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Might just be me....

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Plus the fact PD wont be happy surely that he will be 2 weeks behind the current crop by then and trust me the start is the most important in any players pre-season


And missing the bonding , which will be crucial this season

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I didn't mean you specifically Sly, I just happened to reply to your post rather than hollandspies (who used the words 1st CLASS liar). Yes, yes it was used perhaps in a dubious attempt at humour, but he also accused Matt of talking bollocks.


No over-reactions here, just pointing out that if his source was incorrect, it doesn't make him a liar.



Yes Dan, I admit it was a dubious attempt at humour, but to be fair he was talking bollocks since he'd just bet one of his testicles on some fact or other.....


Matt, apologies if I caused offence.

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I will reveal my source, though now as there is a delay i believe of some sort, i think its reluctance to go Portugal...


Its the horses mouth....Taiwo himself who i bumped into and i asked him directly.


Matt: "Hey, you! Are you that Tom Taiwo? The footballer?"

Tom Taiwo: "err, Yeah"

Matt: "Are you signing for my team, Oldham?"

Tom Taiwo: "Err, yeah. Yeah.... [whatever]"

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I've been mulling this over, why would Taiwo not want to go to Portugal and so it is holding the deal up. It does not make any sense.

Either if he is reluctant to go, break the deal, he is not the sort of player that PD (or most of us would want-not the running trough brick walls.)

Did he actually say he did not want to go?

Surely it will be more the issue of it being too late to get him a lfight accomm etc.?

And Neil Joy alluded to the gact he was happy with the 17 to go as the core.

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Right i bumped into him at the services (Heartshead Moor) totally by chance, ironically on the day i read on that reliable site we were in the market for him so i asked him straight were Oldham in the running for his signature (i was wearing an OAFC coat at the time too) and he said virtually it was a done deal, may have been lying to fob a fan off but he seemed genuine (our location, club ties in with everything the Carlisle manager said about him leaving), as for the hold up i think its because someone is coming in for Furman i dont think its a reluctance on his part to go Portugal more likely the clubs finances preventing him from going Portugal unless a player is sold so therefore a seat and ticket is free.


Hope this sheds some light on why i am so confident he will be in a Latics shirt next season, and no i dont have an inside informer like everyone else.

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Right i bumped into him at the services (Heartshead Moor) totally by chance, ironically on the day i read on that reliable site we were in the market for him so i asked him straight were Oldham in the running for his signature (i was wearing an OAFC coat at the time too) and he said virtually it was a done deal, may have been lying to fob a fan off but he seemed genuine (our location, club ties in with everything the Carlisle manager said about him leaving), as for the hold up i think its because someone is coming in for Furman i dont think its a reluctance on his part to go Portugal more likely the clubs finances preventing him from going Portugal unless a player is sold so therefore a seat and ticket is free.


Hope this sheds some light on why i am so confident he will be in a Latics shirt next season, and no i dont have an inside informer like everyone else.

Bloody hell, that's worrying.

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My mate who supports MK said he heard he is going crewe

Tee hee hee, well this is a fun game.


I bumped into Taye Taiwo in London 3 weeks ago, he said he had never heard of Tom Taiwo or Oldham Athletic and had nothing else to offer me except his signature.

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Taiwo potentially doesn't want to go to Portugal because a) he's just been - "speaking from his holiday villa in Portugal" B) he doesn't want to be away from his newly born daughter or c) both of the above


Or, maybe, he just isn't signing of Oldham Athletic!

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