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Pocket Sized Fixtures

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A waste of a dinner hour but here's a wallet-friendly sized fixture list for all.

Simply print, cut out and fold in half.




bit big pal , what size did you make it to print out ?

Edited by Stevie_J
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I remember when I was flogging car insurance at work, we used to get these credit card sized things to give to customers to try and encourage them to ring the number when their renewal was due.


I used to drop 20 on each pump at each petrol station I used - got the best sales figures in the company as a result, month after month.


Just another unsophisticated marketing idea ...

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the buggers - everytime I asked; they said they didnt have any & werent doing them. Face must not fit eh? :wink:




Wouldn't like to comment on your face ! :grin:


To be fair they were giving them out at the shop rather than the ticket office.

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A waste of a dinner hour but here's a wallet-friendly sized fixture list for all.

Simply print, cut out and fold in half.




Someone should write an iPhone app......Oh, just a minute......!

Edited by Stevie_J
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  • 3 weeks later...

This very well may be a shot to my credibility but unfortunately there was an error in my original artwork.


I won't share the error but instead of keeping it quiet (no doubt I would be found out at a later date) I have rectified this error and re-posted the fixtures below.


No prizes are offered for the person who spots the error.


And god help me if there is more than 1!




Edited by Stevie_J
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This very well may be a shot to my credibility but unfortunately there was an error in my original artwork.


I won't share the error but instead of keeping it quiet (no doubt I would be found out at a later date) I have rectified this error and re-posted the fixtures below.


No prizes are offered for the person who spots the error.


And god help me if their are more than 1!






everyone's just buyin a mug mate

Edited by Stevie_J
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Very sorry. It's great work and I'd love to allow this but OWTB does not have a licence to publish the fixtures and therefore I have no choice but to remove the fixture list.


May I suggest PM/email on this.



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A waste of a dinner hour but here's a wallet-friendly sized fixture list for all.

Simply print, cut out and fold in half.






apparently they are having official ones again this year, should be delivered to BP on Saturday morning!


Or so I was told when collecting my ST

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