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Everything posted by super_blue

  1. Love a local lancs vs yorks battle under the floodlights! Perfect for me and will be there....
  2. We are a bad match day experience for home fans so not surprised away fans don't rate us!
  3. He won't look like one the club will...he wants to stay so the club need to make It happen if they want him. If someone offers more money and longer contract he'd be stupid to not take it!
  4. What a ball from Harkins....James Dayton you will remember that for a long time every time you close your eyes!
  5. Read the post and the following thread properly...I am making a point and then it is followed by others posting cases that have proved clauses have been inserted! Tosh utter tosh!!!!
  6. But villa have just done it so either their in trouble or the rule has changed. Football league has a different rule system as well!
  7. Teams often put clauses into contracts. I'm trying to think of a specific case but struggling but I'm sure it's happened. I'm not saying for ever but it's generally for signings part the way threw a season. More if doesn't bite them on the arse during a current campaign. I know if apples to loans but can be inserted for transfer signings as well if my memory serves me right!
  8. Just seen this on Tarky and Saturdays match... http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/oldham-fired-up-brentford-clash-6881395 Interesting that every other club in the land would have inserted a clause to stop a former player from playing so close to signing but it shows once again how poor we are at the transfer market!
  9. Always interesting to read people goalkeeping assessments. With a keeper if you have never played the position is very difficult to critic. If you've played outfield you have a general overview of each position and are able to comment from a good starting point. If you have never played in goal as a keeper (not just the crap outfield player that went in for his mates) it is very difficult to comment. It is such a technical/specialist position that is hard to understand!
  10. Flash backs to Billy Urmson loving the shout of 'Corners' when winning towards the end of the matches when he was Ritchies number 2.
  11. I reckon we may not see him start again this season unless injury strikes. LJ maybe looking to next season playing Rabs. Just a thought!
  12. Sidney maybe but I'd have thought we just released Rooney for him to sign a similar contract with Aberbeen.
  13. I played against Wes Brown at school boy level...unimpressed and he marked me as a striker. Also graced the pitch and played against Chris waddle and other top players at the Ernie Cooksey Charity match at boundary park.
  14. That is up at the end of this season if i'm not mistaken and Oldham have prob said he won't get another? Thats why they allowed him to leave?
  15. If you where Luke Simpson and Leicester came sniffing around why on earth would you stay at Oldham?
  16. A lot of this for me is LJ making excuses for poor management and not true. Injuries are unavoidable yes but fitness develops and players get fitter getting consistent game time. When players are dropped it's not like they play a reserve game to stay sharp they are often pulled out of the reserve squad so not to get injured and sit on the bench for the 1st team.
  17. Maybe someone has the stats on this but have we played the same starting 11 at any point this season? I am a big believer of settling on a starting 11 and sticking with it rather than LJ's tactic of setting up for ever team we play differently. Consistency has to be key to progressing and this doesn't come when changing things every game.
  18. Harkins would be a liability at CM as he doesn't have the work rate. Maybe In the hole behind CF would work better or up top at CF. I seem to remember LJ putting him CM once and having to change as it didn't work.
  19. Isn't FC uniteds new stadium coming in at a total of £5million with ALL money all ready in? The stand that's up is the only decent size one and the rest standing as like Curzon ashton I believe. Our single stand is £4Million so I'd imagine it takes a little more work especially on the foundations etc. Although I agree it's taking far to long and I guess this points towards all the money not in place!
  20. I'd be happy if he went, don't rate him much at all! He is one of the players that should be stepping up to the plate but just doesn't look Bothered to me. Been poor for A few weeks and seems to have forgot how to Pass a ball. How towards the end of the game he managed to nutmeg himself is beyond me!
  21. If this is true LJ is starting to get very boring blaming everything but poor team selection/tactics....ball boys fault, no atmosphere, playing in a 3 sided stadium, mental problems with players, mystery injuries, referees fault, luck blah blah blah!!! Just man up and say maybe you made a mistake, people will respect you more!
  22. What you smoking? Release our most consistent performer this season?
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