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What are we good at?

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I can't see what these players do during the week. What are we good at? We managed to string more than 2 passes together today, that was a positive. But I'm sorry I want more than that.


We get the ball wide and put very poor crosses in. No pace from the runner to get to line, just easy floated balls. Donny showed how it should be done, they didn't have as many chances but the quality of ball in was far better than ours.


We played 10 minutes of the first half with no striker. How would that make you feel as a striker sat on the bench. When the striker does come back on he tires and then runs like Shrek. Still no replacement.


Defensively we look ropey from set pieces, we have done all season. We also give away far too many cheap free kicks.


We are just crap. Drove 200 miles to see that dross from overrated players and a manager who couldn't manage a Pokemon collection.

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Today alone:


- Croft and Wabara linked well and have done for a while now

- Cracking goal from M'Changama and he had a great game

- Furman and Wes doing exactly how they should be playing every game

- Baxter looking interested, playing it around and shooting at the right times

- Grounds is a solid full back and did well tday against Cotteril

- M'Voto had a cracker, not a lot got past him and that tackle was a great one


We played some good stuff today, but we switched off two times and we've lost 2-1. Could have done with fresh legs in second half when Donny started to have more possession. Montano for M'Changama, Taylor for Smith, one of the young lads for Crofty/Baxter would have been decent moves but Dickov left it too late.


We do a lot of things well but staying switched on for two 90 minutes every week isnt one of them. We've lost at home to Stevenage, Coventry, Bury, Tranmere, Swindon and Doncaster now, and none of them have been spectacular but all have come with a plan and got it done. We're getting outplayed because teams have stuck to their job and made us look stupid. Dickov needs to find a plan that's simple and stick to it, too much changing the team and the tactics arent working.

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Today alone:


- Croft and Wabara linked well and have done for a while now

No end product though. Not one cross of note into dangerous areas. Croft went central 2nd half for some reason.


- Cracking goal from M'Changama and he had a great game

Agreed. Not sure why he was subbed though. Didn't look to be as tired as Smith.

- Furman and Wes doing exactly how they should be playing every game

Thought they were poor tbh. Decision making and pass selection is poor. It's obvious that Dickov builds the team around these 2. It's not working and far too 1 dimensional.


- Baxter looking interested, playing it around and shooting at the right times

Looking interested isn't really what I'd class as good.


- Grounds is a solid full back and did well tday against Cotteril

He had a good game, agreed


- M'Voto had a cracker, not a lot got past him and that tackle was a great one

Again thought he was poor. Everything he does is slow and laboured.


We played some good stuff today, but we switched off two times and we've lost 2-1. Could have done with fresh legs in second half when Donny started to have more possession. Montano for M'Changama, Taylor for Smith, one of the young lads for Crofty/Baxter would have been decent moves but Dickov left it too late.


We do a lot of things well but staying switched on for two 90 minutes every week isnt one of them. We've lost at home to Stevenage, Coventry, Bury, Tranmere, Swindon and Doncaster now, and none of them have been spectacular but all have come with a plan and got it done. We're getting outplayed because teams have stuck to their job and made us look stupid. Dickov needs to find a plan that's simple and stick to it, too much changing the team and the tactics arent working.


For all our huffing and puffing we didn't really create much and Dickov looked happy when we had equalised. Donny were average at best, but still scored more, and created more than us with the little possession they had.

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