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Everything posted by ste1987

  1. 1. ste1987 2. 3. Blue_Guru 4. oafcshuck 5. the_mighty_bosh 6. 7. Diego Sideburns 8. mattyoafc 9. LaticsLen 10. thetruelatics 11. LaticsLegend 12. 13. rudemedic 14. Ohh Johnny Eyre 15. 16. Jimsleftfoot
  2. Doubt very much it will be Beckett. Sheridan didnt sign him in the first place because of his injuries.
  3. I think it will be Fleming. I think Crossley has indicated he would like to be more of a coach next yr. Plus i don't think he'd last 40+ games again
  4. Revising for my third year uni exam at 2pm.
  5. Yep sounds like its getting out of hand now. Russian fan been stabbed outside ground but thank god they arent life threatening injuries.
  6. We renewed todays. Moved from NSM to RRE. Be a bit weird for a while as we've sat in NSM for about 14 years now.
  7. As much as I like stam, i think he will be off come the end of the season.
  8. Heart says we'll win 2-0 as they have lost their last 3 i think. head says 1-1 knowing latics luck lol I predict we'll get some points though
  9. ste1987


    Going to get the iPod touch tomorrow. had a razz on a friends and thought they were excellent! I currently have the 30GB 5th gen iPod which i have more than enough got my moneys worth out of so i fancied a change. Going to get the 32gb touch i think.
  10. One guy in the NSM ran up the steps after the raffle was drawn shouting "dad, you've won the clamyidia raffle!" Comedy at its best. Especially with some of the looks they got
  11. Some good names released there. Without a doubt would have Giddings back. Seemed a steady, quality left back. Would also have Wayne back too. Would have had De Zeeuw and Hughes too if they were a few years younger too
  12. yeah i agree. shouldn't have been allowed to progress that far up the picth considering we'd just had a corner.
  13. Yeah thats what i was thinking about. Then again i was also thinking the ball would hit the back of the net...
  14. Thought it should have been a red. Wudnt wolfy had been clean through?
  15. I will admit i was one of those who thought we might sniff 6th place, however probably alot of it was being too optimistic on my part. First half today was awful. No organisation and communication. Saw a fair few times 2 and even 3 players going for the same tackle and just hitting each other!
  16. ste1987


    Thinking of getting an iTouch for my birthday soon. Anybody have one who would recommend them?
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