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Rochdale Road End

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Chaddy vs RRE?


RRE - better facilities

Chaddy - the 'soul' of the club


Was a ST holder in the Lookers since the days when it was known as the Ford stand but, with it's demise was forced to relocate and chose the RRE. The swapping about to accomodate away fans forced me to reconsider and went instead to the Chaddy. Performances last season meant I didn't renew my ST but I still sit in the Chaddy simply because I prefer to sit amongst like-minded people whoi go to watch the game rather than be pre-occupied with hurling abuse & foul language at the (usually) small number of away supporters who occupy the away part of the RRE.


However, back to the debate - which is better ? On balance, I would agree with this previous comment.....



...... its the people in the stand who make the atmosphere, and not the stand itself. ......



....but, based on my recent experiences, is that the kind of experience we want to encourage? :huh:

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Chaddy vs RRE?


RRE - better facilities

Chaddy - the 'soul' of the club


Was a ST holder in the Lookers since the days when it was known as the Ford stand but, with it's demise was forced to relocate and chose the RRE. The swapping about to accomodate away fans forced me to reconsider and went instead to the Chaddy. Performances last season meant I didn't renew my ST but I still sit in the Chaddy simply because I prefer to sit amongst like-minded people whoi go to watch the game rather than be pre-occupied with hurling abuse & foul language at the (usually) small number of away supporters who occupy the away part of the RRE.



if the away fans are in the chaddy the kids hurling abuse at the small numbers of travelling fans won't b an issue will it? And as for people saying they sit around the same people every week, what would be stopping you still sitting around those people?

Edited by c.hill12
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In reply to c.hill12


I was merely supporting the point that atmosphere is created by people rather than buildings ... but then widened the issue to pass comment on the type of atmosphere being created.


ps - you really must learn how to use the 'Quote' option.



haha :lol: i know i should really. I didn't realise i'd dropped a bollok til i read it back after. And yes you are totally right that atmosphere is created by people but the building carries the noise created by those people!

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When the Chaddy is 'bouncing', the people in the Chaddy know it and are enthused by it.

Who cares if the away fans at the other end of the pitch don't hear it so well?


it's not the away fans i'm bothered about, it's the 11 lads in blue on the pitch who,especially in games such as saturday, deserve all the vocal backing they can get

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Im all for having atmosphere. Thats why i love away days. The away fans are usually more up for a good day out and making noise. At home, players want us to be the 12th player. If that means us moving into a better stand so be it. But i can also understand that the chaddy end is tradition aswell. I dont mind personally because against huddersfield it was great atmosphere (even though others couldn't hear it) but also i'd love for the players to hear it and other fans.

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I dont like the Chaddy for various reasons. Noise doesnt carry in there despite how loud you think it is. Crap View.

I dont like the Main stand for various reasons. Upper especially the legroom is shocking.


The RRE is the only stand at BP I like and dont mind paying £20 to sit in, since they knocked down the Lookers.


Take away that opportunity and i'd probably do what I did yesterday and stay in the rifle.


There is quite a few with this opinion.

What...fickle fans who don't support their team properly? Not fooooking kidding!!!

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I appreciate your argument but you'll find that you're in a continually reducing minority Dave.

And yet this post started off with people talking about how good it was in the Chaddy End vs Huddersfield until yet again, the Rochdale Road Brigade hijacked it with their slagging off of the Chaddy End and turned it into another tiresome "home ends debate"...you're happy where you are, we're happy where we are! Even happier on Saturday!!!

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And yet this post started off with people talking about how good it was in the Chaddy End vs Huddersfield until yet again, the Rochdale Road Brigade hijacked it with their slagging off of the Chaddy End and turned it into another tiresome "home ends debate"...you're happy where you are, we're happy where we are! Even happier on Saturday!!!


The thread title is 'Rochdale Road End'...


As an ex Chaddy Ender - moved to the Main Stand when the eyesight started to worsen and I was missinfg too much at the far end - I am glad that I was privileged to enjoy the best years of the Chaddy End - I only hope that they return before we leave for Failsworth! :unsure:

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The thread title is 'Rochdale Road End'...


As an ex Chaddy Ender - moved to the Main Stand when the eyesight started to worsen and I was missinfg too much at the far end - I am glad that I was privileged to enjoy the best years of the Chaddy End - I only hope that they return before we leave for Failsworth! :unsure:

True, it is...but a large number of opening gambits are about how good the atmosphere was in the Chaddy on Saturday...so the line from Delfer that "you're in a continually reducing minority" over people wanting to go in the Chaddy End isn't quite the truth. More factual would be "you're in a continually reducing minority going in any stand at BP"...

Edited by boundaryblue80
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being in the chaddy with that atmosphere reminded me of the good ol days !


people only like the rre because there near away fans ? so fooking what ?!? 9/10 its little 15 year olds thinking there big men who can take on the world until they get outside and mummy and daddy are waiting for them !


chaddy end today was miles better than the rre at anytime this season !


chaddy end is :censored:e full stop...i lived in there from the age of 5 upwards until rre was opened to home fans...it has nothing to do with being nearer the away fans...it has everything to do with the view and facilities in the stand...you can almost never hear the chaddy end sing from the rre....and like others have said...it should have been made the away end when we turned the rre into home end....


nothing wrong wth tradition....but its time to move on....

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The way some go on about the better facillities in the RRE make it sound on a par with those of wembley. Its crap just like the Chaddy go on about the steel pillars getting in the way but i've sat in there for the last 15 years and i've probably missed half a dozen challenges if that (funnily enough one of those was on Saturday). I would like a beer in the Chaddy which you can get in the Rocky but it doesnt really spoil my day out, and seeing as i am in the Pub drinking nice beer which it its not at Latics anyway, straight after the match I don't really care.


Next its about the atmosphere and how much better it carries but never once in the time since the lookers has gone have i though 'wow the Rocky is really rocking today' it crap and the only noise that comes from that stand is usually from the chav army goading 150 Yoevil/exeter/Francise fans. I'd hazard a guess that if the away fans wern't in that stand there would be no singing at all so making the Chaddy the away end would kind of defeat the object anyway.


The thing that gets me about the whole Chaddy/Rocky debate is that i use to just accept it when we had the 4 stands and it was for away fans only because we never got a chance to really know how many fans would prefer the switch only from the few who had there say on here and other messageboards. But now its been the 3rd season that we have had chance to switch, yet never in all those games have there been more Latics fans in the Rocky than the Chaddy and usually theres at least double the amount in the Chaddy compared to the Rocky so i think that ends the argument. If anything make the Rocky for away fans only.

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Serve beer in the chaddy, and I'd be ok with moving there from the rocky. Never really found a new spiritual home after they knocked the previous one down. No beer, no move.


The atmosphere was better on Saturday, although I'd put most of that down to the fullness of the stand. Would have been the same in any stand.


I would miss the sunbathing in the rocky though :(

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Serve beer in the chaddy, and I'd be ok with moving there from the rocky. Never really found a new spiritual home after they knocked the previous one down. No beer, no move.


The atmosphere was better on Saturday, although I'd put most of that down to the fullness of the stand. Would have been the same in any stand.


I would miss the sunbathing in the rocky though :(


i think the fact I didn't have to drink the RRE beer also added to the experience :unsure:

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Don't know if it could be heard in the chaddy, but after our 3rd goal we had a rousing version of E-I-E-I-E-I-O up the football league we go etc.

Sounded loud in the RRE.....now if only we had a full stand singing from the same songsheet.

Auditions at spotland on saturday. :bluearmy:

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Personally, facitilities wise RRE is better, weather wise your open to the wind and rain in winter but get the sun at the start and end of the season.


The argument about having to "sit near a bunch of 15 yr olds giving the away fans the big un" is redundant cause if its the home end...no away fans would be there. And at the moement like the thread is debating...just move away from them? The stand is big enough.


Acoustically RRE wins too...think it played a factor in our defence on tuesday cause in the chaddy I could hear the small amount of away fans making a noise and getting behind their boys and it could have put our defence on more eggshells than they were.

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