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Everything posted by laticsmad

  1. I can't actually believe you posted that!! Nevermind the fact that we only have about 15 fit professionals in the team and he still finding his form after a bad injury. 2 goals in four games aint bad. Alexandra is an unproven goalscorer at this level.
  2. cheers fellas. common sense tells you no manager is going to be sacked whilst top of the league. cant wait to rub my mates nose in it.
  3. Does anybody know what league position latics were in when Chris Moore sacked Andy Richie as manager? I wasn't around at the time but my mate insists we were top of the table
  4. well i think nothing less than 6 wins from the last 6 will do to get us in the play-offs so despite the fact that today was a great point I do think it has killed off any lingering hopes of making the play-offs too.
  5. Just because it hasn't been addressed doesn't mean it didn't happen. I'm pretty sure it did happen because usually there isn't smoke without fire and I think we can all imagine shezza doing something like this in the heat of the moment. To be honest, If I was getting that much stick I would do the same--everyone has there breaking point! Just had to pick you up on that point.
  6. grrr here goes. 1st goal: 15minutes 33seconds final score: Doncaster 2 Latics 1 (somebody shoot me I know).
  7. simple really sell them both for a good price and if, and that is a big IF, we reinvest the money back into the team. Otherwise, what is the point in selling them if it is done just to keep tta happy for another year.
  8. come on lads and ladies does it really matter and do we really not have anything better to discuss? I hope not!!!
  9. Sorry but can anyone confirm or deny that tta have threatened to walk out if season ticket sales are poor because if that is true then I expect them to be walking come July/August time?!
  10. hmm i think alexandra and smalley have had more than 10 games each with 1 goals to show for it while pushing for promotion. Why not not give the lad a proper go and then make a final decision on him one way or the other!
  11. catch 22 how can an unproven player prove himself unless given a chance!? your original message seem to imply however that wolfy had been given lots of chances which he hasn't has he!
  12. I'm sorry but if you don't give the lad a run of say at least 10 consecutive games I really don't know how can you say that. Not saying he will make the grade but untill you give the lad a proper run in the team you just cant judge him like that.
  13. As long as he doesn't drink and drive again I really cant see a problem.
  14. 6 point in 8 games you say. ill take that bet!!!
  15. How can we still do it if the club has given up on it???
  16. hmm, no more loan signing and we are only 3 points of the play-offs and we don't even have the players to fill the bench. In my eyes that is throwing in the towel!!!
  17. We certainly didn't bottle it in the final. Bottle is something that that team had in abundance! The plain and simple fact was that after playing 60 odd games in a season the small squad that we has was knackered, nothing left in the tank and therefore fell short in the final.
  18. Well I could do all these things at a sunday league match for no money and I would proberbly see a hell of alot more passion/fight. Don't get me wrong more likely than not I will be at the next home game, but to hear the club say we're not going to take any more chances on this season makes me feel gutted, worse than after the Luton game. After comments like like this I don't think they can have any complaints about the ineviatable low attendences for the rest of the season. We don't deserved to be in the play-offs and we're not good enough really this season: but god damm it I don't care I want to be in them.
  19. Self-explanatory don't you think! 3 points of the play-offs and were throwng in the towel. Whats the point of going to the rest of the home games this season if the club has given up hope on achieving success. it's a two way street imo.
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