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Everything posted by laticsmad

  1. Wish we would take it seriously 1 season. great chance to go to wembley!
  2. In recent seasons after conceding first in a game we rarely seemed to have the desire, bottle or know how to get back into a game. However, after watching a great comeback against Millwall, coupled with the draw today you have to say this team has bags of character, and has a never say die attitude! Admittedly it is still early days, but the ability of this seasons team to bounce back against the odds is a good omen for our promotion aspirations! Long may it continue!
  3. sorry can't agree there. Standing is always going to happen when something exciting happens no way this is going to change
  4. I can't ever (and I mean ever) imagine supporting another football team--the betrayal would be the equivolent of sleeping with my best mates wife, it's just not something you would ever do! I have every intention of leaving oldham some time soon with work but I have no doubt I will forever be a blue. Yes admittedly at my worse I have fallen out of love with latics for months, but after a while it drags you back and my love for the club returns. I really hope we do well this season as we are overdue some success on the smaller stage!
  5. Good on you for adding 1 onto next weeks attendance figures. We certainly need it!
  6. ever tried ignoring it or reporting it instead of coming back with the insults! I'm sure you are whiter than white and have never been started a slanging match on here have you. Always the other person.
  7. I had to look twice when on your profile it stated you are 28. Seriously mate follow the rules and you will have no problem. It's about a respect! You show very little to most posters on here, yet demand total respect from others and kick off (like your doing now) if you don't!
  8. That is exactly right! instead of sulking about the poor attendance, try something new and if it doesn't work then fair enough sell 1 of the better players. selling a player without the club even trying to raise attendances will only alienate those that already attend and may cause to only further decimate an already poor showing.
  9. exactly! selling 1 of our better players now when on such a good run will only result in a further reduction in attendances imo.
  10. perhaps a slight over reaction in the heat of the moment after reading the article but if we sold now it would test my loyalty like never before.
  11. Agree with everything you say but it is a fact that attendances have gone progressively worse for the last 3 seasons and it is something that needs to be addressed! don't see how threatening to sell a player is actually going to improve the situation??
  12. fair enough! Threatening to sell a player is a pretty low act imo. fair enough if they had really tried hard to get new supporters through the door then I cud understand them selling but can you honestly say they have tried reducing ticket, and other such schemes! At the end of the day, I dont think it is just down to cost of ticket cause matchday prices have been stuck at £20 for 3 years now. I don't know what the answer is to be honest!
  13. If the crowds are not coming to the game then yes it stands to reason that tta should do something, cut tickets prices etc.. As for me being a glory hunter, well 25 years of supporting the club through thick and thin should tell you otherwise. Sounds like corney is having another whinge. Time to stop blackmailing the fans who are already going wit, we might have to sell 1 of our best players, and try something new such as reducing ticket prices/season tickets.
  14. It's not just the price. We have been in this blasted league for years now and really need to get out for a new leash of life. If we sell 1 of our star players whilst on such a good run then I am afraid it would be bye bye from me. I'm sorry the owners knew what they were taking on so it is up to them to draw in the crowds.
  15. What annoys me about aldrige is he says that latics only won because everton had had half the team out which is true enough. However. the same could have been said about latics.
  16. Welcome bryan. How did you come to surport Latics by the way?
  17. I do believe a major contributing factor for the drum still being around this season is that this Josh fella enjoys the controversy/attention it brings him, and enjoys winding people up. It's really not needed!!!
  18. Why did the police say you couldn't use your phone?
  19. Sulking is my guess and perhaps has only just realised how much he has pissed of all latics fans. At least, in the end, he swallowed his pride and did apologise!
  20. laticsmad

    "FFS" Poll

    The way I see it is a ban on swearing and standing, that is enforced, may keep the minority of PC brigade happy: but this will be outweighed by club losing, for example, 200+ hardcore fans and the voice (singers) on the terraces they bring! I hope this is a case of the club seemed to be doing the right thing rather than actually trying to enforce the ban cause that will be me right off!!! Call me uneducated but I love good natured swear at the right time in the the right place! As for standing, that's always going to happen when bobs view is blocked at the corner, little jonny behind stands up to see over bob's balding head.
  21. laticsmad

    "FFS" Poll

    right who voted they (the club) are exactly right. come on stand up and be counted!!!!
  22. I don't have the will to read all this thread, but what I will say is that if i'm not allowed to stand and swear occasionally I will not be attending any further latics matches at home. This is PC gone crazy!!!!
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