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Statement from the Dept. of the Bleeding Obvious

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surprise surprise


why didnt the club just say it's goin to be off but we need volunteers to make sure the next game will be on. feel sorry for those that went to help with hope that it would be on.


Because then they'd get accused of giving up far too easily and not putting in the effort to get the Boxing Day game on :lol:


Postponed two days prior to the fixture? OUTRAGEOUS!

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Latics really are between a rock and a hard place on this one.


The sad truth is that without some external (divine?) intervention, there isn't a cat in hell's chance of playing football at BP for the forseeable future. The frost penetration is likely to be so severe that only a massive thaw (temps of 5+ for at least four or five days) will remove and I haven't seen any forecasts that predict that.


Our only hope would be the deployment of hot air blowers but quite simply, the Latics cannot afford that sort of financial outlay that would entail - especially as there is no guarantee of success. :disappointed:

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That's quality! Especially coming from Cumbria, wouldn't carry so much weight if it was from Swindon :wink:

I seem to remember Toddy Orlygsson saying he couldn't get used to the cold in Oldham because, unlike the cold in his native Iceland, the cold in Oldham "really gets into your bones".

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What a fantastic, honest, write up about an opposition, he says it how he feels and fair credit to him. He promotes our strengths and the grounds' strengths and yet the fookin' plastic comedians amongst us haven't got the decency to credit Abbott with the bit of credit he deserves.

An honest answer to a question about coming to ISZ at a very tough time of year - I like it.

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