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With Worrall unavailable (I assume) I wouldn't mind seeing a formation change to get us passing the ball around a bit.
















MacDonald (possibly Turner)


There's negatives to that formation as the back four would be very defensive minded, the full backs might not get much protection and the team could be quite narrow, but in my eyes the pros would outweigh the cons.


While Grounds is better at CB he is less likely to get targeted by the opposition at LB than Mellor is, plus it allows Wilson to come back in.


The midfield two get can both play their more natural styles, breaking play up to control their midfield.


The key to the team would be the movement and fluidity of the front four. I would mind if they all played quite centrally as long as they linked things together well. In Philliskirk and Harkins you have two players who can find space between the opponents defence and midfield, Philliskirk dropping deep and Harkins coming forward from deep.


MacDonald can make smart runs and likes to get into the box so if he can play on the last man that would be ideal, but I think it could be a good game to see what Kissock and Turner can do. Turner might not make as many smart decisions as MacDonald but he'll certainly have the mobility advantage and could be a nuisance/unknown quantity to their defence, and Kissock is certainly not meant to be a player who lacks ability, it's just that he's vertically challenged! :)


That front four would mean that we would need to pass and move with great frequency and accuracy, but to be honest that's what we all want to see right?

Edited by the_mighty_bosh
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surely playing charlie twice in 3 days is a risk ? anyway this myth about worrall not being able to play twice in a week needs dispelling as the bloke himself told me he could and he has played for reserves midweek first team weekend. For me philly and charlie have shown little so far but whats the options ?

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looking at that line up just reminds me how far we have sunk.

Bloody hell mate, every thread I look on you seem to be having a right downer.


It's only football you know? I would stay away for a while if I felt as low as you are coming accross.




Keep away from bridges today!

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oh well without him or jch we have no chance.

Are you planning on posting negative bull :censored: in every single thread?


Id rather you just start one thread and keep it in there so I can avoid it



*edit. just seen the post above, glad im not the only one to notice

Edited by palmer1
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go on then ive removed my laces and belt for the day but please just remind me what are the positives we are focussing on ?

Young manager who has shown some qualities that he can cut it.


First season with a brand new team, keep the core, get some extras and get a goalscorer and we'll push on next season.


New stand being built, addititional income for the club once built, facilities for the club and community to use.


Oh, and it's sunny today.


Chin up, we can take SOME positives.

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okay will shut up maybe at 10pm tomorrow you may have some of my reservations so for now will let you all chat about our young dynamic manager and the 4 year plan he has for us, alternatively you can see through all the bull:censored: and see what a mess our clubs in like I do but each to there own.

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okay will shut up maybe at 10pm tomorrow you may have some of my reservations so for now will let you all chat about our young dynamic manager and the 4 year plan he has for us, alternatively you can see through all the bull:censored: and see what a mess our clubs in like I do but each to there own.

See you in League 2 pal.


Sure you'll be having a party.

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Winchester Smith Harkins








Instructions; Brown and Grounds to act as a wing backs and must fire the ball into the penalty area rather than passing sideways or back.

Midfield central 3; Smith lying deep mopping up, Winchester and Harkins to run directly at defenders from central midfield.

Front 3..Must be mobile interchanging positions while being alert to any half chances.


Attack attack attack from the first minute, the best form of defence is attack.


PS..If we lose 6-0 don't blame me, blame the players. :wink:

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I still think Philliskirk needs benching for a couple of matches. I'd go with








with orders to shoot at every opportunity.


Kissock showed enough enthusiasm and skill for me to warrant a place in the starting line up. Both him and Mellor have shown they are capable of beating a man.


And Turner to come on after an hour.


Won't happen though.......Philliskirk will retain his place and Dayton will come in.

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