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Everything posted by sjk2008

  1. A matter of seconds is all it takes. Just might be worth bearing in mind in future if you're going to criticise someone for the use of a particular word, not to be guilty of using it yourself. As you were.
  2. Very cringeworthy indeed, you Corbynite
  3. Actually, anyone with a brain knows it was only managing one win out of our last 12 games that took us down. Wellens certainly wasn't exempt of blame with some of his team choices, but then again had Al not decided to take things into his own hands during the run-in and start openly criticize teammates to players he'd called into his office, or call meetings to humiliate others players in front of the whole team (particularly before the final game of the season), or even picking which players got paid on time above others, then perhaps we would have found that extra win. But then again I suppose that doesn't fall in line with your MO (no pun intended) does it..
  4. Anyone opting to hold trust in someone who believes offering Jonathan Benteke a new contract should be higher up the priority list than paying staff contributions needs to have a hard, long look at themselves.
  5. Would be nice to see a list of both positives and negatives.
  6. Horrific awayday last year. Looks like it’ll be even worse this year. Not for me.
  7. @Dave_Og Can you start a negatives thread too for balance?
  8. I do think the FLG are expecting Al & Mo to just up sticks and fuck off as opposed to negotiate with him. The question is how long can they both continue to ‘finance’ the club before getting out of there.
  9. Oh sorry, can you point out where you said 'real' signings?
  10. Woods Zabrat Mills Iacovitti Wilson Kokos Desire Vera
  11. Al does something stupid. Trust release statement saying they're looking into it. Fans wait... Rinse & repeat
  12. Correct. That 1.2k will slowly fall as the admins on there (particularly that tosser Partington) ban anybody that speaks up against Clown & Co.
  13. I wouldn’t worry about Boundary Blue. Anyone who is happy to describe Al for what he is, is merely just one member of the Agenda.
  14. People absolutely detest AL as it is, I don’t think it’s comparable (even though Corney was no saint either).
  15. I’m sure Boundary Blue will be here any minute to criticise the FLG and back ambitious Al once again.
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