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Everything posted by losesome

  1. Unless it was a premier league club can't see anybody tempting him away this time. Joe wouldn't go to another championship club or league one even if they offered double. Money is not his god and the challenge of getting latics back to the next level up far outweighs any cash offers from others.
  2. well 6 games left to make the play offs and we get rid of our top goal scorer without replacing him !! Probably having a negative effect on the dressing room i don't know , but if joe pulled this one off he would be in greater godly status at BP than he is already?
  3. I know it will be long odds but what chances of doing a Blackpool and winning the last 9 games. They were in a similar position and did it and although they missed automatic promotion by a whisker they went into the play offs on such a roll that they won easily as we know. If we won all 9 games we would end up with 85 points. Peterbro would need 13 -14 points off the last 7 games because although they have 8 games left they would lose here. Maybe Maybe !!!!!!!
  4. The club appear to have a drink culture lead by the older players ie Gregan and Hughes. It also confirms that Shez can't control the experiencd players and ultimately he will have to go if proven. Players can be fined or banned but managers pay the price with their job. It may do us a favour because i don't think TTA would get rid of Shez before the end of the season so at least this way it gives us half a chance of getting into the play offs - which we wont do with Shez
  5. Just about sums up the club at present when the directors are thought more of than players and managers. Time for the TTA to get new broom out and sweep away the rubbish.
  6. Its not so much losing its the style we are losing in thats the problem. yes we are in the top 6 and still have a chance of going up but the football is cr*p. Is this now the standard in league one ?? If it is and all the teams are the same then you can argue that Shez is doing a good job. However the standard of our home games since October (apart from stockport) has been dire. If that is the standard accepted then i don't want to watch it and in all honesty i would sooner watch Latics try hard, play well and then take whatver results come along. Getting into the play offs this season compared with when we got there under Dowie is no comparison in terms of the quality of football. Most people that come on moaning i suspect are moaning about the standard as opposed to the actual result. If we had lost one nil yesterday but played like we did against stockport then there would be few complaints just probably hard luck stories. People will not pay £20 to watch the cr*p being served up at BP not matter where we are in the league and our crowds are testiment to that. Whats the point of being in the championship , playing cr*p and having 4000 there ??? If we were half way up the league playing reasonable football our gates would probably be better. Times are hard and people think twice about paying £20 to watch football. They will only watch this cr*p once then wont bother again. Keep playing like this and our crowds will be zero. no crowd no team - then it doesn't matter what league or position you are in.
  7. The other problem we have got is entertainment value - Being in the top 4 wont make any difference to crowds if we don't put up a show for the money. Besides Stockport game you have to go back to October and Scunthorpe to find a game worth paying to watch. Even the games we have won at home ie Walsall , etc have been absolutely dire even for the hardy fans to endure. Maybe our expectations are higher for us older fans after years in the doldrums then the Big Joe years but i am getting fed up with the cr*p served up at BP. If i am ( And i watched Latics when they had to apply for re-election in Div 4) then others who the club are trying to entice must think no way will i pay to watch that. Whether you like JS or not the fact is that our crowds are sh*te because our entertainment value is nil. It is not a situation that can go on therefore change is needed. The only 2 options that will help to get crowds back is A/ -promotion or B/- a new manager that can take us to the next level. As option one is becoming more of a distinct possibility with each game then option 2 must come in. The sooner the better or next eason will bring about the same old cr*p and the same poor crowds. Then what will the TTA do ??????????
  8. I have been shouting this for a while now - The big problem we have at BP is that when we dont go up this year our gates are going to go worse next season - I have been a S/T holder for 40 years and even i am getting fed up with seeing the same old teams week in and week out. Without Championship ganmes next season the gates will be down to average 4000. Get big Joe back in and even if not successful this season i think we could guarentee average of 6000 next season even in this league one. Also as you say we are now down to a 10 game season and even if we do scrape into the play offs we wont win them. Big Joe will give us the boost we need and we may even make automatic. We have nothing to lose because to do nothing will mean same league one next season and even worsde crowds.
  9. Shez has no tactical awareness and whilst you can't blame him for goals like they scored you can for our response. To say he motivated a better second half is a joke. We couldn't possibly get any worse and anybody could have improved that performance. Why does he persist in giving Liddle a pension bonus when he is clearly past it now. Shez can't change things tactically - With taylor not fit he should have played Jones on the left wing and Smalley on the other to go at them with pace. In the second half when it clearly wasn't working why didn't he take Lids and Kabba off and bring Whits and Allesandra on and played 433 - BECAUSE HE CANT THINK LIKE THAT - We have 10/11 games left and what we should now to try and save our season is bye bye Shez and get somebody like Joe Royal in (who is available) to give us a 10 games boost to the play offs. Shez has learnt nothing in the years in charge and his tactics are now holding the club back.
  10. Latics wont bring standing back - Why move fans paying £20 to sit into standing areas for £12 - £ 15 ????
  11. What i didn't understand at the corners was everybody was obviously marking man to man. They all lined up at the back of the area and left a big open space at the front. When the corner was taken their players were first into the gap and got a free header. (how their goal was scored) Why didn't we leave a player in that gap or is that too simple !!!! They did the same thing on the corner afterwards. Or am i missing something ?
  12. Get him back instead of the great fat ar*e from Hull we have got
  13. If he had another yellow tonight and got sent off he would get a one match ban ??? Would he then have got an extra 2 matches for having 11 yellows or would they not count ??
  14. I totally agree with you on that. I think 2nd place is still there to be grabbed. We need to put 5 or 6 wins together and really put pressure on MKD. Then that will really test their mettle as well as ours. Come on Latics you can do it.
  15. Because it takes away the hope of clubs like ours ever getting promotion - If i was a millionaire why shouldn't i be allowed to plough my money into Latics and pay some top class players to get us into a higher league. Salary caps will stop that happening.
  16. It all right saying salary cap if it was a figure like £5k week. But they are usually goverened by % of income which means the bigger clubs can pay more . They get bigger and better players and the league will end up a financial one not a points one ??
  17. They will probably pay if they play but not sat at home ?? Loan players should be brought in to improve the team and i don't think the majority of those we bring in do that. It appears to be quantity rather than quality and i would sooner have 2 or 3 exceptional players than 6 that are ok ish.
  18. I just can't understand Shez's loan signings. We are now paying a loanee to sit at home cos we are only allowed 5 ???????????????
  19. Only one thing will get the crowds back short term and instill some confidence in the players - GET BIG JOE BACK. Short term contract until end of season will see crowds back upto 6000 and probably just nick second place. But we have to do it now not next week.
  20. He may be a legend but all legends reach their peak. Even big Joe did. Shez has taken us as far as he can - time to move over and let somebody finish the job off.
  21. Since Windy came Hughes has lost the smile on his face and played cr*p - Says it all.
  22. No you can't blame the goalie but shez is distroying some of our own players confidence by dropping them for loanees. Eardley should never have been dropped in the first place and tonight was witness to how his confidence has now gone. - Joke Fleming - Can't be blaimed for Yeovil and even if shez thinks he can how on earth can you drop him for one mistake - Joke Maher - finally finding his feet and last few games was getting better with each agme , then gets dropped - Joke Windass - getting worse with each game and shouldn't be on the pitch - Joke Allessandra - what has he got to do to start - Joke Shez = now lost the plot and is becomming a JOKE Think Shez has now finally taken us as far as he can and time for change-
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