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Everything posted by latic12345

  1. It is now and it's absolutely baltic. No gillet and scarf could keep you warm in that weather!!!
  2. As a back-up to this, banks tend to insert 'payback on request' Ts & Cs. Therefore, in theory, a bank loan is just as instantly repayable should it request so. The advantage the club has of using TTA is that (as I have said above) the club doesn't (legally) have any assets and therefore would struggle to gain loans to the extent that it currently has from a financial institution. Just a guess but it wouldn't surprise me if: 1. The company that owns the land owns the club. 2. Finance from TTA (if borrowed from a bank) is loaned by the company that owns the club and charged against the land. 3. The company that owns the club finances the losses of the football club through an inter-company agreement between companies in the same group. 4. In order for this to be viable the club (and potentially other companies) provide this said parent company with an income so it can continue as a going concern. Just a thought mind...
  3. It's interesting the number of people who think Oldham Athletic 2004 Ltd own Boundary Park. My understanding of the situation is slightly different. There is a company called something like Sports Vehicle Holdings Ltd that own Boundary Park. There is Oldham Athletic 2004 Ltd. These two companies have mutual shareholders i.e. the same people who own Latics own the land. This is not the same as Latics owning the land. I'm quite sure Simon Corney let this slip at a fans meeting a few years back...
  4. He was a bit of a c**k though so it would have been a fully justified incident...
  5. Mate, black tie dress code for the day I heard. I'll see you there in my (newly found) DJ... I'll sort a Thermos... or we could just get to the Greyhound very very early so we have an adequate beer jacket. Then again it's Tranmere and watching us sober is bad enough. Watching us get beat by Tranmere sober is unthinkable!!! Re: Wycombe. I may head up. All depends on how I feel after covering a bit of Katie Perry on Friday night :-)
  6. I shall be there... adidas tracksuit and curly wig day I reckon...
  7. Pogs Hill Hall Armstrong Eardley Murray Mini Shez Wellens Eyres Wijnhard Killen With that front two fit and interested, they would score 40+ goals between them. Mini Shez would hold in midfield allowing Murray and Wellens to go forward. With That back 3 Pogs would look good and Eardley could only be replaced by an on form and fit Josh Low *looks for cover*
  8. I think you miss the point here Terry. I first and foremost think of Putney as London in the same way I think of Oldham / Ashton / Stalybridge / Stockport as Manchester. I then think of the town as second. Therefore, for me, in reality (regardless of legal classification), there is very little difference...
  9. At least you're not indifferent That's probably fair. Some of the locals do have upturned noses and lean when they walk. It's the fact there's a town nearby with 27,000 people, 4 faces and 2 surnames that worries me.
  10. To be fair, I'm with Josh on this one and tell people I'm from Manchester all the time. I don't see too much of a difference. You wouldn't argue if someone said Putney / Clapham are in London yet are similar distances from the centre. In summary, you don't need to wait til the next OASIS outing, you can bring it along tonight ;)
  11. Really? This is an interesting one as financial figures can be spun in any way depending on how you charge liabilities, how you leverage finance etc. It's very easy for people to hold assets and debt off balance sheets etc etc. I would be surprised if he will reveal these in an absolute way. I reckon you are more likely to see a set of accounts, based on a host of assumptions that represent the position of the company at a point in time. I would be amazed if you get anything else...
  12. You're face when you realised you had been at (but still missed) Dale Stephens first Latics start was very memorable. Cracking day on Saturday mate... I may even be convinced by Wycombe* *What I post on here is by no means binding
  13. Gregan by far. His applauding of the fans at the end and the reciprocation from the stand was tremendous. The only Latics player to be clapped off by every fan
  14. It's been a while - looking forward to it
  15. There for the young Americans?!?! You and Ryan should be a treat ;) Are you driving to Wycombe or by train?
  16. It certainly was Foxes away, the day that a good few of us (well me predominantly) got distracted by a rather cute blonde sat at the same table. The quiz at that point came second ;)
  17. After claiming I dragged you out into Soho after the game, I wouldn't like to trust your memory of that night....
  18. As bad as it is, I'm laying claim to this one - Brentford beer garden a good few hours after the end of the game....
  19. Well for the past two seasons I have lived in South West London and last year made 34 games in total (15 home and 19 away), maintaining my season ticket. This season I have been to 4 and only 1 at Boundary Park. Partially due to the lacklustre feel (it takes a full weekend out for any home game and costs £900 to attend 15 home games - the break even point of a ST - so doesnt feel worth it to me right now) and partially due to being so busy during pre-season and the early part of this season meaning that I failed to keep track of who was in and out and don't feel quite the same amount of loyalty and with it. I didnt post my reasons for a reaction more because it sums up how I feel at the moment. If you would like to disagree, thats ok. I think its a perfectly plausible reason for not attending. I am part of the "I dont find it as fun anymore" along with many on this messageboard and don't see a problem with letting people know that.
  20. I'm working in Birmingham at the moment. It's really close and accessible for me but.... At the risk of abuse: it's cold, wet and frankly only entertaining if 3 sheets to the wind. This can't happen on a school night so I won't be there. £20 well saved....
  21. You've given yourself back up then... I thought everyone was booked on the 10am outbound. Already hedging your bets ;)
  22. I was at Twickenham last saturday for the sole drab England win of the Autumn Internationals and someone in front of me had a digital SLR and telescopic lens. Noone batted an eyelid.
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