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whittles left foot

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Everything posted by whittles left foot

  1. No they weren't. Yes they did. Who cares. It won't change anything.
  2. Because he is knackered-just like he was against Solihull in the last 10 mins. Isn't he one of the younger players in the squad?
  3. I didn't it was to @yarddog73 as he acknowledges above but calls it his humour.
  4. That is a bit rich coming from you. I tried to get a straight answer out of you the other night about midfield players and you did everything but provide an answer. Traffic cone springs to mind. I bet there isn't a Latics fan on here who can remember him playing against us last year. He even scored.
  5. What proportion of the 6815 gate yesterday does that represent? Not much. Has as much credibility as your claim half the gate was shouting Unsworth out yesterday.
  6. You had your chance and just like new super fit Fondop you blew it.
  7. Thanks for your contribution-another empty vessel spouting nonsense.
  8. When he has been able to pick his first choice midfield but not get results. Out of interest who would you have played in midfield today given the players available to play there?
  9. Was looking forward to seeing him last week, but he was dropped as you put it `to allow a star player back in'
  10. Interesting quote on the BBC sports page about Holden.
  11. Why would you do that-Oh- it doesn't suit your argument No it hasn't-there was a notable pick up in performance and results after Christmas last year-Oh-it doesn't suit your argument Well you have contradicted yourself there. Just rubbish. We have played 5 games.
  12. Yes it does seem odd that as a little bit of controversy about how poorly the club is doing according to a section of the fan base you @PeteG have been increasing your posts in both frequency and length over the past 2 weeks. I am sure it is just a coincidence really. But then again.
  13. Yeah, managers moving players around to where they think they may get the best result-OK for Cook but our manager gets pelters.
  14. Not written anybody off as not good enough for us-where do you get some of your interpretations from? One did nowt, one didn't play as I said. Your usual touchy response about players you have bigged up on here.
  15. Yeah, Colclough really tore us apart on Sat didn't he? Berry only made the bench and never got on. You gonna have to try harder than this rubbish.
  16. There are all sorts of scenarios relating to managers leaving. E.g Sacked, resign or mutual consent. Yes there is a lot of money involved but an agreement is usually reached-very few get to a tribunal. This link explains some of the above. https://sqaf.club/how-much-football-managers-paid-when-sacked/
  17. Of course he has-BUT he also has every right to be safe and common sense if nobody else should be telling him 'that's enough of that'. Be realistic-you ain't gonna stop supporters being idiots so remove yourself (like many of us do) from the situation.
  18. Not to excuse today's behaviour but do you not think there is a reason club officials generally do not sit among fans and today is a perfect illustration. Note the Chesterfield chairman was sat in the usual corporate style box area.
  19. Why do you think he has overstepped on spending when you have no idea of any of the budgets of any of the departments? How many managers over the many years both of us have watched Latics have had more players than positions? Really you seem to have appointed yourself as financial manager of OAFC despite knowing tap all about how a club is run.
  20. If you want to take a literal meaning then maybe not-I thought we may have actually been next to bottom briefly last season-but that was not really my point. This club very very nearly disappeared just over a year ago and I would put to you that it is in a much better place now whatever its lge position. So it's lowest point-No.
  21. Fair comment. I have no idea how much money is being spent at this club now-but you are making the usual football supporters mistake that money spent equals success.
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