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Dickov v Talbot

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Absolute crock of :censored:! You'd think we spent most of this season sat in the relegation places! And you'd think Dickov had :censored:loads of cash like Talbot had in year 1 of The Three Asset Strippers 5-year plan.


This seasons remit...stay up on a paltry budget. Job being done...until todays actions have taken place. Let's see what happens next. You'll still have PD to blame tho eh!


Huzzah. 'bout time...

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Guest Scratch2000uk

The solution is Corney and his 2 mates (who are still involved to some extent with finances if you talk to people working inside the club) putting the club up for sale and not asking silly money for it. They can bang on about anyone can have the club for a penny all they like (which they can, but you'll get cock all for that and have to pay them 3 ground rent etc.)


There are people wanting to invest in clubs out there as has been proven elsewhere...two of them begin with B and sit in the playoffs after being on their arse with just as much to offer as we do. Our hands are tied because they've stripped the land from the club (most call it asset stripping...our lot don't want to tho...why?)


I just hope this dance we're doing over a new stand isn't just to take us up to January 2014 for bulldozers to steam into BP. Not a penny of the council money has landed at the club yet (according to the last time I spoke to my mate in the council last month)...so that 10-yr covenent from Jan 2004 on the land still exists. Yet people think Corney is sincere and a fan like the rest of us. These people really do believe in Father Christmas and Fairies!!!


The conclusion is it's pointless to change the manager. As I said to one lad at the end of the Crewe game..."bang on about tactics all you like...Dickov could be the greatest tactician in the World but if them players aren't up to it to take it on board and play to it then there's not a lot PD or anyone can do. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys." It's a ride we all have to grin and bare sadly.

I have to agree that the rot's already well and truly established, I don't trust the board to find a better manager if they did sack Dickov either, At a guess, the next available cheapest option, or much more of the same.

I'm not too sure what's happening with the stand development, But the silence surrounding it, isn't very encouraging is it.

Corney's just bailing out the water on H.M.S Boundary Park. until the rust eventually eats away at the tin pot he's doing it with. He's here for other reasons than the best interests of this club, he probably doesn't give a :censored:e about it, except of course any assets it may have.

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I have always felt like Corney seems to enjoy running a football club that is why he is here. Don't know anything about the other two TTA.


Doesn't mean Corney is good at running a football club though. In fact I would say off the field he is :censored:e at running it, the lack of professionalism from the website to waterfalls over the main stairwells into the stands just shows the club up as a complete and utter joke.


We really need to overhaul the whole business side of things too just like he has done with the coaching staff, the club really is rotten to the core at the moment.

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