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Wycombe On Saturday

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How many are going on saturday to wycombe ? a decent atmosphere wouldnt go a miss.


For the first team ever, I will be missing the game because "I cant be arsed".


I've done every match this season bar Southend away and I missed that for reasons that couldn't be helped. If ever I have missed a game in previous seasons, it has been because I've either got no money or I have a prior engagement.


David Penis is sapping away my passion for the club at the moment.

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For the first team ever, I will be missing the game because "I cant be arsed".


I've done every match this season bar Southend away and I missed that for reasons that couldn't be helped. If ever I have missed a game in previous seasons, it has been because I've either got no money or I have a prior engagement.


David Penis is sapping away my passion for the club at the moment.



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I'm considering, been a while since i've been away this season due to work load, so might do this one despite a general lack of funds.


I was considering it but instead I'll be spending the morning being measured for wedding attire for my mate's nuptials next year. May do the Monkey Hangers on the 28th - that'll be a Baltic one...

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Before we answer that Diego - are you going there?



I have a dilemma, on which you may be able to advise.


Mrs. S. and I will be arriving at the stadium early, parking somewhere suitable for a quick getaway, and going in the Supporters' Club bar, where previously we have had a goiod time, including singing to take the piss out of ex-Barsteward Rovers' player Simon Garner, who works for WWFC and reads out the teams.


On the other hand the entertainment at the White Horse pub reminds me that one of the best ever pre-match get-togethers of Latics fans was in the Manchester pub on Blackpool promenade, when the DJ played Latics-associated tunes and we sang impressively. Oh yeah, and there were also pole-dancers and even the female Latics fans present said it was brilliant.


At Wycombe I have to write the Ernie Flag report and it could be much more interesting if we took a taxi from the stadium to and from the White Horse pub, instead of going in the Supporters' Club. Mrs. S. is up for it, because in the past she has been reassured by seeing so much cellulite on show, but you understand that I would not be going for the titilation, but only in the interest of giving my readers a more colourful account of the day's events. B)


The fans we normally meet up with before away games are not going to Wycombe, and there would not be much point just the two of us going as it would then not be a Latics get-together. So I was wondering if others were up for it - I'm writing this to include enough opportunitues for those of you obsessed with w*nking to get the digs in at me.


Anyway, the main part of the dilemma is, if I go to the White Horse, would it be perceived by the majority of fans to be disrespectful if I asked the girl performers to pose with the Ernie Flag? This replacement Flag belongs to the supporters and I would not do anything to be disrespectful to Ernie's memory. :unsure: On the other hand the pictures might well result in more hits on the ernieflag site and thereby make more people aware of the dangers associated with not screening themselves from the sun - even a flag draped over oneself cannot keep out those harmful rays. :shock:


So I await your advice and the opinions of OWTB members. If it is thought to be a good idea, I would contact the pub in advance to find out if the photographs could be arranged.

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I have a dilemma, on which you may be able to advise.


Mrs. S. and I will be arriving at the stadium early, parking somewhere suitable for a quick getaway, and going in the Supporters' Club bar, where previously we have had a goiod time, including singing to take the piss out of ex-Barsteward Rovers' player Simon Garner, who works for WWFC and reads out the teams.


On the other hand the entertainment at the White Horse pub reminds me that one of the best ever pre-match get-togethers of Latics fans was in the Manchester pub on Blackpool promenade, when the DJ played Latics-associated tunes and we sang impressively. Oh yeah, and there were also pole-dancers and even the female Latics fans present said it was brilliant.


At Wycombe I have to write the Ernie Flag report and it could be much more interesting if we took a taxi from the stadium to and from the White Horse pub, instead of going in the Supporters' Club. Mrs. S. is up for it, because in the past she has been reassured by seeing so much cellulite on show, but you understand that I would not be going for the titilation, but only in the interest of giving my readers a more colourful account of the day's events. B)


The fans we normally meet up with before away games are not going to Wycombe, and there would not be much point just the two of us going as it would then not be a Latics get-together. So I was wondering if others were up for it - I'm writing this to include enough opportunitues for those of you obsessed with w*nking to get the digs in at me.


Anyway, the main part of the dilemma is, if I go to the White Horse, would it be perceived by the majority of fans to be disrespectful if I asked the girl performers to pose with the Ernie Flag? This replacement Flag belongs to the supporters and I would not do anything to be disrespectful to Ernie's memory. :unsure: On the other hand the pictures might well result in more hits on the ernieflag site and thereby make more people aware of the dangers associated with not screening themselves from the sun - even a flag draped over oneself cannot keep out those harmful rays. :shock:


So I await your advice and the opinions of OWTB members. If it is thought to be a good idea, I would contact the pub in advance to find out if the photographs could be arranged.


Not at all in my opinion

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I have a dilemma, on which you may be able to advise.


Mrs. S. and I will be arriving at the stadium early, parking somewhere suitable for a quick getaway, and going in the Supporters' Club bar, where previously we have had a goiod time, including singing to take the piss out of ex-Barsteward Rovers' player Simon Garner, who works for WWFC and reads out the teams.


On the other hand the entertainment at the White Horse pub reminds me that one of the best ever pre-match get-togethers of Latics fans was in the Manchester pub on Blackpool promenade, when the DJ played Latics-associated tunes and we sang impressively. Oh yeah, and there were also pole-dancers and even the female Latics fans present said it was brilliant.


At Wycombe I have to write the Ernie Flag report and it could be much more interesting if we took a taxi from the stadium to and from the White Horse pub, instead of going in the Supporters' Club. Mrs. S. is up for it, because in the past she has been reassured by seeing so much cellulite on show, but you understand that I would not be going for the titilation, but only in the interest of giving my readers a more colourful account of the day's events. B)


The fans we normally meet up with before away games are not going to Wycombe, and there would not be much point just the two of us going as it would then not be a Latics get-together. So I was wondering if others were up for it - I'm writing this to include enough opportunitues for those of you obsessed with w*nking to get the digs in at me.


Anyway, the main part of the dilemma is, if I go to the White Horse, would it be perceived by the majority of fans to be disrespectful if I asked the girl performers to pose with the Ernie Flag? This replacement Flag belongs to the supporters and I would not do anything to be disrespectful to Ernie's memory. :unsure: On the other hand the pictures might well result in more hits on the ernieflag site and thereby make more people aware of the dangers associated with not screening themselves from the sun - even a flag draped over oneself cannot keep out those harmful rays. :shock:


So I await your advice and the opinions of OWTB members. If it is thought to be a good idea, I would contact the pub in advance to find out if the photographs could be arranged.


I would be happy to come along to 'help'. If I get there for 1pm, will that give us enough time to get it up*? :unsure:















* The flag, of course.

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I would be happy to come along to 'help'. If I get there for 1pm, will that give us enough time to get it up*? :unsure:















* The flag, of course.

Many hands make light work.


Can't see a problem with it myself. Incidentally from my one experience of Wycombe, it's car park isn't amenable to fast exits, we went and had about 4 pints in the clubhouse waiting to get out.

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...Incidentally from my one experience of Wycombe, it's car park isn't amenable to fast exits, we went and had about 4 pints in the clubhouse waiting to get out.


I refer propspective Wycombe visitors to my advice posted elsewhere:


Where to park:

You can park at the stadium, and the club offers free parking if your car has four occupants or if you arrive before 12:30pm on Saturdays and 6:00pm on weekdays..At other times the charge is £5.

WARNING: It is a nightmare trying to get out at the end of the game. It can take up to 50 minutes to travel the short distance back to the M40.


Some of the industrial units along Hillbottom Road provide match day parking (£3-£5) and parking there will speed up your departure.


Street parking is also available off Lane End Road up to fifteen minutes walk from the stadium. WARNING: Traffic Wardens patrol the area regularly.


We are going to a do in the evening so must get away swiftly. Parking in front of the industrial units immediately outside the stadium has done the trick previously.



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I refer propspective Wycombe visitors to my advice posted elsewhere:




We are going to a do in the evening so must get away swiftly. Parking in front of the industrial units immediately outside the stadium has done the trick previously.

I was just re-iterating it in case Mrs S was reading so as to back up your spurious logic to cover up why you need to go to the titty bar.

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