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Everything posted by BJBlue

  1. If i was a woman i would want that man's babies, all hail greegs!
  2. Isn't he a deep see diver or something now?
  3. I was going to subscribe to ESPN 360 so that i could watch games on demand this month but they don't accept maestro What is the point in only accepting two card types?!
  4. I'v got two mates watching it, one of them has already adopted an nhl team though. He picked pheonix so that he got 6 games a season against me (dallas). My other mate has an old ducks jersey so i'm just trying to talk them into manchester pheonix. As for this game its all on the US in the first few minutes of the 3rd
  5. Canada were walking all over them at the end of the second so i turned it off so i could sleep. Disapointed with Russia's performance, i was hoping for a close game
  6. you can watch it here on bbc : http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympic_ga...age/default.stm Quality isn't as good as TV obviously
  7. The other insane thing is that tonight Canada play Russia and its not on the red button because they don't want to miss the end of the men's curling so it has to be watched on the laptop. Not happy.
  8. I think they are going to keep the CGI/no live audience which was a big let down in BTE. I say get some scraps of timber build the bunk set and a few corridors and have it like the early seasons. The words 'comedy-drama' have been mentioned. Not keen on them doing a series about Listers struggle to find Kochanski. He might be a better actor now than he was back then but i don't think trying to make it more serious would work at all.
  9. Apparently 'series 10' has been commissioned by Dave and is set to be filmed some time this year. Did everyone already know this?
  10. They will be over there, the BBC caused 'outrage' apparently because they sent more people over to the Olympics than Britain sent athletes. Also they kept saying they couldn't hear themselves think because of the noise the Canadian fans were making in the stadium.
  11. He's letting people who wouldn't usually watch Hockey know what's going on. Why you would be up at nearly 3 am watching it if you usually didn't bother i don'y know. Canada have no sting in them
  12. Nice shot in, did it go in off his foot in the end?
  13. It is. Plus with the state of British ice hockey you'd think they would want to get more people interested in the sport. Maybe they only care about summer sports.
  14. Well another ten minutes of listening to the crowd and the announcer. Why is this on the red button anyway surely its more entertaining than tobogan!
  15. Looked like there should have been a penalty to me there, although i don't think that lunge for the puck was wise
  16. Well yeh that too but it's the BBC, it dosn't matter what he knows as long as he uses queens english when broadcasting
  17. Strange whacking the puck away in mid air like that. Don't think he'l get pulled though just for that. The only Stars player involved is Morrow and i have no connection to either nation so i'm going to support him and there for Canada. It's been enjoyable so far. Shame the BBC don't think the intermissions need filling.
  18. Unlucky, its BAFTAs and hockey for me tonight as my first plan for tomorrow isnt until 5pm
  19. Penney in, the team is starting to improve and i don't think the next couple of games will produce many points for us (although we were unlucky yesterday) so its all about regaining fitness and improving the football. Give him at the very least until the end of the season and if we don't get relegated then give him next season aswell. If he goes it's likely that we will end up with some one much worse.All those who were pressuring for Shez to leave are probably the same ones pressuring Penney. We took a step down when we buckled last season, doing it again could be very harmful
  20. It sounded like we really deserved a point today but its the old clichey of the luck going against you st the bottom and the post and mud stopped us today. Happy with what sounded like a good performance though
  21. Yeh iv been watching those from the last month or so. Would quite like to watch the full games though thats why i'm looking at that package. it'l cost 12.99 for march and Dallas have a game every other day so its about 16 full games which i think is well worth 12.99
  22. Do you play it on your laptop or hook up to your tv?
  23. Do any of you guys subscribe to ESPN 360? Sounds like a good package and since i'm just getting into hockey i want to watch as much NHL as possible so i can get used to the league and players so that i know what/who people are talking about on pod casts and the like
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