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Everything posted by philliggi

  1. Personally I say yes. But (and it's a big one) he wouldn't have anywhere near the backing he got from the stands last year. He wouldn't have shirtliff and he hasn't got the much better squad he took over last year. I'd get him but I don't think it would work again. We are beyond help now. This season at least. Too much damage has already been done
  2. We would need 13 players + a keeper to have any chance of winning these days.
  3. Rumours afoot Aaron holloway is coming back? Would you take him? Approved last time he was here but don't think he is solely the answer. Will need 4 or 5 other signings to complement him but it's not a bad start.
  4. Question is how far would fans go to show their disapproval. Only so far the league will allow before points deductions and fines come into play. Then again many will say this year is lost already
  5. Mckay is the best of the 3 but that's like saying lung is the best of the cancers. How anyone can rate any striker in a team that has scored so few is beyond me. Regardless of service.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong. I may well be but didn't Moore sack Ritchie having just won a jpt game? Think he had lost the previous 4
  7. Take away what you think of the club for a moment though and think about yourself. Football is about so much more than actual football. It's the pre match pint with ya mates and the banter that goes with it. It's about feeling part of a wider family through thick and thin. None of which has anything to do with the tits at the top. It's about you.
  8. Latics isn't corneys club it's mine. I go to latics every week cos it's what I do. It's what I've always done and it's what I always will do. My dad took me from being 6 years old and I hope to take my children one day. I don't enjoy it at the moment but I live by the hope we will once again see success one day. The day I decide not to renew is the day this club dies. The powers that be will never get between me and my club
  9. I would say more will attend if it's in the vicinity of boundary park on match day. Asking people to go out of their way is always going to detract numbers. I will most definitely support any movement. I'm not in any real position to lead this due to having a newborn at home, nor have the skills to do so, but I will back it to the hilt
  10. "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  11. You don't see the hardliners anymore. Gone are the days when fans sat in the centre circle or protested at the end of the game outside the main entrance. It shows a lack of fight and passion simple because people are bored or lost the fight. We have accepted what we have become.
  12. My highlight (won't be many peoples) was travelling down to shrewsbury on a Tuesday night in january with all hope lost only for shez's team lead by gerrard to put in the first of many great performances and to actually give us the hope back as to what was around the corner. There were many great games in that run and better performances but that was when the screw turned, and there were only a handful of us there that night to see it
  13. Tbf if you mean "summary of questions asked. Ask the chairman" that hasn't seen any new posts since December the 8th. There is such a feeling among supporters that we are on the verge of hitting our rock bottom that there is most definitely support for something to happen.
  14. Maybe all those willing to invest should instead pool their money and advertise the club for sale themselves. After all the current owners responded to an advert in the financial times. Might spark some media publicity too and get us some positive coverage for once
  15. Nnn,I'm still 100% behind what you are doing. However I think the interview with Corney is a mere hoop to jump through now to cover our bases. Although not condoning the way in which the protest group went about things, I think there is a need to force corneys hand in leaving rather than trying to work along side him. I still believe this should be done in a professional and above board manner but the focus needs to be ousting the club of this plague rather than trying to work alongside side them. How that's done is another debate
  16. It's not one or the other. Going to latics is something I choose to do. I do it for me. I'm not about to change that because of what Corney says or does to the club. The day I stop going is the day Corney has officially ruined the club. It's not a business. It's my club. Not corneys
  17. So we have been embarrassed on national TV, not only beaten, but completely humiliated for over an hour. I don't think there is one of us that will go in work tommorro and not get an earful of stick off our co workers. Has there ever been a more embarrassing time to be a latics fan? For the not so hard core it's easy to see why not going down to bp every sat afternoon is an easy decision. I consider myself the hardest of the hard core over the years. Yet I'm struggling to think of one good reason why I should carry on going other than "it's what I've always done". I will never stop going. But the question is there can't be that many more mugs like me who will blindly tip up at 5 to 3 every other week just because it's what we do. If this carries on as it is home crowds will be sub 2000 before the end of the season. And you can't blame anyone for staying away. I've reached the point now where I really would take any other option other than maintaining the status quo. There is literally no ray of light at the end of the tunnel and I cannot see any positive way out under the current regime. You turn up expecting a loss, and an oldham nil scoreline. By any means possible Corney has to go. I'm past caring about league positions and how we have done so well to maintain our league 1 status in trying circumstances. Football is about so much more than which league your in. It's about the banter with mates. It's about having pride in your club, and bragging at work about how you beat the league leaders. It's about scoring a goal every now and then. It's about a beer bus to Carlisle when chaddy fell off a bike. It's about singing the names of your stalwart players who have been at the club for years, or who play with their heart on their sleeve. It shouldn't be talking about hmrc tax bills, winding up orders and transfer embargoes. Latics - be it through intent or as a result of mismanagement - have lost sight of what football should be about. Not one of us no matter what you say can honestly say we enjoy watching latics anymore. We do it because it's what we do. Until we can say with some conviction that we trully enjoy going to bp again the club is lost. It's a sad time but with each year that passes latics take a step closer to oblivion. And the saddest thing is nobody seems to care.enough to do anything about it
  18. Surprised at the confident fans question. This is a banana skin and potential upset if ever I saw one
  19. I don't disagree they will be legal. However I would argue that legal and best for the club may be 2 different things entirely.
  20. You have taken my post completely out of context. All I mean is if we are going to look at them let's have someone look at them who knows what they are talking about rather than the eyes of a layman
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