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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Looking at the books is pointless unless you actually know what your looking at. It would be better to leave that until a qualified ccountant can accompany nonenever to a future meeting, and as you say nnn give chance for supporters to build a rapport with the club first. That is of course on the assumption your not actually an accountant nnn?
  2. This will go along way to helping pay that 300 grand tax bill won't it
  3. He was a cracking player when here last time. No world beater, but good all the same. Never understood what went wrong.
  4. Can we not just put this to bed now? Been arguing all week about this embargo, the infamous video and who should go in and talk to corney. It's got boring. Can we not just get nonenever in there, with his.list of questions and be done with it? We stand and argue, meanwhile the club goes to :censored:. Actions speak louder than words at this point
  5. "Tremendously hard working staff at the club from the manager down..." So in other words anyone above the manager couldn't give a flying :censored: about us. Mind you that's been apparent for years
  6. The main point for me is what exactly is for sale? The whole lot, stand, oec, football club needs to be put up for sale otherwise you are drastically reducing your pool of potential new owners.
  7. The latest news about the club is just further evidence Corney has to go. By any means possible. This club will die with him at the helm. How the hell can it be worth 24 mill
  8. I assume the stand is the white elephant he refers to. With the stand came oec. Oec depends on the stand but oec wouldn't automatically come in a sale of the club. Any potential investors would quite rightly be put off if oec didn't come with the sale. It would be like getting with a new missus and her ex always being on the scene. In any case the stand is far from finished so isn't a ready made money spinner. If we were sold with the lookers stand still there, or even demolished, it's a blank canvas and the asking price would be much cheaper
  9. Like the idea, but it all takes money. Would need the club to get on board massively, and at the present time I can't see that happening with the purse strings being ridiculously tight. Outside funding possibly?
  10. Tracy, for me, the trust does a great job in pushing on the match day experience side of things, as you highlighted in your list above. For me though it does very little to communicate between fans and club the sort of things that really matter, like pushing us on from this God forsaken position we find ourselves in. For example imo the club shouldn't need to do an opinion pole on why fans ain't attending it should be the trust telling them it's purely down to performance and pricing. Just example. The draft charter that has been posted on this thread I would go as far to say as the trust would be unwilling or scared to approach the club with. Correct me if I am wrong here. Personally this is why I feel this movement is needed. If it turns out the trust are willing to take on board the issues raised here and confront the club with them I will hold my hand up and say well done, but it needs to be fully transparent. Something most fans don't see happening from within the trust. I hope it works and I hope the trust are fully behind this but as I say - in summary - for me the trust is too much minor issue orientated, and unwilling to get their teeth into the more pressing matters. This is why I have never been an active backer
  11. Bury have a permanent sign I presume they own on Manchester Road at the bottom of gigg lane advertising who their next fixture is. Surely latics could get something similar agrees with the council to get round advertising costs? Would just be the initial layout
  12. Fully agree with everything that is happening here. However I would.like to add my 2 peneth. This is definitely the way to go, but at the same time going this way is a very under the radar tactic. People on this board will back you, and the board and trust will know what's going on, but the wider public who no longer attend games will know anything about it. Once the ball gets rolling we really need something that catches the public eye.not for one minute suggesting it (it quite clearly wouldn't fit with the tactic you have chosen) but a mass protest or public gimmick that catches the media's eye would go some way to recapturing long lost fans attention. We need to think of a professional version of a protest/boycott/attention grabber that fits in with the tactic employed. Something the whole and wider fan Base can get behind. Something that signals change is afoot. The 3 amigo's announced their arrival with celebration sunday. Latics need a similar media and public attention grabber to signal the start of a new era. Only trouble is the club really does need to show real intent for change for this to work
  13. We unravelled when blitz and gazal got bored. However we completely self destructed, fell out of an aeroplane and landed in a big pile of cow :censored: when the Evans saga kicked off and Johnson :censored:ed off.
  14. Mc fluff your comments ask for a reasonable way to get the investment if Corney goes. It's clear you ain't willing to take the risk of what will happen without Corney. That's fine and your opinion. However many of us are at the point now where it's got that bad we are willing to take the risk of the club dropping into oblivion simply to alleviate the boredom.
  15. Rejects us but goes to Mansfield Town. 18th in league 2 Mansfield Town. Something is seriously :censored:ed up when that is a better option.
  16. Said it pre season and I'll say it again. I don't really care who is in charge at the minute until Corney is gone. It's a poisoned chalice at the moment and whoever is there is destined to fail. Sort the Corney situation out and then maybe we can start to build. Imo robinson has built us into this boring defensive team purposely because he knows that's where our strengths lie. He knows the players at his disposal ain't good enough and is clinging onto the hope.we can still be in touch come January and get some bodies in. He will have had time to find the striker he needs by then. This and the fact he thought erwin and mckay would have scored more by now
  17. Exactly the sort of approach that will see the current set up continue. Apathy is rife
  18. What's your take on it then Dave? Would ya rather Corney stay and the club continue on its current path? Or do you disagree with the way things are being handled here, in which case I would like to hear your thoughts on the best approach to take.
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