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True Tic

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Everything posted by True Tic

  1. It’s unreal isn’t it. A pre season plus 13 games and they still aren’t up to the mark
  2. I thought fitness was the keyword with this regime , we must be making some headway by now with this surely
  3. As each game goes by I’m more convinced we need to sign players. It’s not easy but it needs to be done, it might end up keeping us in this league .
  4. When Unsworth talks of us having the mindset of “ expecting to win” I hope he’s mentioned the need to play and earn it
  5. This late pressure from the opposition needs to be absorbed better by us, it’s almost like we have to do it that way. Bizarre. Their commentary made mention of Chester almost having a “front five “ . Seems to happen all the time
  6. FA cup, Stoke Victoria ground . Darren Beckford header. They had Toddy Orlygssen ( spelt wrong I’m sure) and were all over us. It was a sprint out of the ground after the game.
  7. Oh I know, still the best for me though
  8. I know, some fantastic memories and I’m old enough to recall the “pinch me” years .
  9. I can’t drum up enough interest to even think about it. If it’s not the league it’s a non event . Bad really but that’s where I am
  10. Hopefully, the “crumble” factor on Tuesday was staggering though. I’m sure the management team have eyes on a few new additions to turn this around
  11. I’d love to think we will be pushing for something this season, but all I can think is please not another relegation battle. I think you’re right about the back room staff. Just let’s get some actual players in now.
  12. Unfortunately yesterday's venom was the result of years of frustration, suffering, underachieving, bad management, bad leadership, rumours, true or not, false dawns, nasty surprises, awful players. Years of it. Lemsagan, his brother, corney, the other two shadows, the FLG. Just what the f*** is going on??!!! And still the fans turn up in their numbers (abeit dwindling). Forgive them for their vitriol, the players don't understand the years of utter frustration, they probably don't care all that much because why should they? They will move on, while us fans endure yet another bunch of generally sub standard players pass through.
  13. Yes it was, excuse me I'm not in a good place
  14. Agreed but not hearing any noises about incoming players.
  15. There is still another direction to go in and we are free falling towards it. Come on latics, sort it.
  16. The squad as it stands is not good enough, painfully apparent already. I have faith in about four players. The rest are sub standard and will take us down. Change is needed and quick.
  17. Fair point, I'm not there either but it's two nil now
  18. Just googled him, still plugging away bless him
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