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Everything posted by jsslatic

  1. If we're still right in the mix by the time we play Northampton we will sell out.
  2. Ticket arrived in the post today. Come on boys!
  3. Course I can believe it. Saddlers fans raved about him, he's a quality player who, like BB80 has said, completely transformed their season. Good luck Rico.
  4. I'm proud to have 'RICKETTS 7' on the back of my shirt as a sign of defiance against the Muppet Choir. DIE DIE RICKETTS...
  5. I always park in the rocky car park on the other side of the playing fields to BP. Never had any problems.
  6. Well done guys, just hope it remains independent and posts aren't removed for upsetting the club.
  7. It slowly dawned on John that it was the smug Scouse git behind him that had made off with his hubcaps back in November.
  8. Orient last year was worst for me, when the wind had blown dust all over the stand, filthy. Even Blackpool bothered to clean the seats!
  9. Taylor's goal! Great awareness from Leon to set up Lewi.
  10. I'm going for my first time, can someone confirm or dispel stories I've heard... 1. The one way system is an absolute nightmare. 2. The away turnstile is in someone's house. 3. You have to go through their back garden to get into the ground. 4. It is physically impossible to sit down (not that I'd want to) as you get approximately 30 cm leg room.
  11. I'll have a pint of whatever the person who's voted 'Auto' has had
  12. For Latics, well Deano's miss vs Bristol Rovers and Vernon missed one, from 3 yards out, middle of empty goal, over the bar) vs Bournemouth a couple of years ago. Struggling to think of any that beat Kanu for WBA v Boro, and Ljungberg for Arsenal v Bolton.
  13. Remember the furore when it turned out we had paid a fee for him? Money well spent.
  14. I'd say it's already sown up, thoughts? ADMIN: Please can you change the title of the post to 'The Year Of The Rat'? I accidentally hit 'enter'.
  15. The home performances have been awful, not just the results, we just haven't been playing well at home. This year, during term time, I've seen us once at home, and that's just because I happened to be home when we had the Crewe cup game. There's no way I'm spending a fortune driving home to watch that drivel. Yet I'm more than happy to splash out to drive away - eleven times I've parted with substantial chunks of the student loan to see us on the road this year, and I'll be at Luton next week. Am I coming home for Tranmere? No chance. As you said Rocky, if we beat Tranmere then everyone will be looking stupid saying 'if, just if', and I know I'll be one of them. After eleven years in this sodding division, you have to seize every small excitement...even if that is being 'just' two points off the playoffs. EEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIII EEEEEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII O....
  16. Aye and he got 90 mins at Forest. Wolfy was pretty prolific in the reserves, and people have been waiting for him to break onto the first team stage for ages. I now don't see it happening. We had a similar situation with Matty Barlow. He didn't cut the mustard, was turfed out on loan, was average in the Conference and it was the final proof that he wasn't good enough for this level - now he's plying his trade at Bower Fold. A similar situation was developing with Horse, and we were waiting for him to be thrown out on loan, but his attitude got him out anyway. Surprise surprise, highly rated, and now another Stalybridge player. Wolfy has to be loaned out to the Conference/League Two. Give him a go and see if he shines. If he does bang them in then bring him back and give him another chance. If not then he can join his mates at Stalybridge.
  17. Brilliant signing Shez Why do people feel sorry for Lewis? It will be Lewis and Leon up front tonight. Robertson to drop to the bench.
  18. Beckford wins best L1 player, do we agree? Full list (from FourFourTwo website): No John Thompson?
  19. Quite like Blackpool, overall they were pretty humble in victory, they deserved their place in the Championship and I hope they can stabilise there.
  20. ...if we don't make a dramatic push for promotion, who do we want coming down? It looks like Scunny and Col U will drop, but the third place will in all likelihood probably go to a 'big' team - one of Wednesday, Preston, Leicester, Southampton, Coventry, Sheffield United. Southampton would be a horrible one, especially if we're already getting an expensive trip to Colchester. I'd quite like Sheffield United to come down, or Leicester as it's closest to me.
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