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Everything posted by jimsleftfoot

  1. I did a 4 hour segway tour which was awesome (though the wife nearly disappeared at one point as she struggled to stop it).
  2. It's not really meant as a go at us, the average man. To me it's a bit like someone having a go at the bedroom tax I.e. the government and the establishment. The Empire 'ended' after the 2nd World War (some would argue 1997) and the Conservatives and the old money are currently running this country, quite a big link to the past. I can understand his reasoning. I agree with Rummy, keeping old traditions make it hard to give the message that we've changed.
  3. I personally blame the present day Italians for the Romans invading Britain nearly 2000 years ago. Particularly the ones who are completely unrelated to my invading ancestors!!!
  4. How do you know they haven't agreed to it (the other 27 anyway)?
  5. 1) Brexit caused a lot of news to happen. If you're in the news game, that tends to not be a bad thing. 2) Why is it that the UK cannot be competitive in the manufacturing sector but Germany can be? Too London and financial services centric, massive North/South divide. 3) Bigger manufacturing base, better public transport outside of London, at least one other City to rival London, better handle on Fuel & Power production. 4) Financial crisis, Eurozone countries not being a good investment. 5) Depends on viewpoint of said media. 6) English is the first language of the EU so it's not that they all speak different languages all the time. I don't think it makes things easy particularly when dealing with technical issues, but that's life, people deal with such. 7) No, I think that is problematic. 8) Are you asking a broad question or is this with specific reference to Brexit? If Brexit, I don't believe the argument that the EU was undemocratic. I do believe that democracy is a two way process requiring the public to be engaged with it. The public aren't engaged and perhaps that was the EU's biggest failure. 9) Surely a better question would be too ask would have life been better outside of the EU over the last 8 years? Arguably we've done well as a place that sat within the EU but not within the Euro zone for investment purposes. Punitive trade agreements - EU: Because they don't want the EU to fall apart and people often make emotional rather than rational decisions. -ROW: We used to be that big Empire which wasn't always quite fair in its approach to trade. Your point about remainers not knowing whether things would have been any different if we had remained - straight back at you, the same applies for Brexiters. I'm sure it will be a case of not listening to experts who talk the country down. If the govt want to talk the country up, then let's make it a bit better outside of London.
  6. And article 50 hasn't been invoked either!!
  7. Merkel wanting them in and them getting in are two different things entirely.
  8. The situation in Turkey is exactly why it wasn't going to join the EU anytime soon, Another lie!!!
  9. Apparently Bolton are charging Sheff U £30 for the first game of the season.
  10. Tom's a good lad, bags of enthusiasm and he's certainly well travelled.
  11. Cheers - it makes a lot of sense considering the referendum is also only supposed to be advisory/non-legally binding. Edit - Interesting read, particularly as the 2015 Referendum Act only states that a Referendum is to 'be held' and states nothing about what should happen if there is a vote to leave. If he's correct, it would be illegal for a vote not to happen regardless of the referendum result.
  12. I think misinterpreted in the first place (either on purpose or accidentally). There isn't one page I can link to that gives an obvious 'no it doesn't apply' but neither is there a credible source that I can see that it does. Under the Lisbon Treaty, new voting rules will be brought in, but this doesn't affect Article 50. My employer is advised by 2 of the big 4 accountancy firms and I have sat through 2 webinars since Friday, no mention of this issue whatsoever.
  13. A quick Google shows that this came up previously and it looks like it is rubbish. The EU have to vote to accept the exit deal (by QMV) not to accept a country leaving.
  14. Fair enough, article 50 hasn't yet been invoked.
  15. Exit deal only governs the exit from the EU, not future trade. They are not agreeing to preliminary talks prior to Article 50 being invoked. Once it is, there is no more 'remain' to vote on.
  16. Sponsored the Chaddy End i.e. 'Seton Stand'! His father was the tubular bandage inventor.
  17. Import rates can change and it has been known for additional tariffs to be placed on top of normal duty rates for protectionist reasons. Stating what the current situation is no guarantee, especially as us leaving the EU would be a rather significant change to the status quo in itself. I can understand that you may feel that leaving the EU might work in our favour and fair enough, maybe it will, BUT there is a significant risk that it might not. There are no guarantees.
  18. Biggest oil wealth fund on the planet, as well as very high public sector employment. They also accept free movement of EU citizens in return to access for the single market (they also pay for this as well). Norway could have got a better deal out of being an EU Member, but chose not to. At the end of the day, the Norwegian model (nor Swiss) cannot apply to us as Leave don't want to accept free movement of EU Citizens.
  19. The issue I have with this trail of thought, is that it is implied that it is guaranteed. It's not. Even if it this did happen, thousands of businesses having to make additional customs declarations to sell to the EU and to meet EU regulations in doing so, is a clear barrier to trade. Whether the EU market is declining or not, its still not to be sniffed at.
  20. They might, though they might also equally tell us to sod off as they don't want anyone else to leave.
  21. What if the EU decides to take a more protectionist view?
  22. 2 years is for the divorce agreement, its going to be a lot longer discussing all the other issues so it may mean that some things don't get sorted out.
  23. My colleague at work is the Liverpool Fan rep and he has to sign a non-disclosure agreement so 'might' not be straightforward... but certainly agree.
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