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Jarrett Sending Off

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BUT WHAT ABOUT the throwing a ball on when we are attacking stopping game glossed over by the cheating soft lumps.

Yeah! And that could have hit one of their players, ricocheted into the crowd and hit a young girl or lady! They ought to be ashamed of themselves!

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Right i've not read the rest of this thread but i've just seen the incident on the football league show. For a start, it wasn't even a foul, let alone a second yellow. The charlton bench jumped up and imo influenced the ref to send jarret off. Jarret did not "boot" the ball at parkinson, it was a little tap, it had no power on it whatsoever. So for him to say "what if it had a lady in the crowd" is utter bollocks.


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i'm not sure if it had hit a women or child in the stand they would have even noticed....either that or they would have nonchalantly nodded it back into play...


i read his interview where he gave us credit apart from the incident and then waited to see the incident on the box, i really can't believe he made such a meal out of that little tap...



anyway - lets see how many beach balls we can get to throw at him from the main stand when they visit BP....

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To be fair to Parkinson, his references to the match itself are rather respectful of Latics' efforts.


Not really, continues in the same bitter fashion trying to say we played like we did last year


"They came here last year and did the same, albeit with a different formation. They were dogged and resilient and we struggled to break them down."


As has been said, isn't a bad thing that these people are so pissed off at us that they are willing to make up rubbish and make themselves look like clowns.

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Just seen it again and how the **** is that a foul nevermind a second booking? Their guy knocks it straight out of play to nobody then runs the oppositie side of Jarrett who isn't even looking in that direction and goes to ground, so ridiculous. AM i the only person seeing this, because the Charlton fans seemed to think it was a fair decision?


Also, did anyone notice that the noise from the Charlton end was being played through the speakers on the roof of our stand? Bizarre.....

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Just seen it again and how the **** is that a foul nevermind a second booking? Their guy knocks it straight out of play to nobody then runs the oppositie side of Jarrett who isn't even looking in that direction and goes to ground, so ridiculous. AM i the only person seeing this, because the Charlton fans seemed to think it was a fair decision?


Also, did anyone notice that the noise from the Charlton end was being played through the speakers on the roof of our stand? Bizarre.....

It's a farcical decision and i don't believe you can appeal.

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Storm in a tea cup - all of it.


Soft foul - if at all in the first place.


Have seen oppo benches react far more than that lots of times - not the worst reaction for me, and I'm sure ours have / will do something similar.


Yellow card - soft decision even if ref thinks its a foul. Could have been persistent foul play though.


Kicking the ball away - nowhere near as bad as its described, but its like 'raising your hands' it can be pathetically weak but you will get a red. Still cannot be excused, and if there is any subsequent punishment, take it on the chin and react better next time.




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I was at the match & I have to admit I thought it was their player who had got sent off because Jarrett did nothing!!! Disgraceful!


And as for stopping the match when we was attacking because a 2nd ball managed to get onto the field is just plain cheating...

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As I said on another thread, it looked to me as if their bloke tripped over his own feet. The TV footage confirms that JJ wasn't even looking at him as the ball was out of play it appears. If there was any contact at all, which I doubt, Charlton's drama queen tripped over JJ's toe and went down as if he'd been shot. It was their bench who got JJ sent off, which shows how desperate they were, knowing they should have been at least 2 goals behind at that stage.


Well done, Parkinson, you cheating, over paid, under achieving Jessie. Grow up, admit you're wrong and be a man instead of a big girl. I made a mistake on the other thread when I said JJ "belted" the ball at the dug out. I apologise. It was a weak, toe-end lob. It barely reached the bench so it would never have reached the bloody crowd.


If this is what you have to resort to, to try and get a result, it only shows that you don't believe that your own team is good enough. You got outplayed for long periods, Parky, were bloody lucky not to concede at least two more goals and you should give your pay packet to Rob Elliott - he got you out of jail. But I doubt you've got the guts.



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"The lad got himself in more trouble by booting the ball towards our bench. It might have missed the bench and hit a young girl or lady in the crowd.".....oh p*ss off you ridiculous drama queen. Yeah it was a daft reaction but 1. from the first look on the highlights it was never a booking 2. he hardly belted it, Hazell's exocet into the crowd at Tranmere was far more dangerous and 3. f**k off with the "oh won't somebody think of the women and children?" histrionics, you just sound stupid.


I agree, surely football should be banned if he is going to worry about an old woman getting hit. Its a lot worse sitting in an end stand before a match when the reserve strikers (i.e. the ones that have trouble hitting the target) take pots shots at the crowd. Not to mention that it was a bit more of a flick than a kick at the bench.

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As I said on another thread, it looked to me as if their bloke tripped over his own feet. The TV footage confirms that JJ wasn't even looking at him as the ball was out of play it appears. If there was any contact at all, which I doubt, Charlton's drama queen tripped over JJ's toe and went down as if he'd been shot. It was their bench who got JJ sent off, which shows how desperate they were, knowing they should have been at least 2 goals behind at that stage.


Well done, Parkinson, you cheating, over paid, under achieving Jessie. Grow up, admit you're wrong and be a man instead of a big girl. I made a mistake on the other thread when I said JJ "belted" the ball at the dug out. I apologise. It was a weak, toe-end lob. It barely reached the bench so it would never have reached the bloody crowd.


If this is what you have to resort to, to try and get a result, it only shows that you don't believe that your own team is good enough. You got outplayed for long periods, Parky, were bloody lucky not to concede at least two more goals and you should give your pay packet to Rob Elliott - he got you out of jail. But I doubt you've got the guts.


Spot on

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Never a sending off. At the time I was adamant he'd done something off the ball and been given in a straight red because there was no way he should have been booked for the initial tackle.


Hopefully the daftness of the decision to send him off will counter the idiocy of kicking the ball at the Charlton bench and he'll escape further punishment.

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As I said on another thread, it looked to me as if their bloke tripped over his own feet. The TV footage confirms that JJ wasn't even looking at him as the ball was out of play it appears. If there was any contact at all, which I doubt, Charlton's drama queen tripped over JJ's toe and went down as if he'd been shot. It was their bench who got JJ sent off, which shows how desperate they were, knowing they should have been at least 2 goals behind at that stage.


Well done, Parkinson, you cheating, over paid, under achieving Jessie. Grow up, admit you're wrong and be a man instead of a big girl. I made a mistake on the other thread when I said JJ "belted" the ball at the dug out. I apologise. It was a weak, toe-end lob. It barely reached the bench so it would never have reached the bloody crowd.


If this is what you have to resort to, to try and get a result, it only shows that you don't believe that your own team is good enough. You got outplayed for long periods, Parky, were bloody lucky not to concede at least two more goals and you should give your pay packet to Rob Elliott - he got you out of jail. But I doubt you've got the guts.


I'm sure Mr Parkinson will recieve a typically "warm" northern welcome from our fans in the Paddock for the return fixture on the 9th April at Boundary Park as a reminder of his actions on Saturday :wink:


Assuming of course that he is still Charlton manager at that point, because if he can't beat (with respect) little teams like Oldham, he may have a problem with his board and supporters.


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