack of it . He’s like tinker bell
  4. The play and tactics I witnessed on Tuesday were dire, literally asking them to come at us. It’s pathetic.
  5. Exactly, not good form to single Vaughan out when a good portion of the rest of the squad would look more at home in a circus
  6. Fondop was extremely poor last night in my opinion, looking for fouls when he should have stayed on his feet, backing into players then waiting for the whistle to blow, first touch very poor. I feel for him on his own up there but he doesn’t help himself sometimes
  7. Said a few weeks ago these will take us down , each time I see them I’m more convinced
  8. They’ll look better Saturday . But it’ll be the spare turd polish, which is running out
  9. Not listened to it but I could see it myself. Play for a point and come away with nothing . Lovely stuff .
  10. Arent we supposed to be improving now though … new ownership, new innovative management team, feel good factor . Is it eight games in now and the only thing that’s changed is that we are arguably worse now. That formation, tactics, effort was utter dogshit . There’s another relegation battle just around the corner .
  11. The minute i walked into the ground tonight it felt subdued. ive been watching us for 40 years and this is the worst team I’ve seen in a Latics shirt.
  12. Unless part of the ground is closed, thinking back I’m sure I saw they were redeveloping it in some way
  13. I think their place holds about 10500 or thereabouts . It’s pathetic we’ve been given less than a 1000
  14. I think he’s saying he’s now seen enough and he knows the current squad aren’t up to it which he’s probably known for a while . I think he’s tried to attain that unity with them that can sometimes change things for the better but he realises these will never really be “a unit”. Not sure about the dog at the board but because he’s already tried to sign the lad from scunny
  15. Just read Unsworths comments on the game and he says on a few occasions it’s time to bring some new blood in. Soon hopefully
  16. It’s early days and I’m delighted with who’s taken on the club. But I agree this squad time and time again now have shown they aren’t collectively up to the task and they could easily take Unsworth down too. I think with everybody fit for a period of time (which is clearly never going to happen ) we are just about good enough to stay in this league at mid table . Factor in the injuries and it’s worrying .
  17. True, and I know it’s been said before but “professional footballers and experienced managers” should have a rough idea of conditioning etc to prepare for the season ahead
  18. But 13 games plus your pre season plus the week or so training in between each game should be ample time for fitness purposes, regardless of the manager
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