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It's rare that I read the official site these days but I have just been reading the following article




Can you be match mascot more than once these days? When I was growing up it was a massive deal with little chance of being drawn out of the hat. You certainly didn't get a second go.


Just wondered how it works now.

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It's rare that I read the official site these days but I have just been reading the following article




Can you be match mascot more than once these days? When I was growing up it was a massive deal with little chance of being drawn out of the hat. You certainly didn't get a second go.


Just wondered how it works now.

There probably aren't enough candidates to impose an 'only once' rule nowadays.

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My lad got to do it twice.


Home v Leeds and away at Peterborough.


The second time it was me who put his name forward but reminded them he'd done it before and others should get priority. Apparently nobody else wanted to drag themselves down the A1 so my lad got the gig.


Posh did a brilliant hospitality job on us by the way.

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