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Everything posted by BJBlue

  1. Who would you put on the left then? dunno if taylor would work well up there with lewis.then again i cant think what might work out of the players available.funny how we suddenly have no strikers but in august we had too many.
  2. For me out of the three main party leaders Gordon Brown is the most individual character. David Cameron and Nick Clegg seem very similar to me, even though given the parties they head up they should be very different. People accuse Cameron of being 'posh'. I interviewed Nick Clegg last year and i'll tell you now. He's definatley posh. The main problem is that Gordon Brown is more of the same, Cameron is fashy with his soundbytes but people are wary of a tory government and i dont think Clegg or the Lib Dems are strong enough to stand for government.
  3. The basics of the Clarkson thing are: He shouldn't have repeated it. A one off comment was fine annd funny but it's when you re-enforce it people will remember it and be annoyed about it. In the current bbc climate you have to question wether or not it would have been smarter to edit it out of the programme. Saying that i don't know how they'd do that because he made the comments in long dialogue pieces. If the BBC are worried about the complaints they are recieving, wouldn't it be best if they withdrew the programme from the public domain. i.e. BBCi player. They didn't do that. In fact when i was reading about the story on the bbc news website, soon after it broke they actually had a link to the incident so you could watch just the offensive bit. Abit brainless as far as i'm concerned. The BBC must be going abit off the rails at the moment because there have been two of these incidents over the last couple of weeks (admittadley Brand/Russel was alot worse) and in a time of economic and social insecurity the beeb don't need us to be questioning why we pay the £135 license fee year in year out, yet they continue to make mistakes like this. More heads will roll in the coming months you can be sure of that.
  4. hahaha very good.i was really confused for a few seconds when that window opened. It's too early for me.
  5. Well if it is true i hope he nutted him for it
  6. Does any one know where i can get hold of the video of the protest walk we did last season? the proper one that had foo fighters on it an had been edited an everything. i cant find it on youtube thanks
  7. i hope he's got a recall clause in for if we need him but to be honest i'm glad he's gone even if only for a few months.bad attitude and lazy. i've been saying that for ages and have been shouted down every time an i nearley gave in thinking it must just me me who thinks that but obviousley its not. shame though with abetter attitude he'd be a good player.lets hope he comes back a changed man.
  8. well if you want classic dark writings then you should pick up H.P Lovecrafts 'Necronomicon'. a collection of his best stories which inspired the likes of Stephen King to write horror. Not funny in the slightest. but good.
  9. It is no where near as good kill em all,ride the lightning, master of puppets or and justice for all but it is better than St Anger that goes without saying. they seem to have mixed sounds from the earley albums with the garage inc sound which is abit wierd. its not a bad album but its nothing special. it depends what type of metallica fan you are.if you like power driven thrash metal like the earley albums (as i do) this probabley wont be a big deal for you but if your favourite tallica album is the black album then this is probabley one for you. also if you do like thrash then get 'enter the grave' by Evile, a young (and brilliant) thrash outfit from huddersfield.
  10. if hughs does get injured i don't think anyone will get that many goals. i think that this season isnt going to be a good one for davies and dont get me wrong id love it if he proved me wrong and topped our scoreing table but i cant see it happening.
  11. I never thought JP was a bad player he just never seemed to settle into the team and after a while he was frozen out and was never given another chance. I think he'll be a good player when he settles down at a club that has a team he can gell into. good luck to him.
  12. Keep him dropped he's useless ayway.he dosn't move for the ball and barley ever challenges for it in the air. as far as im concerned we can sell him along with thompson and kalala and get some money back. I wasn't overley impressedwith him last season and from the start that he's had this season i think i'll pobabley end up groaning every time w play him.he has a bad attitude and the team dosnt need it.
  13. I'm glad some one mentioned that because i panicked a little when i read in the paper that it was this week. Unfortunatley my old shirts get destroyed or given away through time so i will just be wearing this seasons home shirt.
  14. Already ordered my tickets . Looking forward to it. I don't have a retro shirt though so i'll be in this seasons.
  15. i wasnt having a go i was just making a passing comment.
  16. haha oh yeh. conference north players are expirienced though....most have dropped down through every league to get there.
  17. Would it really be worth bringing in an injury prone player?? It seems that our squad is injury prone enogh as it is.
  18. I think that all this Andy Cole stuff is just speculation because we havn't got a realistic target in the crosshairs at the moment. Basically we are all bored. But if there is any truth in it then we would have to think about wether he would be worth signing or wether we ar all talking about it purley because he is a big name.
  19. I really liked our away kit this season and i think i'll definatley be buying one if the home kit dosnt get a major redesigning.
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