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At 17 and younger than me, does anyone think we have a real gem of a player coming up through the ranks.. Ive not seen the fella play so please give a review of how he has, but dickov is always praising him and so are the commentators on Latics Player by saying he is always putting pressure down the wing and causing defences problems.. Also this guy has 6 apps for us so what contract is he on?


Possible big buck scholar????

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Don't think I've seen him (he my have come on at York but I couldn't really see that day), just spotted that he is nearly 6 foot tall and could still grow, he should gain a lot of strength and some more speed as well, he could be a right big powerful bastard in a couple of years.

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Don't think I've seen him (he my have come on at York but I couldn't really see that day), just spotted that he is nearly 6 foot tall and could still grow, he should gain a lot of strength and some more speed as well, he could be a right big powerful bastard in a couple of years.

Is he really?

He strikes me as a bit of short, squat player?? Plus - he'd be 7ft3" if he wasn't so bow-legged - he couldn't trap 17 pigs in a ginell.


As for ability. I've only seen him play 1 x 90min game for the youths - all the other times I've seen him, it's been 5 mins here; 10 mins there - again; a al Matt Smith - usually when we're chasing the game too.


I do think he looks a decent prospect though - pace and the "winger mentality" to look to beat his man on the outside and get a ball in.


As for Connor Hughes - not sure where he's gone (Injured?) - but he looked to be the best crosser of the ball at the club; lovely delivery on him.

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Put bluntly, I don't think there's anything to get excited over.


Will be a workhorse, will run to the by-line and try to cross everytime, will play directly but he hasn't got that ability to score a brilliant goal like Taylor did.


17 years old and I'd love to be wrong about his prospects, he's got the physique and attitude but whether he has the talent is another matter.


Although, to judge him properly I'd like to see him play 60 minutes + in the first team, which might happen this weekend due to Montano's absence.

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Will be a workhorse, will run to the by-line and try to cross everytime, will play directly but he hasn't got that ability to score a brilliant goal like Taylor did.

Taylor was about 19 at debut wasn't he, and I seem to recall him score to save his life for quite a while! Time will tell, if he gets 10 games this season then we might start to think about where he is at IMO
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