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Everything posted by Fruitygoo

  1. can we have torres too? no doubt he'd end up playing right wing every week....
  2. i think if we could keep furman, wes and m'changama with mellor and winchester as backup, the center of midfield isn't too bad....we've desperatly missed wes who both breaks up play and gambles on getting into the box - i think m'changama could really learn from him if they're both here next year. I'm more concernced about full backs, wingers (exception:morais) and strikers to be honest. certainly wouldn't be moving one of the leagues best full backs into midfield (even though if he was originally a midfielder!) We just can't afford to lose another full back.
  3. some outsanding crosses from morais yesterday.....last few weeks hes been one of the only players to look interested. Hes the only keeper for me, the rest.... parker - obviously disruptive, but should have been played up front. hughes - looks too lightweight marsh-brown - headless chicken millar - hes never really been given a run. he really should have been found a loan home for a while to get games in. probably too late now taylor - doesnt want to be here., rather not have him if its just because he cant get picked up anywhere else
  4. I was 3 rows from the back at anfield, poorish view - ST holder bought first day they were open......i was peeved, and still am. In terms of money, I had to pay after the deadline due to mortgage issues, so i ended up being worse of than the POTD'ers....not great is it really when you think about it? ST holder for many years....i agree with lots of what people say on both sides of the coin but, at the end of the day, it's ST holders who set down the initial budget on which the season is planned.....its the ONLY guaranteed income ALL SEASON.....for that, there really should be some more reward....be it bring a friend for a fiver, or free entry to every pre-season games. There has to be some form of encouragement to buy them, and to continue buying them season after season, or the few of us there is left will continue to dwindle. I sat through a Dave Penney season and still renewed....i deserve a fooking MBE!!! Its genuinly looking less likley i'll get one, but no decision has been made...
  5. peeved that the £10 isn't available in the main paddock....why not? whats so special? I sit in there and take an old timer my dad knows who probably wouldn't renew if i moved to get my nephew in for a 10er
  6. Ok, we've lost twice against the top two, and probably expected that - but the nature of the performance, and the club in general at the moment has led to this post.... Bouzanis - Didn't have much to do other than pick the ball out the net and make a wonderful first half save Lee - One of his worst games, couldn't seem to get forward, doesn't look comfy supporting simpson Tarky - At fault for two goals - ok, we shouldn't let the crosses in so easy, but you cannot leave your man to run free. Very poor today Brown - Think he's potentially a decent center half Diallo - Shockingly poor today. Defensivly - his positioning was dreadful and offered nothing going forward Morais - Started ok but disappeared. Crossing, with the exception of one awful Furman - Worked hard but desperatly misses the workrate of Weslowski - not great Adeyemi - Tries his hardest and i like his workrate, but i don't know how best to get him into the side Simpson - Dreadful, but then he's not a winger Kuqi - Don't care how many he's scored, he's been :censored:e for weeks Bunn - No help from kuqi, no decent balls through for him to run on to, don't know what we expect him to do So, another game, another loss and to be fair - early doors we played ok....but its the same old story - if you don't score goals, you don't win matches. Something is drastically wrong at the club because, on paper, we have decent players. Players like tarky, mellor, winchester, furman, bunn, simpson are highly rated players yet we perform so badly every week. Lets start at the back - seriously, what does gerry taggert do at the club? As assistant manager who played hundreds of games and plenty at international level, he must be responsible for the defensive side of our training yet we're abysmal. We look lost at every set peice and when we don't stop the cross coming in, they just don't seem to have a clue where to stand or what to do. Its really not rocket science, you pick your man and you fooking stick with him. If a player shows good movement, fair play, but today all they did was get in position and then take the free header - no specifically good movement at all. Diallo again today didn't have a clue where to stand. The only player consistantly in the right place is kieran lee. Midfield - we show a massive lack of creativity. We seem to huff and puff and run around a lot, but nothing ever comes of it. With the exception of one cross from morais today, both our set peices and our crosses were :censored:e...how can we expect players to score from them? Weslowski is a massive loss and you have to bare that in mind - but even without him, we should have enough to play so much better than we are. Strikers - This is a tough one, because in order to score goals you have to get the chances and from our midfield at the moment, they're not creating much but......shefki has been :censored:e for weeks, yet he plays every week. Now i'm all for pushing through a barren spell in order to try and get a goal - but enough is enough and he cannot start on saturday. Bunn, he likes the ball in behind the defence but can you remember the last time a ball was played in between two defenders for a striker to run on to? Neither can I!! We bring in tounkara and give him 5 or 10 minutes when we're down - just what is the point? We dont break at any speed and every time we get the ball near the opposition box, they tend to have 9-10 players behind the ball - its no wonder we can't score. We're far too slow to get forward Next beef i have....playing players out of position...Simpson on the wing is an absolute joke if you do it once, to do it week in and week out tells me that whoever is in charge of picking the side perhaps doesn't know as much as he thinks. This has happened far tar to often this season - we can't keep shoe horning players into a side wherever they will fit, it clearly doesn't work. (Think mellor / winchester) So, so far we've got to question what happens at training and its clear they're not doing the right things, but what about the team spirit? Up to chesterfield in the JPT, we had morais, simpson, wes, furball and even rueben reid regularly praising the team spirit at the club yet since there appears to be a number of cracks...KMB - something wrong there......Reid - something wrong there - I'm really concerned that something is happening at the club which is destroying the team spirit - and that shows on the pitch. Nobody seems to want to be part of a team and work for each other. Is it the lack of weslowski or is it something else? We're in a relegation dogfight, no doubt about it, and with our lack of goals we're in deep :censored:e unless we get help from other clubs. Its time for the management team to take a serious look at themselves AS WELL as the players instead of the referee and the 4th offical (in dickov case). We've got to go back to playing simple football with the right people in the right places.....and then we may just pick up enough points to put this horrific few months behind us and start building for next year. I'm 50/50 on dickov but taggert has got to go. We need a new fitness coach, a defensive coach as a minimum for next year. Sorry for the eratic jumping around in the post - just typing stuff as it comes to me Come on you blues....i'm dedicated to the team and the club - its about time those paid with my ST money showed the same commitment and passion i do. My team for next game: Bouzanis Lee Tarky (belezika) Brown Diallo (is mellor/winchester injured?) Marsh brown Furman Adeyemi Millar Simpson Bunn Kuqi Gerrard Tounkara Morais ANY CB left
  7. not the greatest is it.....anybody got a list of league average ST prices and i'll work out price per goal?
  8. be interesting to work out teams average season ticket prices split per home goal....
  9. In the last 3 seasons at home we've scored 75 goals in 67 games.... are we supposed to be happy that prices have been frozen again? It's not good enough, peterborough scored 69 in one season last year at home!!! Can someone tell dickov that i'd rather lose 5-3 than fecking one nil every week. We played with a man over twice today and never even looked like scoring....its absolute bobbins. We leave subs too late, we appear to be stuck with kuqi up front every week even though he can't hit a barn door....Its a joke I'm on the verge of not getting a season ticket for the first time in about 10-12 years.....and i'm not going to make a decision based on getting beat by top of the league, but if we don't at least have a go in the remaining home games.....they can forget it EDIT - we were "boring to watch" under dave penney......we scored 23 that season....we've only scored 23 this year so far...and 20% of those were in one game against chesterfield!
  10. did that over christmas and they brilliantly sorted me a half season ticket at the chad/re price - told me it would be a one off though
  11. grrrr i love the U16's offer...my nephew wants to carry on coming and is 7.....but i sit in the main paddock
  12. I'd say 6-12 weeks minimum.....seriously damaged ankle ligaments can be much more difficult to recover from than an ankle break i'm afraid.... if he's not already signed for anyone, taylor could well be cursing right now
  13. Thinking about it further - we ruined Tounkara last season through over playing someone who had never had to play that many games before....he trailed off terribly towards the end of the season - ok that may have been down to lack of players, but really thinking about it - i think fitness management has been a problem for a while now under multiple managers.... we also NEVER seem to be able to perform for a full 90 minutes....
  14. At the start of his return to 1st team squad: Minutes per game: 0 0 17 16 90 Hardley building match fitness is it? I've played at a steady level.....it took me 3 or 4 games to get back to fitness, but your not talking about getting back to sunday league pace fitness, you're talking about first team football. You hear people say the step up from ressies to 1st team is a big one....so by not even giving much reserve game time and then expecting someone to play 90 minutes just isn't right.... You're risking potentially 2 things: 1) The player is sluggish, struggles in game and therefore doesn't get through as much as if fit making it even LONGER to get back 2) The player wears himself out early in his comeback, and then struggles further down the line (which i actually think may be the case here - lots of midweek game time alongside weekends)
  15. basically - we rush players back too quickly.....hence why rueben looks out of shape, unfit etc Reid played a couple of reserve games for half an hour then sat on the bench, then was expected to play 80 minutes..... What happened to getting players up to a decent fitness level before they were thrown into 1st team action? Its not like we're short of strikers is it? We're about to do the same thing with Furman.....on the bench at least tomorrow after one 60 minute run out in what, 2 months?
  16. I think he's just a little unsure about how much time he has....that will come with more league games. Giving the ball away dawdling on it at dale last week probably put the fear into him so maybe wasn't quite so relaxed yesterday. I'm guessing on a tight(er) budget next season, a player like him shouldn't cost too much so a definite signing for me. By then, should have 10-12 games and be more settled. Fantastic leap, nice passing and when he takes a look around and realises how much time he has, looks more than comfortable. Whoever this scout is (M'Changama and Diallo) is doing a damn fine job i must say
  17. yeah happened to me last home game....took my nephew on... still dunno who it was
  18. pretty certain lee will resign.... he's had his time at UTD and its clear he's a cut above, but he seems like a character whose happiest when settled. I'm not sure unambitious is the right word, i just think he's happy to have a long career at a club where he's happy without having to move away.
  19. because we're all entitled to our opinion maybe?? like those who say taylor is :censored:e.....they're entitled to their opinion as much as those who can see him do no wrong... its what football is all about....whose pretending?
  20. worked hard.... ran the channels... won a couple of free kicks when going nowhere... held it up well... picked a few decent passes... didn't score 6 so obviously according to half the board....:censored:e! Thought he played well, was disappointed he went off, looks the sort of player who could turn into a "dickov" and be a right thorn in the side of teams.
  21. we have to stick with him....its really going to do us no favors keep chopping and chnaging managers.......BUT he has to start learning. As has been said, we're repeating many mistakes from last season and we're now fading away like usual. We have been unlucky with injuries this last few weeks, but i can't help but feel we fit square pegs in round holes too often.... Ok, when injuries happen you have to do that, but, for example: adeyemi at full back at liverpool moving our most consistent player out of position? Scapuzzi playing wide when he's a striker Mellor playing full back when its clear he isn't one (i'd rather see winchester there right now) Diamond - Didn't he play full back one game? Parker - came on trial as a striker, signed as a striker who could play out wide, and put in more appearances at full back than he did up front This happens TOO often....and he's quite often TOO slow to change the team when it's clearly not working. Whoever this striker is who is potentially coming in better be good or we're going to end up looking over our shoulder... Keep dickov, but we have to see improvements to our consistency...
  22. i'm going to email....just trying to find a decent way to word it without sounding arsey
  23. I was sat waiting for kick off today when an official chap (no idea who it was yet) wandered up to me and my 7 year old nephew and asked if he had a program....which he didn't. He then preceded to go and find one and brought it back to us for free. He then asked if he would like to have it signed by anyone and (for some reason) my nephew said Reece Brown as his favorite player (Robbie Simpson) wasn't on the pitch. We were then taken to the side of the pitch where my nephew had his program signed by Reece and had his picture taken with him. Cheers to whoever it was!!
  24. back home now and still furious at this... yes it's outsourced, but come on, as a club they should be making sure the contractor is performing efficiently?? They literally had no hot food, and only oasis as a cold drink..... the choice of a £1+ dairy milk or an overpriced bag of crisps didn't appeal to me much, so money lost for them. I'm a ST holder, so i'll be there next game, but if your paying on the day, it's only gonna add to the reasons not to bother....
  25. my missus came today as she's always said she'll go to one game to see why i go.....she hates football. It was her first match and she's never really watched a game on tv. Her quote half way through: "Is it supposed to be like this? it's like if i was playing, and i got the ball, i'd just kick it anywhere like they are" pretty much sums them up at the moment....midfield, non-existant
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