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Which is better?

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Hmmmmmm..... would you give up a 19year old hobby for a woman?

It's a hobby that brings my family together too, so that would mean upsetting them for not spending time with them.

Should he not just try and come to a game once in a while, just as I did what he wanted me to do?

And no rude comments thanks!! :huh:



Its no hobby! If it was a hobby I might try to get her interested....its much more important than that!

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Hey, leave me out of any of them there "crossing to the other side" shanannigans".....I play like a good old fashioned cricketer....with a straight bat!! :grin:


I wonder what it is like to be "bi-curious" :mmm:


Has it got something to do with Bi-cycles and therefore Bikers?




Seems like the type of stuff they get up to Darn Sarf to me. You know, in places like Brighton, Croydon and Dublin?

Edited by Rick
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Haven't posted on here yet, and might not get the best response after friday, but wanted to post my views on this, after reading the board for a while!


I think it really depends on the partner as to whether it's better or not! Speaking as a female, and a Stockport fan, I've had boyfriends who followed city/united or had no real interest in football and brought them along and have to say, I much prefered going without them. They would moan, say comments that would just annoy me because they just don't understand what it's like to be a hardcore football fan.


Think it's easier if the partner is as dedicated as you. I've also been out with a fellow Stockport fan, who went to alot of games, although not as many as myself, (I haven't missed a game for a few years, sad like that :-P) and it had it's highs and lows. The highs were obviously sharing a passion which can bring you closer, mixing friends and enjoying a nice day on the beer socialising. Lows such as both being in foul moods after defeats, arguments over team selections and worst of all, his jealously of players 'looking' at me, although I think the last was more of a insecurity in him than a problem with attending games with partners!


I do think it can be really enjoyable to attend with a partner, so in an ideal world, you either want you're partner to be understanding that your first love is your football club and thats where you will be on saturdays, so yes that does mean you might not be back in time for bla blas party, or a certain meal, but thats tough, cos football comes first. Whether thats by them letting you get on with doing your thing or by coming with you and being as dedicated, either way is what we all want I guess!


All the best for the rest of the season, except for that game at your place in January 09 ;-)

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