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Guy Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Guy Branston Pickle

  1. We definitely need at least 3 or 4 players. Especially in midfield We're still only 3 points off the playoff places, somehow. But this current lot aren't capable of the consistency needed to get up there and stay there. No manager could get consistent results with a midfield as piss weak as ours
  2. He also inherited an absolute stinking pile of shite of a squad from the previous Brains Trust I'd only be sad to see about 2 or 3 of these players leave.
  3. If we were only allowed to play sides in the top 7 away from home we'd absolutely coast the league. Reminds me of the Kewell season a bit. Mellon's big task is getting these players to be able to break down well organised teams at home. If they can't do that these kind of results are in vain unfortunately. Saturday is a good opportunity as Gateshead will come to attack
  4. I always find it amazing how often things are blamed on lefties and communism. Apparently now it's a fleece wearing ex copper/football director?
  5. The only people trying to remove free speech in this country are the right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Order_Act_2023
  6. He reckoned we were getting relegated a couple of weeks ago This is a poor result though. Has felt a bit like under Kewell this week, brilliant away performances then home defeats to poor teams
  7. Ridiculous opinion. Idiot Mods can we get this moron banned? What a player. Absolutely immense on Wednesday.
  8. Weirdly he put in a very similar performance in the same fixture last season.
  9. What a result. I'll hold my hands up, I slagged off Fondop as a liability after the Solihull game but he was immense tonight. Norwood though, wow. Best player in non league and tonight proved it, what a player he's gonna be under a manager who knows how to use him. Hopefully this isn't another false dawn but I reckon Mellon is the man!
  10. Brilliant, I walked past this place before. Thanks chaps! @Bobledgersheart if its any consolation it's rained here today too!
  11. Incredibly specific question but anyone know a bar in Palma that would show it?
  12. Maybe it's more a general disappointment then. I thought/hoped he'd be leading the scoring charts and we'd be up there with Chesterfield. Instead he's got 7 in 18 and we're 10th. More fool me for getting my hopes up
  13. I think it is probably fair to say at this point that he has been a disappointment so far. I'm sure that's partly down to lack of service but not sure he does himself justice sometimes too. Maybe our expectations were too high, I really thought this was going to be our biggest and best signing in years. We're just a graveyard for strikers aren't we? Depressing
  14. Throwing untested youths into the first team mens football is absolutely not what we need right now. Let them gain experience out on loan
  15. Has one good game in 10 at the very best, not sad to see him go at all. Hopefully we can start bringing in a better standard soon
  16. Who was the last youth player who made the step up? Vaughan wasn't given a chance really, fair enough. Luamba and Couto not good enough. Sutton, remains to be seen, think he will be a decent centre half. It's not like we've had a conveyor belt of successes
  17. I didn't read the full thread in fairness, missed your point. I'd rather see Raglan get a run but I think Hogan has been fine this season tbh, far from our biggest concern
  18. If he'd been sent off once fair play. But THREE times in a year? He has almost as many red cards as goals this year. Nah, he's a liability
  19. I didnt say he was rubbish, i said he was average. He's also a liability who can't be trusted. He's cost us 3 games already this year, do you really want him in the side for a big game?
  20. Stockport fans all say he wouldn't have been good enough for League 2 and they were looking to strengthen. He wanted regular football. Not that hard to believe
  21. Fondop's only contribution this season is a red card against Solihull. Cannot believe anyone would want to play him above Norwood. He's painfully average and a liability
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