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Everything posted by inspectormorose

  1. Aye Latics organised one,still got my medal upstairs somewhere,in fact it was just over 20 years ago now i think about it.Was working at St Peters House for the Health Authority back when i did it which places it Summer 1986.Everyone in our office volunteered and one by one dropped out except me and another lad who was a runner anyway. Started on Broadway then along into Shaw,piece of cake,then it turned up Rochdale bar steward Road (those of you who know Shaw will know what that means!!).There were wheelchairs overtaking me going uphill.No fecker told me there would be hills involved. Never did one again.
  2. Well done mate,although i should drop in at this point that when i did my 10k i did 54 minutes summat (It was about 20 years ago though and there was a following wind) Competitive,me,never.
  3. We are losing money hand over fist with our crowds,what do you expect them to do spend half a mill on someone with the wages that come with it.Not happening.It's down to Shez to cull what he feels is necessary and find better elsewhere within his budget and make it work,which is the poisoned chalice of being a manager. Sure we could all do it on a video game
  4. Thing is JP even a 10% increase with 3500 season ticket holders now paying say £400 each ain't going to generate a massive kitty for any transfers in todays market.At £400 a ticket 10% of is only an increase of £140,000 (If my :censored:ty maths is correct after several beers) wouldn't even buy you Jermaine Johnson. Think any new players are going to have to come by culling wages and trawling around for free agents unless we get transfer fees for people or unless TTA out of the goodness of their ever deepening pockets (cheers chaps we really and i mean REALLY appreciate it) fund another run at glory. Edit:Was going to change my signature after today but feck it,they never said how long our destiny would take to call.
  5. Is this turning into some sort of Buddhist Countryfile thing this 'ere thread,scented tea lights and wax jackets. It's always nice to hear your neighbours threatening each other at top pitch through the wall at half six on a Friday neet,kinda makes you glad your single. Could be a looong night if she gets the baseball bat out again
  6. Blimey Cluuuuuuuuuuuuurrr,i never said it was idiot proof did i .
  7. Think outside the box Mads. Get todays copy of the Sun,stick it on the dash somewhere centreish and set fire to it. Not only will it demist your window pretty darn quick but it solves the heating problem as well. Women eh!
  8. Warm? WARM! I had a polo shirt,jumper,fleece and raincoat on and it went through the bloody lot that weather between 9 and noon today. Don't you bloody warm me,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bloody inside workers complaining,you never heard of jumpers
  9. Think yourself feckin lucky fella,i've been tramping round Royton in that barsteward lot for the last 7 hours. Drowned and rat spring to mind!
  10. You have WHAT!! Cheeky mare,think you'll find the owner of said item has fooooookin milllions as she keeps losin' em.Shame she don't lose her car keys the world would be a safer place!!!
  11. Ah the power of edits,says feckin now Reason it don't sound like what you expected is because after the first two feedback fest cd's they were on the verge of splitting and went back to a bit of blues and "rediscovered" themselves (apparently) so i picked Howl up expecting more of the same as the name suggests and was staggered.I feckin love that album.
  12. I'm drownin' mine big style Think i'm losing it,said to niece re your pic earlier "Who's that,i know her from somewhere" Got the reply "It's Clair from Lost you Feckin' tit" I think i'm going senile at an early age Good luck with the 10k matey,how will you cope should we win next Saturday.The temptation to get :censored:faced would be tooooooooooooooooo much for me.Actually let's qualify that,the temptation to get :censored:faced is never tooooooooooo much for me. I am old enough to know better. By the way LL nice to put a face to the abbreviation very briefly today
  13. Hey Mr Hazel Irving,back off!! I'm older than you and know what i like,plus she has the accent and the thighs Just hosting the family for pre game hospitality,beer and chicken curry (niece is driving,result),can't afford the proper Latics job unlike some people Shall saunter down in an hour or so,am feeling incredibly chilled at the moment,that'll be the San Miguel then.
  14. Well that's just brightened up anotherwise dull Saturday Stipe I feel need of liquid refreshment in preparation for tomorrow,taxi for the Ashton Arms. Edit:Actually that's rather cool,could just sit here replying and get multiple Ediths on post after post Right,beer!
  15. Did try and bump the original big 'un myself at half six this mornin' Stipe but the fecker wouldnae post.Just tried again now and it's still at it. May well have to try using IE instead of Mozilla. Be fair it's just being done for annoyance value now if we are honest ain't it,people think it's gone for good then wallop it's sudenly back. Like Blackpool it's glory days are behind it leaving only faded granduer and an air of a life lived
  16. Aye that was the one i listened to,very good an' all.Of course Edith would like it,i would expect nothing else from her lovely self. . Not bothered much with work today,three hours earlier,got a throat like sandpaper,not sure if it was the shouting or the beer that's caused it (probably both). A days rest and relaxation is in order methinks,weather is suppposed to improve tomorrow and they don't pay me any extra for going out in the rain.
  17. Just been listening to the Arcade Fire and one of the Midlake ones chaps whilst doing my household chores. Liking the Arcade Fire one Jimi.The Midlake one is pretty darn good in a late 60's West Coast (California not Workington) kinda way as well Mr S.
  18. Yes it was,tremendous.Think the last 3 rounds decided it.Split decision. Still 23 million ain't bad for a nights work even if you lose. flip me the suns coming up. I need sleep!
  19. This De La Hoya/Mayweather fight had better be worth it. Knackered but happy me and a wee bit pished,glad Monday is a holiday cos i'm going doing it all again tomorrow .
  20. Well what a mornin' i've had,been out workin'. Managed to shut my head in the car door at one stage (how do you do that,fool) then got a puncture on my way home that took me 25 minutes to change the bar steward wheel. Could i find the wheel brace attachment that undid the locking nut,could i feck.The boot was turned upside down gas cards flying all over the car park at Alexandra Park where i had pulled in,choice language flying with 'em.Which fookin bright spark thought it would be a good idea to put it in a box secreted at the very,very back of the glove compartment unhelpfully marked locking nuts,i ask ya. Then the jack collapsed after i got the flat off,luckily i had the spare almost in place and the car rested on it whilst i re-jacked and got it sorted. Right,game time. What else could possibly go wrong today
  21. Mornin' chaps and chapessess of Big Thread Parish. So how are we all feelin' today? Strangely still not a tad nervous meself Plan for the day is coffee,paper,work,match,6-0 to us,imbibement in great quantities,wake up Monday. Sounds about perfect.
  22. The battle was half won before i started with the idea on him BT,because i could tell he soooooooooo wanted it to be true.Told him the technology was based on these alarm clocks they brought out where you said STOP and the alarm went off.Even my sister was havin' it until i got to the teletext bit when the Andy Bull:censored: Warning alarm went off in her head. And yes,he would have gone and asked for one .
  23. Talking stuff,that's just reminded me. A few years ago bruv in law was thinkin' of gettin' a new tv.He loves his telly he does,sits in his chair surrounded by all the remotes flicking channels,he's king of the tv when he's in the house,you WILL watch what he wants. So we're talkin' about which tv to buy and just out of badness i piped up "Why don't you get one of those talkin' tv's" Talkin' tv's,he says. "Yeah,new technology.You tell it which channel you want and it automatically turns the tv over" His eyes lit up,no more repetitive strain injury of the thumb,where can i get one.Told him to try the local tv shop they would point him in the right direction Unfortunately at this stage things started to unravel as i got overambitious,what about teletext then. "No problemo,you just say ceefax or oracle depending what channel you are on and shout out the page number and it finds it for you." He's still havin' this but unfortunately our kid who was in the room twigged that i may well,not for the first time in my life,be bull:censored:ting thus depriving me of the sight of him going into Dixons or Comet asking for "One of those talkin' tv's". Sooooooooooo close i was.
  24. When i can't sleep i just lie there thinkin' puppy poo i can't sleep whilst watching the hours on the clock slowly crawl by. Which is why i'm generally up and about at 6am. Insomnia,it's great Edit: PUPPY POO? :sign0094:
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