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Magic Mikey

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Everything posted by Magic Mikey

  1. I've been on holiday so I haven't been this season yet. He has always been towards the Rocky end of the North Stand. I'll keep an eye out on Tuesday. Maybe AL is moving him closer to him as a bodyguard.
  2. In any team, whatever situation the club is in, if a player isn't putting effort in he deserves stick. In our current situation there is only one direction that vitreol needs sending in. Abbott & Costello and their shills.
  3. It provides some comedy entertainment for those of us sitting at that end of the Joe Royle stand. Blessed relief when the alternative is looking at what's going on on the pitch.
  4. Finishing on Barry would add a whole new meaning to the old football expression : "one for the cameras".
  5. How long does the full defection process to Chesterfield take?
  6. Maybe Burys potential demise would mean only one club dropping out of the football league. We would only need one club to be shitter than us.
  7. Definitely. Although I am quite enjoying looking at the deliberate bad spelling, grammar and punctuation. There's clearly an attempt to appear to be one of the ordinary folk. The early slip of referring to our beloved owner as Abdallah has been corrected.
  8. I've seen the stats. His positioning was awful, he did nothing to prevent it happening.
  9. If you subtract from a negative, you get even more negative. If he were to multiply everything he's done by minus one, we'd be heading for the Championship. = very fucking
  10. That is the jauntiest of angles to wear your flat cap at
  11. I know the grammar police get a bad press but a hyphen can make a big difference. Reading Vera had resigned gave me a brief moment of false hope.
  12. I haven't seen any matches. Are they using VAR? That seems to help generate a couple of penalties a match for the women.
  13. We need to get the local Asian community down to BP.
  14. I was subjected to it. They do phonics nowadays to teach how the letters combine to make sounds.
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