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Everything posted by sjk2008

  1. Been saying this for weeks. You wouldn’t be talking mega bucks for these players. The fact we’re on tele every month helps the coffers too.
  2. You’ve said this twice now and it was bollocks the first time.
  3. Why would anyone expect Frank to have a clue about the playing side? That’s Royle and Co’s job. Now if Frank is unwilling to release funds despite home attendances being comfortably the highest for years, monthly live TV money etc, that’s another question.
  4. At what point does Unsworth start to cop some flak for this? I’m by no means starting in Unsworth Out argument, but his insistence on this negative, 3-5-2 nonsense in this god awful league - regardless of how poor our players are - us just painful. And the owners need to starting flashing some cash. Home attendances will start to dwindle if we don’t.
  5. Apologies if already posted, or if not possible to find out, but has anyone got an idea of what the staff roster looked like at the start of the 2018/19 season? Specifically in terms of number of personnel employed by the club vs today?
  6. Watching Chuckle trying to instruct the team from the hoardings was of the weirdest things I’ve seen for some time.
  7. As I said further up the thread, no I don’t. Its not something I’ve ever had to do on here.
  8. And I expect to be inscribed with ‘a BJ from SJ’.
  9. I refuse to debate with a lying Urko Vera fanboy troll any more. Go and annoy someone else.
  10. Clearly I'm not very good at this blocking lark. Go away you fucking oddball.
  11. Call me fickle all you want, but my attendance is up in the air at the moment as I cannot bear to watch Sefil for another 90 minutes. Hopefully @Lee Sinnott can provide some ITK info on Wheater's fitness for Saturday, and if he does I'll definitely be there. We appear to be shit, but so do Bradford. The team surely has to be this: Woods Mills - Wheater - Iacovitti - ASB Sylla - Missilou Eagles - Maouche - Nepomuceno Azankpo He isn't going to play 442 we know that. Question is does he go for Azankpo or Wilson? I'd guess the former as he has already scored. Eagles might play, but I wouldnt be averse to seeing Fage on the RW as for the samll amount of time I have seen him he has impressed. Iacovitti by all accounts was decent at CB last night, but tbh I'd play BP1960 over Sefil at CB. NEPO HAS TO START. VERA & SEFIL as far away from the squad as possible.
  12. 1. I am saying Wheater and Egert are hopefully answers to our defensive problem, of which it is too early to say either way as theyve played 90 mins betweem this season. Our current ongoing problems, unless we can replace the likes of Vera & Maouche, are midfield and attack. 2. Inventing stores: Vera did not give you £1000 in a casino. Stop talking bollocks. 3. When did you say Vera is our best player? Here: 4. I can no longer keep biting to your trolling. We all know you mention Shez here, there and everywhere.
  13. Of course it's a problem, hence why in my earlier post I said our issues were in defence, midfield and attack. We have since signed Wheater and Egert, so once they get playing I would like to think it's no longer the issue it was. Midfield and Attack is still tripe, of which Vera is a huge (figuratively and literally the fat, unfit bastard) part of that. You inventing stories up and claiming that Vera is our best player is trolling at best, and grounds for sectioning at worst. And as for your infatuation of Shez, you're not the only one who appreciates the jobs he has done here. What you don't need to do is constantly pine for him, create thread upon thread about him, mention him at almost every opportunity and stop coming across like a fucking crazed stalker as it bores everybody. You're fucking weird.
  14. We have scored 3 goals against Ashton, Stockport, Halifax, FGR and Crewe. As for defence, we need Wheater back and hope Egert is as good as some people suggest. Between them, they've played just 1 game. At the moment, we have ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL up front, including your fucking hero Vera. FFS I have bitten again. I'm sure trolls are frowned upon on forums.
  15. From the Championship P.S - so did Vera 1 game - stop being a dick. Prior to his signing our issues were in defence, midfield and attack. Our big issues lie up front, because we are having to rely on a Spanish dump truck for goals, where he’s shown to be nothing more than as impotent as Pele. Stop making stories up. Stop being a troll.
  16. I got 84 points and thought that was very good. Some mental scores already here - surely some have used 'triple captain' already?!
  17. You know what a WUM is. Don'y play the bullying card. You spend most of your time on here either begging for Shez' return or hyping up Vera, which is made even weirder following your quite obviously made up story where he supposedly gave you £1k in a Casino and told you to buy a ST. One minute you're questioning all the foreign recruits, the next minute you're shouting Urko Vera Baby from the rooftops. Then you're questioning the positive reaction to us signing Wheater arguing it's nothing to be giddy about, before claiming Urko fucking Vera is our best player. It's boring, annoying, repetitive and, in general, complete bullshit.
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