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"It's all gone quiet over here ..."






Very, think the general diversification supplied by the Taproom as a hole has somewhat diluted this thread, plus for us old long threaders from JK lots of things have already been said. :sad:

Edited by leeslover
How dare you mispell the name of this lovely room Stipey!
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Guest gillianfn
Very, think the general diversification supplied by the Taperoom as a hole has somewhat diluted this thread, plus for us old long threaders from JK lots of things have already been said. :sad:



Indeed Andrew, but I am here for a good Fliping rant this morning. I am Fliping sick to death of Fliping sales people. My direct dial is on our website at work and I get inundated with twats calling me trying to sell me rubbish. They open the conversation with "Hi Gillian, how are you" Flips me off like you would not believe. (Ha the moderators are going to have fun with this plethora of filthy words! - sorry boys but needs must) Then they ask me if I want - say for example - to advertise in a rubbish magazine. I have a look at it, look at the price and say no. They then say "Is it a price issue - if it is I can reduce it?" Why the Flip? If it has a price it has a price!!! DICKS all of em

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Indeed Andrew, but I am here for a good Fliping rant this morning. I am Fliping sick to death of Fliping sales people. My direct dial is on our website at work and I get inundated with twats calling me trying to sell me rubbish. They open the conversation with "Hi Gillian, how are you" Flips me off like you would not believe. (Ha the moderators are going to have fun with this plethora of filthy words! - sorry boys but needs must) Then they ask me if I want - say for example - to advertise in a rubbish magazine. I have a look at it, look at the price and say no. They then say "Is it a price issue - if it is I can reduce it?" Why the Flip? If it has a price it has a price!!! DICKS all of em


If I may I'll join you. T'other day I reserved with a supplier some product, the reserve lasted for 2 weeks, today 4 days later I go to order it only to find that some sneaky toilet brush has cancelled my reserved order and sold it. Fortunatly I reserved it, as I always do so I'm sure its done with the bloke who runs the show and I've known for ages, he even went o the warehouse to double check it was there for me (he's old school, doesn't trust pooters) however he's been out of the office for two days, my order is now on the way to the USof frickin A, the culprit, who didn't even have the courtesy to ring me and ask if the reserve could be broken as is usual practice, has no escape from a utter bollocking, in fact its a damn good job there's 200 hundred miles keeping us apart at the moment. Trouble is it makes me look like a total c u next tuesday with my customers, even more than normal :lol: .


Oh and if it makes you feel better G, just tell them, the flipping sales people, that you are registered with the Telephone Preference Service and that you do not accept unsolicited calls of any nature, you'll get the odd cocky tosspot but generally they just put the phone down :)



Toilet brush, toilet brush, can't we even say tw.. on this thread now, wow!

Edited by StipeTripe
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I think he was just lightening the tone a little after a couple of tirades.


Now to lighten it even further: silliest maiden goal celebration ever? Mark Hughes's last season? Chris Taylor's this season? Any others?









Edited by The Chaplain
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This thread is built on tirades! I'm not going to go into one because I may be unable to stop. Forever doomed to an unending and intensifying hell of rantiness.


I met the Mayor of Oldham today. He asked an incredibly dense question to my colleague. I pretended I was on the phone. I kept my head down and tried not to laugh. Does life get any more interesting than that?


I think not. Ainkoo!








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This thread is built on tirades! I'm not going to go into one because I may be unable to stop. Forever doomed to an unending and intensifying hell of rantiness.


I met the Mayor of Oldham today. He asked an incredibly dense question to my colleague. I pretended I was on the phone. I kept my head down and tried not to laugh. Does life get any more interesting than that?


I think not. Ainkoo!



Dabos Inferno

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I think he was just lightening the tone a little after a couple of tirades.


Now to lighten it even further: silliest maiden goal celebration ever? Mark Hughes's last season? Chris Taylor's this season? Any others?




This thread even in its pale imitation form doesn't need lightening your reverence! Especially not with inanne pointless two word posts moving it on you'll not find any of the original long threaders doing th...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest gillianfn
This thread even in its pale imitation form doesn't need lightening your reverence! Especially not with inanne pointless two word posts moving it on you'll not find any of the original long threaders doing th...... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Perish the thought eh? One word posts to get to milestoney numbers? :angry:


Can we not say twoddle either? Oh for flip sake. Are there no clever pooter people who can do codes to allow us use of streams of vile obscenities when we really need them?


My Friday rant is going to be lazy arsed monkeys who lie in bed. Last weekend I went to house hunt with a friend of mine - I had made an 11.30 appointment for Sunday. We knocked on the door at 11.24. He stumbled to the front door at 11.30, still half asleep. For flip sake - life is for living. Get up, get out of fliping bed and get on with it. And the house was absolutely minging - the dirty lazy flipper. And I don't buy this "Well I work hard all week and I get up early every week day so I deserve a lie in" horse excrement - so flipping what? So weekends (your own time, fool head) should be spent making the most of life - doing stuff with your kids, your family, football, reading a good book, erm, cleaning your flipping house in his case - No matter what I get up on Saturday and Sunday at around half 7 - if I stay in bed any longer I feel like I've cheated myself.


Rant over. :angry: :angry: :blush:

Edited by Stevie_J
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Guest sheridans_world

I havent actually read any of the thread, but wanted to be last.


Onto the topic of Reading the dictionary. (already started? didnt last long?)


A, a

–noun, plural A's or As, a's or as.


1. the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel.

2. any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small.

3. something having the shape of an A.

4. a written or printed representation of the letter A or a.

5. a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a.

—Idioms6. from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely: He knows the Bible from A to Z.

7. not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant.

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Why does it bother you, Gillian? I mean, it's not how you think, nor me for that matter, but why should it rile you that someone spends too much time in bed?

Indeed. If I want to stay in bed til it's time to go to the pub on a Saturday, I will. And if I want to stay in bed until I feel I can get out of it without falling over on a Sunday, I will! Whatever time that may be. I needs me sleep, and make no apologies for that.

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This thread even in its pale imitation form doesn't need lightening your reverence! Especially not with inanne pointless two word posts moving it on you'll not find any of the original long threaders doing th...... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Inane two word posts,how very durrr you :o


I'll have you know a lot of drunken thought went into that little gem.


Spiralling levels of hell Mads said,Dante's Inferno,latics messageboard,Dabos' Inferno.


It made sense at the time :tongue1:

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I never seem able to lie in any more, except on work days. Wish I could, Sunday morning was invented by Satan (no doubt the Chaplain will disagree, but he has to doesn't he?).



OK I'll rise to the bait.


If Satan invented Sunday mornings, then who invented Sunday papers? Mind you none of today's ones will ever rise to the sublime standards of the 1970s Sunday Times.






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Guest sheridans_world
Is that the page where the Lord separates the waters from the land?


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was Good :)



Indeed :grin:


And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.


Ah Sundays, even God rested on Sundays.


As for page three, search for 'page 3 girl' on wikipedia :D

Edited by sheridans_world
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Guest gillianfn
Why does it bother you, Gillian? I mean, it's not how you think, nor me for that matter, but why should it rile you that someone spends too much time in bed?


Fair enough on the minging house though, as you had to cross the step.



Fair question - what's it got to do with me? If people want to spend their lives wasting it lying in their stinking pits, then let them get on with it! I just think there is so much more to life than spending it lying in bed. Fair enough you need your sleep, but no-one needs more than 8 hours surely? I've never been one for lying about in bed but I guess being ill last year made me want to get up even earlier than I would normally!! Who knows how long you have left - why waste the time that you have sleeping? I hate to think that I'd be lounging in bed when there are things I want to do, people I can see etc.

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Guest gillianfn
Live and let lie I say. :)

Ok ok so its a six word pointless comment, but still better than just two.



Oh no Andrew, that's not in the least bit pointless - it is very profound. :unsure: fool. :lol:

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