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Next season's team - what you'd like/what you think.

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GK New keeper, can't see Oxley staying


RB Brown is fine for this level, and cheap


CB Lockwood will stay I reckon


CB Wilson too.


Kusunga will go I think, unless he's cheap. Joey Jones hasn't played for Yeovil so may be an option if LJ is still interested.


LB Grounds. I'd prefer Grounds at CB and Mellor is fine at LB but, I can see Mellor being released, which would be a shame but..... I hope I'm wrong.


RW I think we'll sign Worrall


CM I think Smith will go for decent [chuckle] money in the summer so this will be an important signing.

Wellens would be perfect and a more realistic proposition than last season I'd say. If not, a similar wise old head and that type of player (if only to keep BP1960 quiet :grin:)


CM Vital we keep Wes. Didn't think I'd be saying that back in August.


I think Dunfield may well stay on.

Winchester can cover here and RB. And RM.


LW We must sign Harkins.


CF New player

CF New player


I'd get rid of MacDonald.

Clarke Harris and Philliskirk can cover from the bench.

I'd take money for Philliskirk if anyone came in. He looks the part but it ultimately results in very little.


You're only as good as your strikers. We need two proper centre forwards one experienced (Stead? he'll come good given time) and maybe a younger one on loan for the season. Rhys Turner could play a big part next season too if he's as good as billed.

If we do get good money for Smith we should push the boat out here.

In fact, chuck another one in for good measure - Royle and Warnock, amongst others, always collected strikers in their promotion teams over the years.

And play a proper two up front aswell. Quality here and in a creative CM are vital.


Keep Winchester, let Millar go, Rodgers would be a cert to go but may be kept around for Johnson to stay pally with his dad.

Dayton will probably stay, especially if we can't get Harkins.

I don't see Kissock staying if he hasn't featured at all yet.


I'm torn in that we need continuity and need to keep a core of players together for 2-3 years and beyond but, they've been largely :censored:..........


Continuity over a season would be a start, we can't use 36 players again next season - he must attempt to keep it closer to 20.

Edited by HarryBosch
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I'd be keeping McDonald, he's had injury issues but has looked good when he's played. Experienced head in a young squad. See LJ comments on conceding X penalties to over 34s earlier in the season.

Phili is good when he plays as a striker.

Once or twice in the JPT but when in the league?


MacDonald is alright but nothing more than that and he's always injured.

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Well, i'm guessing we're paying all his wages.


So if we can afford him now, we'll be able to afford him in 3 months time, barring some financial meltdown.

That is not the way that the Loan market works when it moves on to a buy n sell situation especially if it becomes a free transfer situation, in which other clubs might want to become the 'buyer.' Plus you are assuming that we are paying all of his wages!

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I'm pretty sure we will be able to find the money to keep Harkins without having to sacrifice the player that is most likely to win player of the season award.

I note that you do not say to sacrifice a good/our best/ our most important/ our vital, so perhaps you rate him as he should be rated not as others may do.

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GK: Try and sign Oxley.

LB: We could keep Mellor but I don't want to hear any of this he can't run bollocks. Work on his fitness over the summer. Another option is Andy Taylor who's out of contract at Walsall, solid and he's been around this league.

CB: keep Grounds (I know in the past I've said he's a natural Left Back but recent performances have convinced me otherwise, he was very comfortable at CB)

CB: Joey Jones possibly? Rob Jones is also out of contract at Donny, he was vital in their league win last season.

RB: I think LJ could go for Luke Ayling who's out of contract with Yeovil in the summer, only 22 and part of their promotion squad.

LM: Try and sign Sir Gary, obviously, Dayton seems to be a good impact sub. If not Dany N'guesson, Tomasz Cywka and Myrie-Williams are some of the players out of contract.

CM: Keep Wes.

CM: I'm a bit meh about Korey Smith, though I think we should give him another year.

RM: Adam Reach is out of contract, I've heard good things about him. Moussa at Coventry is also but I'd imagine he's well out of our price range.

ST: I don't know if anybody can remember but a few months ago Sky were reporting that we had bidded for Craig Westcarr, he's out of contract in the summer. I can see LJ going in for him if he doesn't renew at Walsall.

ST: Callum Wilson is out of contract though that's highly unlikely, I can see him going to the Championship. Porter, McLeod, Bowditch, Hume, Billy Clarke and Nile Ranger are a few from our league.


To be honest I expect a massive clear-out in the summer, I personally wouldn't keep many of the current squad. I would prefer us to have more continuity in terms of starting XI, something to build with.

Edited by OAFC_Ryan
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I must be honest that I do not know what 'a bit meh about Korey Smith' means but is it referenced to 'talking out of your arse?'

Brilliant. As others have said he's a constant 7 but he has the ability to do so much better, I'd like to see him come out of his shell.

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Brilliant. As others have said he's a constant 7 but he has the ability to do so much better, I'd like to see him come out of his shell.

And you don't want to retain him? A constant 7/10 for us this season is player of the season material. We need a good player alongside him

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And you don't want to retain him? A constant 7/10 for us this season is player of the season material. We need a good player alongside him

I didn't say I didn't want to retain him..... I said we should give him another year.. As for a good player Wes has done more than Korey for me this season.

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