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The Oldham way. We love a player who's not very good but tries hard.


Then slag off a Ricketts who was a lot better than made out but didn't run around like a Paul Warne.


Thing is though the only thing we can ask of any player who pulls on a blue shirt is that they go out and do their best so a player like John Eyre who did should be atleast appreciated for just that.


So while I never quite understood quite why Andy Liddell for example, came in for the criticism he did when he consistantly delivered key contributions to games, I have no problem with the likes of Paul Warne, John Eyre, Ernie Cooksey, Shaun Garnett, being appreciated for their efforts because if nothingelse they went out and did their best that their ability aloud them to do.

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People slagged andy liddell off because they didnt know much about football. Eyre was shockingly bad though, i still doubt my own mind when i recall that he played in the prem.


I remember when he ran the midfield against our cup win against city at BP..

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