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Difficult to cite that as grounds for appeal.


Anyway, didn't Ched come along later on, after she'd knocked back a few more martinis?

Arrived mid act and watched, mcdonald asks the girl if ched can join in, she apparently agree'd but the court ruled she was in no fit state to consent...

Edited by Gaz_Oafc
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Difficult to cite that as grounds for appeal.


Anyway, didn't Ched come along later on, after she'd knocked back a few more martinis?


I don't know enough about the case to be honest. But with McDonald taking her to the hotel and workers at the hotel giving evidence saying she was unable to stand at times. Seems strange it wasn't both. As for the guy watching though the window :petesake:

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Arrived mid act and watched, mcdonald asks the girl if ched can join in, she apparently agree'd but the defence said she was in no fit state to consent...


If that's the case should he carry a breath tester with him? Maybe that's making light of a serious matter but at what stage does she become in no fit state? An how wud he no she has reached that specific stage? Still both or neither for me

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I don't know enough about the case to be honest. But with McDonald taking her to the hotel and workers at the hotel giving evidence saying she was unable to stand at times. Seems strange it wasn't both. As for the guy watching though the window :petesake:


Dunt no the unable to stand bit

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Rape, end of! No consent to sex, yet another billy big balls thinking he can shag anything he wants and :censored: the circumstances....well this time he got what he deserved!!


Completely agree. Vulnerability does not mean consent. Glad the scum got sent down.

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I'm going to do a bit of a U turn now. Jus been on the blades forum an have a new point of view. A lot on there are saying CM met her on the night out had a laugh she agreed to get in taxi an agreed to go to the hotel. CE however turned up uninvited and joined in. You could say took advantage of the situation. Lookin at it like that can defiantly see why they gave CM as innocent an CE guilty

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I'm going to do a bit of a U turn now. Jus been on the blades forum an have a new point of view. A lot on there are saying CM met her on the night out had a laugh she agreed to get in taxi an agreed to go to the hotel. CE however turned up uninvited and joined in. You could say took advantage of the situation. Lookin at it like that can defiantly see why they gave CM as innocent an CE guilty


The part that's confused me is that the judge specifically points to the state of the girl when she bumped into CM as evidence of her being incapable of consenting yet he's apparently alright whilst Evans is guilty. Doesn't make Evans any less of a scumbag though.

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Fairly sure there was an amendment to the law a few years back that meant if the lay dee was unable to consent it was rape.


An acquittal via appeal or retrial may be more tricky than suggested.

Courts have allowed to extend recklessness into rape even though it isn't in the act..

Appeal/retrial as you say will be tricky, but does depend upon what his lawyers argue on basis of the appeal/retrial, but could be a good chance of succedding in a re-trial if they believe the trial judge has misdirected the jury on a point.

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Sure I heard on Radio 1 that some of the evidence heard included one of the accused phoning someone saying something along the lines of 'we've got one' after seeing her falling over in a chippy arseholed. Thought it was Evans. May be wrong.

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The only way he'll be able to lodge any appeal will be if the Judge has mis directed the jury in his summing up, or if something else has happened during the trial that prejudices him so much it makes the verdict unsafe. In reality, as much as they've issued a statement saying they are looking into an appeal, they will know already whether there may be grounds for one, because they will have been looking for appeal points all the way through the trial.


Just because some people think it should have been both or neither doesn't mean he'll get an appeal. Even if his lawyers do advise him that he has grounds for appeal he won't necessarily get that chance.


He may lodge an appeal of which the merits will be looked at by a single Judge, who will decide if he is allowed to have the matter heard before the Court of Appeal. If the single Judge rejects his grounds then it's tough titties!!


I know it's difficult not having heard all the evidence but it appears fairly straightforward to me why he has been convicted and McDonald acquitted - the jury believed that her actions leading up to the events in the hotel gave McDonald enough reason to reasonably believe that she consented and he even asked hotel staff to look after apparantly. Evans on the other hand turned up half way through, joined in and then legged it out of the fire exit to avoid being seen!! Not difficult to see why the jury have come to the conclusion they have.


All the deluded Blades fans who think he'll appeal next week, be acquitted next month and be playing again next season need to calm down and have a think about the :censored:e coming out of their mouths! Idiots!!

Also to bear in mind is the fact that if he appeals and loses the Court of Appeal are within their rights to increase his sentence! I'll be stunned (yet happy to admit I was wrong) if it happens.


He'll never play football again that's for sure. It's one thing taking on someone who killed someone 'by accident' but to take on a convicted rapist is a whole different kettle of fish. I can't see any club ever going near him again, unless Barry is on the board obviously :-)


I wonder if Luke McCormick has been tee'd up for next year yet? He must be out within the next 12 months!!!

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The thought of McCormick playing for us sickens me to the point I would never, ever watch us again and withdraw my support. It does make me a hypocrite as I did give Hughes a second chance but I've changed my view totally on him too and regret that he ever played for us.


There's certain people you should never give second chances to based on their actions and as I'm not religious then I'll never forgive them.


Evans deserves everything he gets...I really hope the tables are turned when he's banged up and he receives the same treatment but from Big Dave and his mates in the showers!


All four lads should have got the same sentencing purely for taking advantage of a girl who was clearly unable to walk let alone think rationally under the influence of drink. What type of scum has sex with someone in that condition....it's bordering on necrophilia!


Sorry for my outburst but as a father of two young girls, this makes my blood boil that this could happen to anyone's daughters

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