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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. It's got to the point where personally I would rather support a club lower down the leagues with a fan Base that cares about the club and win a few games than watch us implode season after season. I know how bad that sounds and I can't believe I would accept relegation but if relegation guaranteed ridding ourselves of corney I'd snap your hand off. I want to enjoy supporting this club again. We had a crap team under Ritchie late 90s early 2000s but it was our Club. We had the passion and didn't mind losing because you knew the players had given it everything and we had players who were latics through and through. We only made 4 or 5 signings in a summer not 20. All that has gone now.
  2. Difference is the trust would actually give a :censored:
  3. Fully agree with everything prozac says. I've been saying for years Corney will be the death of this club but always been shouted down. I've not got the time to be proactive in any organisation having a newborn six weeks ago, but I will back and attend any action that does get organised
  4. We all know it's Corney fault but we can talk about it til we are blue in the face. Question is what are we going to do about it. The protest group had it right in summer. They just went about it the wrong way
  5. Lol its hard not to be at the moment following this lot. Years of toil are getting me down
  6. Pointless trying to sell ya ticket these days. I struggle to give it away outside the ground if I ever have a spare
  7. Pointless trying to sell ya ticket these days. I struggle to give it away outside the ground if I ever have a spare
  8. So basically they couldn't sell it for houses from under our noses then? Take it it's worth the paper it's written on and not summat they could easily find a loophole in
  9. What does this actually mean. What are the benefits. Don't mean to sound derogatory i genuinely don't know
  10. Fair play we won. But 1 win against lower league opposition doesn't paper over cracks.
  11. Let's be honest are any of us confident going into this? Only 3 or 4 places between us in the league and they are the form team
  12. It's worth precisely bog all when ya can't win for toffee
  13. They will lose more in none attendants than they save in wages etc
  14. "Your :censored:e" Maybe reverse psychology will work who knows
  15. BB80, I'm in the not sacking camp at the moment and I'm probably one of those people you refer too. But it's not because his tactics are :censored:e and we are as sharp as a beach ball in front of goal. I agree with you there. The way I look at it is there is no point sacking him off - which costs money - cos Corney and co will just replace him with someone just as :censored:e and toothless as him, who will have no money but have the added chain around his neck that he has another man's squad to work with not his own. A big part of my opinion comes from the fact that I have so much apathy towards the club at the moment I can't be arsed getting passionate about calling for the gaffer's head. It's Corney and Co's that need to roll
  16. I'm out. Refuse to give any more of the hard earned up to watch this crap. I've already paid for my season ticket so I might as well use it but I'd have to give up real money for this one and I can't bring myself to do it
  17. I'm a season ticket holder who goes every week but I'm giving this one a miss. Was gunna sit in the north stand for the first time to see what the fuss is about but I've lost all belief after yesterday. If it's just gunna be another hum drum performance like we have been accustomed too why bother
  18. If your talking on the pitch clearly it's upfront. As a whole? Corney
  19. I honestly don't believe Burgess is that bad. If he had a decent 6 in front of him he wouldn't be being questioned on here
  20. So basically going off the comments so far I'm an optimist and I have us down for getting relegated. Just about sums it up. Corney out
  21. Working off a budget of peanuts and calippo lollies though you can't expect miracles. Whether he is right or wrong in his tactics nothing will change til it.changes at the top. Therefore I'll never call for his head. I'm past caring
  22. Don't get me wrong he's no world beater but against the rest of them he looks like messi
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