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Everything posted by otid

  1. Amen to that........oh....and Blue Pizza as well
  2. From fishul.... Dave Penney finally lost patience with his under-achieving players as he made five changes for tonight's Coca-Cola League One fixture at neighbours Stockport County. The Latics manager axed Dean Brill, Joe Jacobson, Danny Whitaker and Keigan Parker from the starting line-up which faced Wycombe Wanderers on Saturday. Dale Stephens was also missing from the 18 players on duty at Stockport, though he was ruled out through a knock. Penney recalled Darryl Flahavan in goal, Paul Black at left back, Dean Furman and :censored: in midfield while there was a debut for on-loan striker Lewis Guy who was signed yesterday from Doncaster Rovers.
  3. Oh the irony........stop it....my sides are splitting!!
  4. I didn't bleedin' sign any of 'em!! Nonetheless, loan signings don't have the luxury of contracts, of playing and training week in week out with their team mates etc. So.....1 goal every seven games and three of them came in the same match? Do me a favour.
  5. He's way too easy to shove off the ball......if he hasn't already fallen over! Wages for games ratio is bad enough.....don't dare look at the goals to games. Should have been shown the same door that stayed open way too long for Wolfenden.
  6. Minimum wage....it'll only attract scum.
  7. Total Assets and Total Liabilities, and what value of long term and short term loans. Any mortgages taken out by the company. Thanks.
  8. .....and if so, what about it's republican fans? Shouldn't they be looked after too?
  9. Any chance you could pop by Milnrow? I'd like your expert opinion as to whether the soil is ok to plant some wild garlic.
  10. I'd like to know if they'd like ME to stay. I'm 50 years old and have supported Latics since i was six. I've lost count of the season tickets i've blindly renewed, year after year often simply because i just couldn't imagine not returning whatever the circumstances. It's very unlikely i wouldn't renew again next year but i have to confess that despite being in possession of my ticket, i often need to really drag myself to BP these days. Fact is.....i'm one of the lucky ones with a disposable income that isn't affected by whether i renew my ticket or not....and even i'm becoming fed up with Latics. What chance those not so fortunate? Well, let me tell you Barry, if i had to make those choices right now, i'd be dropping the sporting love of my life for the telly because there is NOTHING to warrant spending £20+ for what is on offer either on or off the pitch. Huge mistakes have been made. The heart has been ripped out of the matchday experience by taking away first the Clayton arms and second the Lookers. IMHO, those two decisions affect each home attendance by at least 500 spectators, let alone the associated revenue from the bars. I could understand it if Failsworth was a done and dusted deal.....but come on.....huge mistakes. So....what is in it for me Barry.......what do TTA promise to deliver to keep me interested......then remember i'm one of the lucky ones who you or TTA don't actually have to try all that hard to keep on board......what will the board be doing for the dwindling remainder?
  11. When will you learn some forum etiquette?
  12. There are some great points on all sides of the debate raised in this topic. One thing missing from the mix is the attitude of the players. Two very average and extremely rusty sides last night put on a very poor show. I think i'd be happier as a Tranny fan in terms of the effort put in. They wanted it to a man (despite being as inept as we were) and will no doubt pull away from the bottom with the kind of team spirit shown. We had nothing in terms of spirit or cameraderie. Players hiding, suicide balls given rather than taking responsibility and absolutely no-one busting a gut. The malaise is widespread at the club and is clearly affecting all facets from players to support. Not a good recipe.
  13. Playing for Manchester City in an FA Cup fourth-round tie at Luton in 1961, Dennis Law scored six times as City raced into a 6-2 lead, only for the match to be abandoned. The Kenilworth Road pitch "first resembled a beach with the tide just out, then [there was] deep mud, then a shallow lake," according to one report of the game. "It's not every day that you score six goals," recalled Law. "I never did it again - the most I managed in a game that counted was four, which I got a couple of times. But then the heavens opened. Obviously it wasn't meant to be. The funny thing was when we went for the replay on the Wednesday the pitch was in a worse state than it ever was on Saturday." As the law of Sod dictates, Law still scored in the second match, only for City to slump to a 3-1 defeat.
  14. Athletic are not revealing the figure they are looking for but it is likely to approach six figures, particularly given the rumoured competition for his signature from Championship sides Scunthorpe, Derby and Peterborough. As penned by the ever reliable Mr Chambers.......you might as well ask what VIZ think he's worth!
  15. It matters not.....but it won't be anywhere near that figure. £30k max, more likely £20k and there will be staged payments at that!
  16. Have you ever walked across the car park to/from Broadway? The snow should help to fill in the cracks and potholes, thereby making it likely safer than without the snow!
  17. .....and Shawy alongside...best golascorer we EVER had. Throw in the king of all Geordies for good measure and what an unbelievable strikeforce we had at our disposal. What would you give for just one of those three today Walshy?
  18. Saw me mam today...she's all excited for Christmas. Looks good in front ert fire with her new housecoat and slippers......true legend!
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